
The Yangtze River Delta environmental protection youth work together to "carbon" for a green future, Shanghai
The Yangtze River Delta environmental protection youth work together to "carbon" for a green future, Shanghai News, June 28 (Xu Jing) The opening ceremony of the 2024 Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai) Youth Volunteer Green Camp and Student "Carbon" Rope Camp of "Beautiful China Youth Action" kicked off in the auditorium of Yangshupu Water Plant, the first modern water plant in China, on the 28th.

This year, the scope of recruitment of green campers has been expanded from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta region for the first time, helping to form a regional synergy of the Communist Youth League to lead young people to help the integrated green development of the Yangtze River Delta. The young campers will go from the classroom to the mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands, turning "nature" into a "big classroom".

The event was jointly sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, and supported by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Shanghai Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Greening and City Appearance Bureau, the Human Resources and Environmental Construction Committee of the CPPCC, the Municipal Food and Material Reserve Bureau, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League.

The Youth Volunteer Green Camp Project is an important measure for the Shanghai Communist Youth League to implement the concept of green development and promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

It is reported that the Youth Volunteer Green Camp and Student Carbon Camp Project has gone through 7 years since it was launched in 2017. Groups of young people have traveled to the Yangtze River Basin, the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai's "Five New Cities" and beautiful villages, discovered and trained more than 200 young environmental protection backbones, and formed more than 20 research reports.

The project focuses on "Biodiversity Conservation and the Construction of a Beautiful China - Building a Community of Life in Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Lakes, Grass and Sands", "Practicing the Concept of Big Food and Ensuring Food Security", "Exploring the Implementation Path of Water-saving and Low-carbon Goals", "Conveying the Concept of Green and Low-carbon, and Drawing the Background Color of Beautiful Cities" to carry out ecological civilization research and practice, and the campers from the Yangtze River Delta region will carry out a six-day ecological civilization research and practice activity in Shanghai and Sanming City, Fujian Province. Visit Yubang Village, Sanming City, the birthplace of snacks in Shaxian County, Jinrao Mountain, the highest peak in Fujian Province, the Anti-"Encirclement and Suppression" Memorial Hall of the Central Soviet District of Jianning County, the Lianhai Terraced Rice Fields, the "World's Largest Terraced Fields", and the Tomorrow Lai Ranch...... Through research and research, agricultural practice, volunteer service and other forms, we can truly feel the "harmonious coexistence of man and nature", explore the new development of the countryside under ecological and environmental protection, and harvest and grow together.

At the ceremony, Wang Jiang, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Youth League, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Municipal Youth League School, presented the flag to the campers, and he hoped to take this event as an opportunity to fully understand the responsibilities and missions of young people in the new era and new journey. Be a pioneer in leading green and low-carbon. It is hoped that through the project, the green concept and volunteer spirit will be inherited, and young talents will continue to be delivered to the environmental protection cause of young people in Shanghai. Forming high-quality research results. It is hoped that the campers will cherish the learning opportunity and form a detailed research report around the research theme under the guidance of professional teachers.

"Although our Green Camp research trip is over, the story of our and the Green Camp is still to be continued." Ma Shuai, a post-00 student who studied at the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, shared with the young people present as the "senior" of the green camp, "The trip of the green camp is short, but the harvest, exercise and growth brought to us are unforgettable. Today, Ma Shuai participates in the Love Association of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee and serves as the vice president, and has also become a member of the Huangpu "Dream Home" Volunteer Service Club, actively participating in the "Little Water Drop" River Protection Action, Jinhui Action, and serving to ensure the Olympic Qualifying Tournament, Youth Shanghai Sustainable Life Festival and other volunteer services. In July, he will lead a team to Sanxi Primary School in Wushan County, Chongqing, "I will tell the unfinished story of our green camp to the left-behind children in the old revolutionary base area, tell the story that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and plant green seeds in the hearts of the children." ”

"With the summer vacation coming, the volunteers of our water-saving knowledge into the classroom youth volunteer service team are starting to get busy again." Feng Lu, deputy secretary of the Youth League branch of Shanghai Water Supply Management Affairs Center, shared the harvest and experience of ecological civilization education practice at the scene. In the past ten years, the volunteer service team has traveled all over Shanghai, telling children about the preciousness of water resources with simple language and vivid pictures. Last year, the high-quality courseware "Cherish the Little Water Droplets, the City is More Beautiful" was included in the public welfare course of the Youth League Municipal Committee's love summer nursery school, which was aimed at 16 districts and more than 300 love summer nursery schools in the city to popularize water resources knowledge, popularize water-saving related policies and regulations, teach water-saving skills, improve quality and efficiency with the help of the summer nursery school platform, and further expand the scope of publicity.

It is worth mentioning that this year, this kind of ecological civilization volunteer preaching will continue to enter the city's 690 primary school students' love summer nursery classes. Seven environmental protection public welfare courses, including "Refuse White Pollution, Strive to Be a Plastic Reduction Expert", "Protect the Water Environment, Strive to Be a River Xiaoqing", and "Cherish Small Water Droplets, Make the City More Beautiful", have been upgraded again, and are expected to serve more than 20,000 primary school students and achieve full coverage of the city's streets and townships. At the scene, Zhao Ming, a member of the party group and a first-level inspector of the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, and Zhou Haijian, deputy director of the Municipal Greening and City Appearance Bureau and a first-level inspector, issued a letter of appointment to the representatives of the young volunteer lecturers, hoping that they would drive the majority of young people to better grasp the knowledge of ecological and environmental protection and practice the concept of green environmental protection.

The project will gather four universities and high-quality forces in Binjiang to set up three routes: "Science Popularization Learning Tour", "Rust Belt Transformation Tour" and "Ecological Experience Tour", and explore the realistic path for young students to participate in the "New Practice of People's City" and promote the construction of ecological civilization.

At the ceremony, youth representatives from all walks of life issued the Initiative of Loving Food and Saving Food, calling on the majority of young people to form the concept of "Love Food and Save Food, Youth First" and put it into action. The Communist Youth League of the three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta also jointly launched the "Youth Guarding China's Grain" 2024 Yangtze River Delta Youth Theme Cultural Creativity and Curriculum Design Competition, which is divided into visual communication, digital media, and food saving courses, aiming to promote the traditional virtues of hard work, diligence and thrift of the Chinese nation, firmly establish the awareness of food security, and make the concept of food conservation become popular among young people and even the whole society.

At the same time, the three provinces and one municipality will also jointly launch the Yangtze River Delta Youth Volunteer Green Camp and Student Carbon Camp Social Research Activities, and widely mobilize universities and youth social organizations in the Yangtze River Delta region to devote themselves to the research and practice of ecological civilization. Shanghai Youth Volunteers, Suzhou Youth Social Federation, Zhejiang "Pro-Youth Gang", and Anhui Youth Volunteers WeChat will jointly issue recruitment announcements. This summer, the youth of the Yangtze River Delta will act together to practice the concept of ecological and environmental protection and protect the green waters and green mountains. (ENDS)

Editor: Xu Jing

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