
Gong Pengcheng: As a reader

author:Establish a heart for heaven and earth
Gong Pengcheng: As a reader

Scholars in traditional society are said to be at the top of society, "everything is inferior, only reading is high".

It's a pity that the actual situation is often not as good as propaganda, and the overall quality of life and status of literati is getting worse every time, and the Qing Dynasty is already very unbearable,......,.

Now the example to be given is the historian Zhang Xuecheng (No. Shi Zhai) who lived in the so-called "prosperous era of Qianjia". Qianlong for three years? Jiaqing 6th year, 1738-1801).

1. Nerd: Academics as a career/career

Scholars are in turmoil, while Zhang Sheng Ding is prosperous; Scholars are bitter and lonely, and Zhang often lives in the capital, which is quite close to the famous public attractions. It looks like it's supposed to be in a good situation, but it's actually very embarrassing.

Weng Fanggang once asked Liu Taigong: "Zhang Xuecheng studied what way to study." Its learning is not yet known to the world, let alone Dengshi? Who can recommend it? The career of living in Beijing is slightly like the old Du You Chang'an, "the rich children are detained, and the fat horse dust is followed at dusk." The remnants of the cup and the cold burn, the sorrow lurks everywhere".

He also looks sleepy, has spots on his face, is deaf, and suffers from head wind. In his later years, Zeng Yi, the salt transport envoy of Yangzhou, wrote a poem to send him, but he only said that it was ugly ("Gift Zhang Shizhai Guobo Poem"), and its ugliness can be known.

There is no poetry, and there is no talent to sway. Therefore, Yuan Mei is "lustful", and he can't go along the way to recruit female disciples, and neither can literati like Wang Zhong, Shen Deqian, and Yao Nai.

Learning is dull, and the talent is even lower than ordinary people. At the age of fourteen, they were all married, but they couldn't finish reading "The Book of Four Sons".

Since then, although the mechanics have continued, there are very few works, and they have been stolen or have not been circulated in detail. Today, the two general meanings of "Literature and History" and "School Log" are not manuscripts, and they are mixed together with a lot of entertainment texts, and they have been published for more than 30 years after his death. The sloppy loneliness of his life can be imagined.

I sympathize with him, as well as for them.

(1) I lost my life in order to study

He, in fact, is the general state of a traditional reader. Reading has changed from a habit to a life; There is nothing else in life but reading.

For example, if you look at the "Zhang Shizhai Yearbook" compiled by Hu Shi, Shizhai's life is just buying books, reading, writing, teaching, compiling, engraving books, and so on. What kind of entertainment life do you have besides studying? Horseback riding, hunting, opera, music, flower viewing, sightseeing, traveling, carving, writing, painting, nothing, nothing. The situation at home is even more invisible.

He had a sister and many younger sisters: he was married at the age of fourteen, and soon took a concubine from Cai; In his later years, he vigorously opposed Wang Zhong's opposition to unmarried women's chastity and death, so his view of women and home life should also be rich and excavable, three women in one play. But everything is covered by "reading".

And this may not be the nerd Hu Shi covering it up for him, but himself.

When he was two or three years old, his elders often took him to ask for wine from the neighboring store, so he was good at drinking. As the saying goes, "less practice is like nature", how good is it to drink well and drink? But this may have become the qualification of a drunkard, a swordsman, a poet, and a scribe, but it was later buried. So he is not like Hong Liangji, he can drink, can poetry, can make seals, can write prose, and loves opera, and is considered to be a bosom friend of the Qin dialect. is not like Huang Zhongze, who can move the world with poetry and wine.

(2) In order to live, work hard to make a living

Reading is of course a good thing, but reading is not life after all. If you want to "live", you have to make a living, you have to make a living, you have to find a job.

At this time, scholars are inferior to agriculture, industry, and commerce.

Farmers can plough and study both; Craftsmen and craftsmen can keep their profession in the world, and then make this industry into a science (for example, the inheritance of being a soldier develops into military science, the inheritance of being a doctor develops into medicine, and the inheritance of feng shui becomes an onmyoji......). Later, Zhang Xuecheng's ideal academic state was actually based on this model); Although a businessman has no heart and time to study, but when he makes money, he can train his children to read for him, or hire someone to write books for him, or he doesn't have to read at all.

