
After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

author:Shakespeare's Playhouse

The Wenzhou You family, which is well-known in China, has recently made headlines because of its cumulative cash out of up to 2 billion yuan. And eye-catching, especially the second lady in the family, You Lijuan, not only cashed out 700 million personally, but also flew to the United States, and the star-spontaneed banner in the background added a dramatic effect to the matter. Is this a well-planned self-salvation of wealth, or a great evasion of investors' responsibilities? Let's unveil the mystery of the You family and find out.

The event passed

Coming from the smoke of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the old man of the You family used his heroic bloodline to single-handedly establish the later family business on the ruins of post-war China. Today, the business territory of the You family is already huge, but a series of recent actions have surprised the outside world.

After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

The You family's starting business, relying on the introduction of high-end printing technology from Japan, opened their way to wealth. From the printing lottery to the almanac, and then to the sensational census order, the You family not only accumulated the initial capital, but also successfully pushed Hongbo shares to the stock market in 2008, for a time, the family became famous and the wealth was rolling.

However, the good times did not last long, with the changes in the market and the update of technology, the main business of Hongbo shares began to appear inadequate. From the boom of 4G to the rapid rise of the mobile game market, they tried to transform, but without exception, they failed to do so, and their performance plummeted.

Unwilling to end there, the You family once again bets on the emerging high-tech fields - artificial intelligence and unmanned driving. Unfortunately, the high investment did not bring high returns, on the contrary, the huge R&D costs almost became a bottomless pit, and the financial situation of the You family took a sharp turn.

After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

Now, You Lijuan, the second lady of the You family, has taken a bold and shocking decision. When the company needed cash flow the most, she chose to cash out 700 million and flew all the way to the United States, a move that immediately caused an uproar on social media. On You Lijuan's personal social account, the American flag is clearly visible, which is not only a transfer of wealth, but also a wise escape.

This move has aroused widespread attention and discussion, and many people have begun to look back on the history of the You family, from the entrepreneurial story of the older generation of the You family, to the glory of the You Yuxian era, and then to the current dilemma, the You family seems to have been racing against the tide of the times.

Following You Lijuan, other members of the You family also began to cash out one after another, and a total of up to 2 billion funds were withdrawn, which is undoubtedly worse for Hongbo shares, which are still struggling in the stock market. Small shareholders in the stock market are anxious and have spoken out on major platforms, hoping to find an explanation.

After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

This series of operations is not only a simple choice of business behavior, but also touches the public's thinking about business ethics and corporate responsibility. You Yuxian had publicly promised to "serve the country and society" in the past, but now his behavior seems to be far from the rhetoric of the past, and this contrast makes people question the integrity of the You family.

The story of the You family is like a realistic version of a commercial drama, which contains the hardships and glory of entrepreneurship, the glory and crisis of the family, and various choices in the face of realistic pressure. Today, every action of the You family touches the hearts of countless people, and this drama about wealth, power and responsibility is far from over.

You Jia's behavior detonated a series of heated discussions on social platforms. Comments from netizens ranged from angry denunciations to sober analysis, all reflecting the public's mixed emotions about the incident.

After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

A netizen named "Stock Market Xiaobai" said angrily: "Is this the so-called style of big families? We, the small shareholders, are the biggest victims! They cashed out and left, leaving a piece of chicken feathers for us! ”

The "technology fan" looks at it from another angle: "The failure of the transformation of the You family illustrates a problem, not every traditional industry can smoothly turn to high-tech." Their failures may teach other businesses a lesson. ”

The users who "watched the fire from the other side" were more emotional: "Look at the You family, the accumulation of several generations decided to come to an end overnight." This is not only the rise and fall of a family, but also a microcosm of the changes of the times. ”

Another netizen named "There is only one truth" put forward his opinion: "You Lijuan flew to the United States this time, does the American flag displayed behind her mean that she has found a new development land for her family?" The story behind this kind of transnational 'cash-out and runaway' behavior is definitely not simple. ”

After cashing out 700 million in China in three months, the whole family set a total of 2 billion, and she was shocked to see the American flag.

"The Words of the Old Stockholders" expressed a kind of helplessness: "If you mix in the stock market, you will be eaten by this big fish sooner or later." Although the You family's behavior is infuriating, this is not uncommon in the capital market. What we want is stricter market supervision. ”

The "trend observer" expressed his concern about the future of the You family: "If the You family does not think about how to get out of the current predicament and just blindly cash out, then the future of this family business may be really hopeless." ”

These comments not only show the public's attention to the You family incident, but also reflect people's deep thinking about corporate ethics, social responsibility and capital market rules. Although the behavior of the You family has aroused negative public opinion, it has also invisibly promoted the supervision and reflection of the society on corporate behavior, so that more people have begun to pay attention to and discuss these deep-seated issues.

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