
How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

author:The bald head said fishing

For anglers, grass carp, cocked beak, silver carp, etc., these fish are not often caught. Occasionally, large individuals and bighead carp are encountered when they are lucky, but it is not so simple to encounter grass carp, so how to fish for grass carp?

I think the first thing to make sure is that the grass carp should have a certain density, because there are no grass carp in many rivers, or the density is very small, and you can give up in these waters, but it is just "a blind man lighting a lamp in vain"!

How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

In the waters where there is a certain density of grass carp, there is an opportunity to fish for grass carp, so how to fish grass carp in these waters? I think we can start with these three directions.

1. Selection of fishing position

Grass carp is relatively active in summer, known as the "weeding machine" in the water, and in the absence of oxygen, it eats almost all the time, and the amount of food is very large. When choosing a fishing position, you can choose a fishing position with more aquatic weeds according to the feeding habits of grass carp.

If the front of the aquatic weed is in deep water, it is better to use it as a fishing spot at the junction of deep and shallow water. If the fishing position is placed here, it should be noted that when the fish is slipped, it is necessary to prevent the grass carp from entering the aquatic weeds, causing the tangent to run the fish.

How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

If there are no aquatic weeds in the water, you can choose to use it as a fishing position in the open water, the water depth should not be too deep or too shallow, and the water depth of 3-4 meters is enough. If it is too deep, it is not suitable for grass carp feeding, because grass carp is very active in summer and is full of water in search of food.

Food is scarce in deep water, so grass carp will come to shallow water to feed, but if you want to catch large grass carp, you can't be too shallow, so I think 3-4 meters deep is enough.

2. Fishing tackle selection

How to choose fishing tackle for grass carp? I think it's better to use a long rod and eat a rod that is 7.2 meters or taller. Because large fish can grow, they don't know how much wind and rain they have experienced, and if they use a short rod, the noise on the shore can easily frighten grass carp and leave the den.

How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

In fact, when we fish for grass carp in reservoirs or large rivers, or some other large fish, we can find that there are very few anglers who use short rods, generally starting from 9 meters, and even using 12 meters of fishing rods.

The reason why such a long fishing rod is used is to fish far water, and using a long rod to fish far water can reduce the vigilance of large fish to a certain extent, so as to have a good harvest.

Speaking of line sets, what size of line sets do you think is better? I don't think the line set needs to be too big, because there are too few big grass carp over 20 catties in natural waters, generally about 10 catties, and in the case of using a long rod, there is no need for too large a line set.

How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

When I was fishing for grass carp in Qingjiang, I used a 3+2 line group of 10-meter rods, and the maximum I caught was 25 catties of grass carp, and I caught a lot of grass carp of about 15 catties normally, and I never cut the line. So I think 3+2 is enough for grass carp fishing in natural waters.

3. Overnight nest

It is best to fish grass carp overnight, because the density of grass carp in the water is not large, and it is difficult to have a good harvest if you do not play overnight nest.

There are many options for overnight nests, you can make grass nests, cut a bundle of grass to make nests, fermented corn, or tender corn, and the least cost is distiller's grains.

How do you fish for grass carp in natural waters? These 3 directions may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference

Distiller's lees is only 3 cents a catty, if you have time, you can beat distiller's lees for several days in a row, corn distiller's lees or sorghum distiller's lees are 50 catties a day, and it is only 15 yuan a day, which is very cost-effective. The cost of nesting on lees is very small, which is very cheap compared to the fisherman.

If you use fermented corn or tender corn overnight, it is too expensive, and it is dozens of yuan or even more to beat a little casually, and it is not recommended to use this nest material to make a nest.

Finally: Grass carp fishing in natural waters, these 3 directions can be used as a reference. In large rivers with grass carp, or in reservoirs, there may be a better harvest.

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