Only the reader is the worst.

A scholar cannot plough and read at the same time as a farmer, and the two are stable sidelines or part-time jobs for each other, because he does not know how to work in the farm, his life has become urbanized, and he cannot return to the countryside, but his relatives in his hometown are still waiting for him to provide for him. There is no craft to make a living; business, very despised and in fact will not. Shen Sanbai failed the exam, so he had no choice but to learn from his uncle to be a businessman and sell wine, and the result was a case in which he lost all his money.

Out of respect and kindness, traditional society has set identity restrictions for scholars. Xiucai and above, called "Sven people", lawsuits to officials, are still still kneeling, carrying coffins, Wu City, powder ink and many other cheap jobs are not allowed to do, so as not to insult Sven. Therefore, even if you want to be a craftsman and a businessman, there is no way.

And if a scholar wants to make a living, the deepest and biggest crux is actually not in these places. The reason is: if he can't read, he can't be a reader; If he really becomes a reader, then he only wants to read and can only read, and everything else is done at the same time, or as a last resort. Although it is not said to be careless, it is always impossible to do its best.

For example, the biggest occupation of a reader is teaching. After Zhang Xuecheng was forty years old, he wandered around Dingzhou Dingwu Academy, Liang Guozhi Family School, Daimyo Qingzhang Academy, Yongping Jingsheng Academy, Baoding Lianchi Academy, Guide Wenzheng Academy, and Anhui Academic History Administration......

This work, because Confucius once did, is the most comfortable to do, and the society agrees. But it is very unstable.

First, there must be acquaintances to introduce you to the private school, and there must be students to teach, and the chances are not too high. When the child grows up, the Mongolian Pavilion will naturally end, so it is not a place to stay for a long time. If you teach well and pass the imperial examination, the hall will end immediately, and you will lose your job; If the students you teach keep failing the exam, you don't have the face to teach.

The second is that the owner is sick and mourned or migrated, and the museum is changed, for example, the owner only has widowed mothers and young children, and the teacher naturally has to leave to avoid suspicion. The master is degraded, or Li Deyu Su Dongpo's Hainan, or Ji Yunlin Zexu's Urumqi, you can't go with it.

The third is that there are so many academies in the world, and there are endless Han scholars, there is a chair, everyone comes to grab it, in addition to learning, but also to fight for relationships. Even if you sit in a lecture, it may not last. Therefore, in December of the 51st year of Qianlong, Liang Guozhi died, and Zhang Xuecheng immediately had to resign from the teaching chair of Lianchi Academy due to the loss of Austrian aid.

I finally earned a teaching chair, and my heart may not be comfortable. Because I originally wanted to "establish myself as a person", but now, because of underdevelopment, I found a Mongolian museum, accompanied a few dolls, and sat and waited for the evening. Say some common sense known in childhood, correct endless incomprehensible articles, and confuse for some reason.

Self-reliance is hopeless, and it is even more difficult to make meritorious contributions and help the people through the world. Occasionally, if you meet a person with good talent, it is equivalent to winning the lottery, which is a pie in the sky; Most of the time, it's just that teachers and students are relatively vomiting.

When Zhang Xuecheng was a child, he studied with Wang Hao in the Lingfeng Book House of his classmate Du Binghe's house, which fully demonstrated this situation. At that time, there were seven or eight classmates, and he said: "Mr. Wang often tarted people, and Du Jun suffered the most tartlets, even hurt his brain, and died." After the injury healed, the top flesh and bone bulged and did not recover. It's cool. ”

In fact, this was the case with many teachers in the old days. When parents send their children to school, they often have to say to the teacher, "If the child is disobedient, even if he is beaten", the teacher really scolded him, and called it "the teacher is strict and respectful", but in fact, it is the helplessness formed under the teacher's abnormal psychology. Just as a farmer wants to reap, he cannot help but look forward to the wind and rain; When the wind and rain come, it will inevitably hurt the harvest; But as long as the sudden wind and rain did not kill the seedlings, the farmers could still endure it, and even have to be thankful.

