
Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!

author:Love life like a dream

In 2024, the 26th issue of music is coming from the TOP10 list of your list, congratulations to Zhou Shen "Hi" for reaching the top, ranking first, "Halfway to the World" ranking second, "Twilight Echo" ranking third, "If the Moon Doesn't Come" ranking fourth, Ma Jiaqi's "Mayfly" ranking fifth, Zhou Shen's "Little Happiness" ranking sixth, "Reborn I am a stranger in a foreign land" ranking seventh, "Afterglow" ranking eighth, "Parting Flowers" ranking ninth, "Falling" ranking tenth, Which song do you like?

Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!
Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!

Zhou Shen's "Hi" reached the top, and it deserves its name, this song has a special significance, as the first title song of the next part of Zhou Shen's second new solo album "Anti-Deep Pronouns", the more you listen to it, the better it sounds. This song is elegant and retro, his warm singing voice slowly flows into the listener's heart with the melody, and every note is infused with his emotions, which is the gentle power from Zhou Shen, a very soft, very delicate, and very charming little romance is shown, do you like this song?

Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!

"Halfway to the World" ranks steadily, ranking second, it is indeed a good song, when the editor first heard it, he was "sighing for wine, boiling the past into medicine, and respecting the mulberry field in the autumn wind and rain, and there is no youth from then on." I asked the moon to borrow Hua Shao, and then listened to the autumn breeze to tell the long, a piece of fragrant cooking and Qinghuan, trivial and ordinary" was deeply attracted, recalling a lot of past events, the reason why this song is liked by the public is also because it can be sung into everyone's hearts.

Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!

Zhou Shen's "Little Happiness" ranks sixth, and this song is also very good, and the editor likes it very much. Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily! Which song do you like?

Music by You List: Zhou Shen's "Hi" topped the list, and "Halfway to the World" ranked steadily!

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