
The top 8 of men's singles are born! Six Japanese people advanced, Tomokazu Zhang won a big victory, and many famous players were eliminated

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The top 8 of men's singles are born! Six Japanese people advanced, Tomokazu Zhang won a big victory, and many famous players were eliminated

On June 29, Beijing time, the table tennis WTT Tunisia regular season men's singles quarterfinals were all born, and the Japanese players were like a bamboo, six athletes - Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Shinozuka Daito, Matsushima Terukor, Yoshimura Maharu, Uda Yuya, and Kawa Ruiki were promoted, and only Denmark's Grote and Croatia's Pucar were left in other associations.

As for the famous players Simon (France), Achanta (India), Ghana Sekaran (India), Karlsson (Sweden), Moregaard (Sweden) and others have all been eliminated, and all of them have lost to Japanese athletes, please see below for details.

The top 8 of men's singles are born! Six Japanese people advanced, Tomokazu Zhang won a big victory, and many famous players were eliminated

In this competition, all the national table tennis was absent, although not all the main forces of the Japanese team participated, but after all, a large number of elites came, so they took the initiative in a number of events, including the first round of men's singles overturned a number of masters, Zhang Benzhihe swept Sweden world champion Karlsson 3-0, Shinozuka Daiden 3-1 eliminated Sweden world runner-up Moregaard, and finally the whole team of six people advanced to the top 16.

In the subsequent 1/8 finals, the Japanese men's singles players won a big victory and did not lose a single game, which also allowed them to get six of the quarterfinals, forming an overwhelming advantage over other associations.

The top 8 of men's singles are born! Six Japanese people advanced, Tomokazu Zhang won a big victory, and many famous players were eliminated

In the top half, Men's Singles top seed Tomokazu Teomoto met Singapore's Kwok Yong to win 3-0 and will next face Japan's national champion Ruiki Kagawa, who narrowly beat India's Takar 3-2 at 16-8, while 17-year-old Teruku Matsushima swept past India's Ganasekaran 3-0 to advance.

The next opponent of Matsushima Teruku will be the Danish star Grote, who also swept the French athlete Dole 3-0, who had a highlight moment of defeating the main national table tennis player Lin Gaoyuan not long ago, but has no advantage over Matsushima Terukor, and it may not be easy to advance.

The top 8 of men's singles are born! Six Japanese people advanced, Tomokazu Zhang won a big victory, and many famous players were eliminated

In the second half, Japan's national champion Yukiya Uda played steadily, eliminating France's main Simon 3-1; World champion Maharu Yoshimura is still going strong, narrowly beating India's first brother Achanta 3-2; The main Olympic team Shinozuka Daden also passed 3-2, eliminating Chinese Taipei athlete Feng Yixin, and will next stage a derby battle with Yoshimura Maharu.

As for Yuya Uda's next opponent will be Croatian star Pucar, who defeated Chinese Taipei athlete Huang Yancheng 3-1, so can Pucar and Grote break through the Japanese men's singles defense and continue to impact the semifinals, finals and championships?

The suspense is still there, let's wait and see!

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