Teachers are often absent-minded and have other plans while teaching. The main thing is not to think about Yan Ruyu and the Golden House. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the government could still use this to deceive the monarch into entering the court, and the scholars of the Qing Dynasty no longer had the extravagant idea of "profit" and "desire", and only thought about "fame".

The name of the present world is the imperial examination, and the achievement of the name of the department is enough to comfort oneself and one's ancestors. The name of the Hereafter will be done. Therefore, teaching is nothing more than a perfunctory responsibility, and you must try to find time to prepare for your own imperial examinations, or write books in order to be immortal.

This is the main business, and it has not changed to this day. In recent years, although teaching should also be assessed and valued, you can't hand in the books to try. There is still a proverb among American universities today that "if you don't publish, you will get out" (the specific historical example is Huang Renyu), not to mention the Qing Dynasty!

Second, out of the office: the continuous development of the career

(1) From "learning from the king" to "learning from the king"

Taking the imperial examination itself is also the right way for scholars to come from a background. However, there is a difference between the early and late entry of scholars.

At the earliest, only nobles could be educated, as Zhang Xuecheng said, "learn from the king's officials", so all scholars who are officials are like no samurai who are not nobles. After Confucius broke the monopoly of academic education, ordinary people could also receive education, and even everyone could learn, learn, and have the right to be educated, which was a major breakthrough in human history.

In my opinion, of course, this is a great thing, but Zhang Xuecheng thought otherwise, and scolded Confucius over and over again, and wanted to remove his old man's cold pork. But let's not talk about it for the time being, in short, scholars are not limited to officials, on the contrary, that is, scholars can be scholars.

It is not arable and fishable. Shi is a big family, and the official eunuch is enough to maintain the portal; Civilians can also make meritorious contributions based on this. Or a strong man throws a pen, drives the inside and outside of the domain, or gives Lingyun words, assists the king's left and right, recruits and investigates, is virtuous in literature, and ascends to the court on the way, and competes in the court. Therefore, the scholars gradually formed a group with the eunuchs.

Chen Yinke said that there are two major standards for the scholars, one is the successive generations of eunuchs, and the other is the heirloom of scriptures and rituals, which is the truth. The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties belonged to this kind of scholar society, which was an aristocratic society of the clan and the scholar clan, not a clan. It seems that the nine products are upright, quite based on blood, but in fact, "literature" is better than "blood", so Bao Zhao is a person like him, and he can still be outstanding.

That is to say, during this period, one is the freedom of the individual, depending on the individual's wishes; The second is that Shi Bushi is not "identity orientation", and Shi Eun can rely on his own ability. The imperial examinations of the Sui and Tang dynasties, of course, expanded this trend, and the adhesion between officials and scholars became higher and higher.

Therefore, we will see that from the Six Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty, there were still strong "Shi/Yin" conflicts or disputes, and after the Song Dynasty, there were fewer of them. It seems natural for scholars to participate in the imperial examination to enter the ranks. The reason may be that the purpose of reading is to learn from the political people, as Fan Zhongyan said, "the worries of the world first, and the joy of the world after the world"; It may also be economic or subsistence, as the valley poem says: "The poor family only takes the official as the business." ”

(2) From "governing the people" to "studying on a temporary basis"

But no matter how cohesive the group of officials and scholars is, they are not one after all.

There are many scholars and few officials, and many people can't squeeze in; or reluctantly entered, but only wandered around the edge of the circle, and could not squeeze into the center; or squeezed and squeezed out; Or squeezed for a while, feeling that it was not very interesting, so I simply left and found another way to make a living.

But there are no books outside the circle, but people are still desperately squeezing in. One is the Ximen Qing style, relying on collusion with officials to live in the Shandong Provincial Punishment Center, similar to the current director of the public security bureau.

One is to donate money to buy an official style, which can get a false title, a canon, and a background. Although the Qing Dynasty stipulated that he could only be an alternate official, he could not be an official Han or Zhan, and he was not allowed to take the examination for subjects and Taoism. People who donate officials often ignore these and ask for just an official name, and they don't want to do anything, so this kind of restriction is not very effective.

Of course, the Government is aware of this, so it has even set up an off-establishment post to meet the demand for official addiction among the wealthy. This is called an out-of-staff member. It is the most typical system that Mencius said that "the upper and lower levels are levied and the country is in danger".

Outside the staff, it is not the same as the outside staff. Wai Lang is a formal establishment, the Ming and Qing dynasties of the six departments have a staff wai lang, for the adjutant of each department, the Qing system from the five products. Outside the staff, they are idle errands, which are used to house the rich and powerful. The Tang Dynasty has already been ("Tongjian" records: Shenlong in March of the second year of the large number of foreign officials, from Beijing and Zhuzhou Fan more than 2,000 people), and later became more and more common.

So much so that outsiders have become a common term for rich people, just as young women are called young women, and older women are called Mrs. and Mrs. So. Li Xingdao of the Yuan Dynasty said very clearly in "The Gray Appendix": "We have a few people here, and they all call him an outsider, and he is a rich man and has no grade." ”

However, although the donation of officials as a whole is very unbearable, it is a bad policy; However, the number of people who donated to the government is large, and there are many people who work hard. For example, when I went to Dongguan, the best-preserved Qing Dynasty garden in the area, called Keyuan, is still a museum. Yuan advocated dedication is to donate official origin, but he made a lot of military exploits when pacifying the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

These categories of people are all competitors in the officialdom of scholars. The competition is too fierce, and the scholars have to find another way of subordination on the way.

What is a secondary career?

To be an official, of course, it is good to have a high position, so everyone sharpened their heads to grab a good position and seek promotion. However, if the government wants to manage the affairs of the world, it must set up some cold yamen with little oil and water, such as the cultural, educational, and environmental protection departments.

is also an official, to be a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, the editor of the National History Museum, and the academic politics of various provinces, they are all cold officials, copying, compiling, teaching, and managing literature all day long, which is no different from being a scholar at home (Ji Yun himself has a poem that says: Whoever plants Xiao Xiao hundreds of rods, and the companion is called an idle official; Don't compete for spring with the enchantment, stay alone and wait for the cold). I don't have the right to command people, and I don't have the money to support myself, and even the servants feel that it's very unlucky to follow you. If there is a mistake in copying and compiling books, you may even lose all your family funds (for example, Ji Yun and Lu Xixiong, the chief compilers of "Four Libraries", were repeatedly fined by Qianlong for typos), and even lost their lives.

This kind of official is tasteless to do, so he can only be called a subordinate servant, doing second-line work. Or it's not called any work, it's just a reserve officialdom and a temporary study. It is slightly stronger than "squatting at home", it is a salary, and the whole family does not have to be like Huang Zhongze, "the whole family is in the autumn wind, and the clothes are not cut in September".

In the forty-first year of Qianlong, Huang Zhong was summoned by Emperor Qianlong to take the test, took the second class, was given two satins, and served as the bookmark official of the Wuying Palace, which belongs to this category. From managing the study at home, to managing the study in the palace, he is not interested in the people's governance.

This is true for the central government, and so on.

For example, in the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, when the county system and feudalism coexisted, scholars mainly crowded to the emperor's side and entered the centralized county system. But there are also many people who retreat to the next best thing and go to the path of dividing the king. For example, Sima Xiangru was originally a guest of King Xiao of Liang, and used this as a springboard, and later entered the circle of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. At that time, there were many talents under the kings, which were called subordinate servants, who also ate the monarchy, but did not govern the people.

When scholars go to these princes and kings, one is to give advice and help. For example, if Wu Wangbi, Huainan Wang, Yan Wang Zhu Di, and Ning Wang Chenhao want to rebel, they need this kind of person.

But if the king doesn't want to do anything big, then he doesn't govern the people, so he can naturally travel through the years, play and sing, calligraphy and painting, and indulge in books. At this time, he needs a group of helpers to help him waste his time. For example, although Zhu Quan, the first generation of Ning King of the Ming Dynasty, also had merits, he mainly played in the later period, compiling "Wen Spectrum", "Emperor Zhidao Taiqing Jade Book", "Poetry Score", Guqin Song Collection "Magical Secret Score", Northern Music Score "Taihe Zhengyin Score", "Wutou Collection Rhyme", "Qionglin Yayun" and miscellaneous dramas "Da Luotian" and "elopement Xiangru" ("Qianqingtang Bibliography" in the "Ning Xianwang Bibliography" listed 137 kinds). How can he be so powerful? Obviously, it was necessary to have the participation of many of his helpers who were idle readers.

The big bureaucrats in the central county system, such as the assassins, the jiedu envoys, the daotai, the governors, etc., also need these two types of staff. those who help, can assist him in governing the people, and draft documents; Those who help the idle can praise the culture and tidy the literature. Wanderers who can't enter the center often gather around them; Those who did not get along well in the center often retreated to their shogunate in search of new opportunities.

During the Tang and Song dynasties, Li Shangyin followed Zheng Ya to Guilin, followed Liu Zhongying to Sichuan, and it rained at night in Bashan; Lu You followed Fan Chengda into Shu and rode a donkey to Jianmen, which were all examples of the career of the wanderer, and were important literary ecological phenomena at that time. You can refer to Dai Weihua's "Tang Fangzhen Civil Servant Zuo Kao" and other books.

In the study of the group of readers, the early themes were provenance and place, official and hidden; Then there is mourning for fate and sorrow; Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been necessary to care about the parade and the curtain; In the Song Dynasty, more attention should be paid to the trend of downward class, localization, and commercial flow; In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it became more and more difficult for scholars to govern their lives, which stimulated and expanded all the previous problems.

In addition to the traditional compilation of books and literature collections, the Qing Dynasty officials were especially keen on compiling Fang Zhi (advocated by Gu Yanwu and Gu Zuyu in the early Qing Dynasty, and recently inspired by the Qianlong Dynasty in the fifth year of the imperial court to complete the "Unification Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty"). The former, such as Ruan Yuan's compilation of the "Compilation of Scriptures", and the latter, such as Bi Yuan's appointment of Zhang Xuecheng to repair the "Hubei Tongzhi" and "Changde Mansion Chronicles", all provided many opportunities for the Han people in the world to survive.

3. Career as a traveler, running around the rivers and lakes

In a society where scholars and official groups highly overlap, Zhang Xuecheng originally planned to learn to pursue a career and follow his father's old path. However, in the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong, he went to Beijing to take the township test of Shuntianfu, but failed to win. The next year, he went to the township to take the test, but was reprimanded again, so he had to study in Guozijian.

Why did you want to be a student in Guozijian? Study hard and do learning? No. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, Guozijian and schools at all levels, as now, did not do learning, but only memorized, mocked exams, and did exercises to seek academic qualifications. Luo Disheng also often lives in the middle of it to earn food and clothing.

Food? Yes, because the school and the college provide anointing fire, although there is not much money, temporary shelter, almost enough food.

It's a pity that his foundation is too poor, and he studies in Guozijian, and his exam ranking is often in the bottom few, and he is despised a lot. It wasn't until the thirtieth year of Qianlong, when he was twenty-eight years old, that he entered the Hanlin Academy to study under Zhu Yun.

In the 32nd year of Qianlong, Zhang Xuecheng once planned to "screen everything, and be angry as a decision". But this year, Zhu Yun's edict to revise the "Shuntianfu Chronicles" happened to give him inspiration. He was already struggling to make a living, so he took the opportunity to participate in the revision of the "Guozi Jian Zhi".

The following year, Zhang Xuecheng's father died, and the whole family of seventeen or eighteen came to Beijing, and he could only write a letter to ask his teacher Zhu Yun to help him seek the job of compiling books, "This is a matter of life and death, Master, there should be help." ”

In the thirty-fourth year of Qianlong, he edited the "Music Dictionary" of the "Continuation of the General Dictionary" for Qin Zhixuan. It seemed that the cause of compiling books could be carried out optimistically, but there was a disagreement with the people who revised the "Guozi Jian Zhi" together, and in the thirty-sixth year, he finally resigned.

In the 38th year of Qianlong, he was introduced by Zhu Yun and went to Hezhou to participate in the compilation of "Hezhou Chronicles".

When it came to run, it was the forty-second year of Qianlong, and he should be admitted to the Tianfu Township test, and the following year he was awarded the Jinshi. He also passed the ceremony of entering the office, and was forty years old at the time.

But he immediately admitted that he was deviant and did not have the quality to be an official, and he never really stepped into the official career.


First, after decades of twists and turns, it has been clarified whether to be an official or a scholar is my life's vocation. In the 46th year of Qianlong, when he was in Qingzhang Academy, he once asked his students, asking: "If all the students have also ascended to the rank of scholar and have nothing to do, they will bundle their books and not look at them?" Or will there still be those who can't help themselves? In fact, it is to say your own answer. Examinations and examinations are just a process, just like the Rites of Passage as the anthropologist Gennap said; Reading is a lifelong thing.

The second is that although he has not officially entered the office, because he has followed Zhu Yun and others for a long time and traveled to the shogunate of the major bureaucrats, he has already experienced the officialdom. I know very well that I don't have the ability to handle affairs and govern, and I don't have a harmonious way of dealing with people, so I won't have a future as an official at all. Even if you reluctantly do it, you can only be like Zhu Yun, sitting in the cold yamen, helping idle, and compiling books.

As long as you travel and find an opportunity, you can compile a book, and you don't need to be a member. Like Dai Zhen, who has no name, he has been running all his life, and people everywhere can ask him to compile books; Participated in the palace examination, but after being born as a Jinshi, he was still compiling books, and he died immediately, so there was no benefit. What is the benefit of becoming an official?

Third, for Zhang Xuecheng, profit is more realistic and more important than fame. He first had to solve the problem of poverty, and the ointment of the students of Guozijian was certainly not enough to support his family; After being admitted to the Jinshi, what kind of officials will you be assigned to? Guozijian classics. Isn't that back to square one? I had no choice but to travel and forage for food.

It is also difficult to swim, and it is not even a coincidence. In the forty-sixth year of Qianlong, Hu Pu: "In March, go to Henan, rude? Haidu, no return. was stolen on the way, and lost all his pockets and biographies. Embarrassed and dressed in short Ge, Zhang Weiqi was born in the same year as Zhang Weiqi in Zhili Feixiang County. Wei Qi hired a chair at Qingzhang Academy in Feixiang County. Life is still extremely difficult, and he has repeatedly asked Liang Guozhi and Shao Jinhan for help. ”

In the fifty-second year of Qianlong, if you think of a way, you should return to officialdom, at least you can have a guarantee for food. I heard that the Jinshi of his Chinese style that year could be elected, so he rushed to the ministry to vote. As a result, he encountered robberies on the road, and "those who made no livelihood and switched to friends for a few years" (Hu Pu).

It was delayed until October, and it was said that it could be distributed to the county, but I couldn't do it if I thought about it. Give up, or return to Baoding.

In Baoding, a friend Zhou Zhenrong came to visit, discussed "Yangmeng Technique" with each other, and argued for a long time. When the servants heard this, they all thought it was funny, and said, "In this province, if you don't go to the hot officials, you will gather to litigate this useless speech." It's not enough to be full. “

Zhou Zhenrong introduced him to Biyuan Screen. He then wrote to Bi Yuan: "Love is like Your Excellency, and you must not be contemptible to follow it; Negative and contemptible people, and not into the degree of your tailoring, it is a defect such as? "Wen Ru Tang people are dry, quite ridiculous, but they have been appreciated, and they began to compile the "Historical Book Examination".

However, good dreams are often short, in the 59th year of Qianlong, Bi Yuan was demoted to the governor of Shandong because of the untrue report of the Hubei cult case, and Zhang Xuecheng lost his job at the same time, and he couldn't take care of the "Historical Book Examination".

returned to his hometown in embarrassment, unable to survive, but traveled to Yangzhou and Huiji, hoping to get Ruan Yuan's help; He didn't get anything for a while, but he got the news that Bi Yuan was back to serve as the governor of Huguang, so he immediately went north. On the one hand, it is possible to complete the fragments such as the "Historical Book Examination", and on the other hand, it is also possible to have a position and income.

Unexpectedly, Bi Yuan was very busy with the bandits and had no time for literature, which made him even more embarrassed, and he almost wanted to be a beggar. Fortunately, his teacher Zhu Yun's younger brother Zhu Qi actually taught the governor of Liangguang, and he hurriedly asked for help in the "Book of the Uncles of Zhu Zhongtang": "The bandit Shanger in Chuzhong is punished, and the Yishan government is equipped with weapons. The situation of the boy's "Historical Examination" is difficult to succeed in one hand, and if he takes care of it, he also regrets that he has dropped out of the nine. Wait and see, day after day. Today, the loans are exhausted, the quality is empty, and it is difficult to pay again. I had to take the alms along the way, going back and forth between Qingxu, Liang and Song, and waiting for the Pavilion Valley of Fu Lai. ”

Fu Lai Zhi Guan Gu refers to what I talked about earlier: I don't know if I can find the opportunity to sit in the library and teach.

This opportunity finally didn't come, so the following year he wrote a "Preface to the Interpretation of the Tianyu Sutra". This is a book of Xiangdi, so Hu Shi criticized him for not getting rid of the views of Master Shaoxing after all. In fact, this is Hu Shisatie, who doesn't know that the hungry man is hungry, and it has nothing to do with the Shaoxing master's criminal name knife and pen.

Master Criminal, Master Qian Gu, is also a staff member, and needs to be hired by officials. Zhang Xuecheng's ability to travel to the curtain is only in compiling books and writing articles, and he can't be a retreat in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, nor can he be practical in the name of Qian Gu, and the dilemma at this time is that he can't find an employer. Therefore, judging from the fact that he wrote this article, strongly whitewashed the feng shui of the earth, and said that the origin of "Zhou Li" can be found, he may have been studying the "principle of waiting for the wind and pulse water" for a while.

Because, when scholars have no library to sit in, no officials to do, and even officials cannot get them, they can only break away from this logic of "reading-exam-being an official-writing" and make a living from the people.

What can a scholar do in the private sector? Doctor (can understand medical books, and have a little clinical experience, you can practice medicine or sit in the clinic.) After the Song Dynasty, "Confucian medicine" arose, and its internal principle lies in this), Wu (choosing the day, Xiangdi, combining eight characters, looking at feng shui, wedding and funeral ceremonies, etc.), books (couplets, plaques, copying, compiling family trees, etc.), art (assisting religious or artistic groups, publishing houses, making music, writing screenplays, compiling school magazines, novels, opera treasure scrolls, persuading good books, etc.). Zhang Xuecheng himself published the "Taishang Induction Chapter" in August of the 50th year of Qianlong, and now he is desperate, and he may want to try to see feng shui.

Thankfully, he didn't have to. In the third year of Jiaqing, with the support of Ruan Yuan and Xie Qikun in Hangzhou, he continued to revise the "Historical Book Examination" and compiled it into 325 volumes, which solved the problems of food, clothing and career in one fell swoop.

However, this book was not circulated in the end, and only the "Outline of the Examination of Historical Books" at the time of its creation, the "Interpretation of Historical Examinations" at the time of its creation, and the "General Catalogue of Historical Examinations" have survived to this day. He is a scholar, and he wants to immortalize his career by writing, after all, he still has a lot of regrets.

Fourth, the review of the concept of nerd career

Taken together, we can still find some "academic" problems (sympathy, regret, emotion, consultation, and even the description of the life situation of historical figures, which are said to be not objective academic, have no cognitive significance, and only express a little emotion), so we should also be academic:

The German thinker Max Weber gave famous lectures in Munich in 1919 on "Politics as a Business" and "Academia as a Business". The contrast between academic and political careers, self and others, freedom and autocracy, truth and goodness and domination have had a profound impact in modern times and are often used as a model for analyzing groups of intellectuals.

However, in fact, there are many problems with this theory, and the formal two-by-pair approach cannot explain the situation of the mainland's "scholars" or "intellectuals" at all.

Because if you look at my description of people like Zhang Xuecheng, you will know that academic career and political career are not necessarily contradictory and antagonistic, and both are manipulated by the scale of "life". As a result, the three are twisted and symbiotic, and the ultimate care is also transferred and transferred, holding each other, cooperating with each other, conspiring with each other, resisting each other, and mixing into one. That's the reality of life, not something nerd like Webb can understand.