
Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

author:The drama is extraordinary
Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

During his childhood, he was overwhelmed by life.

Later, he was admitted to the play by mistake.

But I can't even pay for my studies.

It took a scrape of work to scrape together enough for tuition.

And part of this is the help of his wife.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

At that time, the two were still in a relationship;

But his wife's support for him was unrequited.

Even knowing that his family conditions are very bad;

I didn't abandon him because of this, and I helped him as much as I could.

is such a affectionate and righteous girlfriend;

He married someone for four hundred dollars.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

The career is getting better and better, and I think that a happy life has finally come.

He had an affair with others.

If it weren't for this gossip, everyone wouldn't have noticed that he was already married.

And he said in public that although he had an affair, he would not abandon his wife.

This operation has caused everyone to think deeply.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

In the end, it will not be abandoned for decades;

Or is it a fig leaf for an illicit relationship?

Those years of being in the same boat through thick and thin

Yu Hewei was born in a large family in Liaoning.

for there is no other house than him and his parents;

There are also eight older siblings on it.

In the era of scarcity of materials, it was difficult to raise children;

And their family almost had a football team.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Even more unfortunate, my father was originally the breadwinner of the family.

But he died unexpectedly when he was three years old.

The mother lives alone with a group of children.

In fact, at that time, the older brothers and sisters were already married and had their own lives.

As a child, his mother took him to set up a stall to make ends meet.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

As he grew older, he wanted to change his life more and more.

It's so hard to live like this.

After thinking about it, I am still more interested in acting;

Later, I wanted to apply for a major in acting.

But the mother did not agree;

High tuition fees are one of the reasons.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

The other thing is that it is difficult for families like this to get ahead in this industry.

He then attended the local Infant Normal School.

But he didn't give up on his dream;

quietly worked hard, and later successfully entered the Fushun Repertory Theater.

This is already a dream come true.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

What's even more valuable is that he can not only do the work he likes here;

I also met the person I was excited about.

When I first met Song Linjing, I was in the corridor of the dormitory;

It's just a passing by, one side of the relationship.

It was this glance that made him remember this beautiful girl.

Later, when I was performing in the theater troupe, I saw her on the stage.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Dance like a fairy in the sky.

He secretly swore that he would be friends with her.

I finally mustered up the courage to talk to someone, but I was scared away.

It's not the end, just pick up a few more times.

With his unremitting efforts, Song Linjing finally ignored him.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

The two chatted from the past to the future.

Even so, it's barely a friend.

How could he stop there, of course he wanted to go further.

Every day, I brush my sense of presence in front of others and offer hospitality.

In the face of such a humorous and tall and handsome guy;

Who wouldn't be tempted to finally confirm the relationship between the couple.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

In fact, the family conditions of the two are very different.

People are a collection of thousands of pampered in one;

And it would be nice if his family could be fed.

Although there is the obstruction of the prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law;

Still haven't broken them up, and the relationship is better.

Your support is my confidence

Once the relationship is stable, it's time to start thinking about the next step.

I've been staying up here when I can get ahead.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Besides, in order to be worthy of his girlfriend, he has to climb up.

So he was admitted to the undergraduate class of the Shanghai Theater Academy.

Although the ability is there, the economy is worried.

I can't even pay for the tuition and living expenses to go to school.

It was his brother and sister who made some together for him, and then took it to study.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

At this time, Song Linjing was still working in the troupe and had a stable income.

And her money is saved and eaten;

Most of them were also given to him, for fear that he would not have a good time outside.

It's a long way away, and he went to such a big city, and it's all schools for handsome guys and beauties.

Song Linjing will inevitably suffer a little bit here;

As soon as he left, he wrote him two letters.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

But I waited for more than ten days and didn't reply.

I was a little panicked in an instant, but I felt that he was not such a person.

Later, I finally waited for a reply, but it turned out that I couldn't receive the letter because of military training.

After graduating from here, he wanted to make a big difference;

I didn't expect the blow of reality to be so cruel.

He is such a newcomer with no connections and no roots;

It's hard to get a big role.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

can only start from the dragon set, since it is already like this, there is no turning back.

I've been wandering around in the circle for a few years and there's been no progress.

At this time, Song Linjing had also come to Shanghai to develop.

And people's income is higher than him, more stable than him.

It can be said that he was raised by others for several years.

Not only financially, but spiritually.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Whenever he can't hold on and wants to give up;

It was her encouragement again and again that kept him motivated.

Finally, he ushered in a turning point in his life.

starred in "Cao Cao" in 1999 and got married with a salary of a few hundred yuan.

Later, when she participated in "The Sky of History", her wife was pregnant.

I don't know how to choose between career and family;

It was still Song Linjing who encouraged him not to give up the opportunity.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

He can let go of his family to pursue his dreams.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years;

There are many types of roles played, but they have been tepid.

Until 2010, he starred in "Three Kingdoms".

He played Liu Bei not only has good acting skills, but also many clips have been made into emojis.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

He also became popular because of this meme.

In fact, there is one thing that many people don't notice;

He also had scandals, but he defended his family in time.

Hand in hand for a lifetime after the storm

If you want to talk about his scandal, it must be the "Luminous Mahjong Gate" incident.

In 2015, he was photographed by Zhuo Wei and Wang Likun entering the same community.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

And Wang Likun didn't leave until the next morning.

But any normal person will think about it.

But Wang Likun's explanation is that the two are innocent.

It's very pale and weak.

It was Yu Hewei's sister who came out to explain that they both like to play mahjong at night.

Probably that means that they went to play mahjong together.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

But she didn't say it explicitly, because she didn't know what day it was.

After this incident, it had an impact on the careers of both of them.

It was Yu Hewei who said in front of the public that he would not abandon his wife to overshadow this turmoil.

His approach afterwards is indeed commendable;

He gave all the money he earned to his wife for safekeeping.

This is probably the biggest confidence he can give.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

The wife didn't pursue the matter too much.

They are still a happy family, and they also have a lovely daughter.

The wife gives up her career to take care of the family, and the husband works hard to support the family.

Husbands and wives can work together to get through the better days, and they did.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Now he is not the poor boy he was more than 20 years ago.

has already counterattacked and become an actor, and he proved to his father-in-law that he didn't hand over his daughter to him with the wrong person.


The life of two people is always stumbling;

As for whether you can get past this hurdle.

Then it depends on whether the two live sincerely.

Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

If you really want to be together for a long time, in addition to trust in your other half, you also have control over yourself.

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Yu Hewei: Although I have an affair, I will never live up to Song Linjing, who followed me at the age of 18, for the rest of my life!

Information sources: Actor Yu Hewei, who lost his father at the age of 3: became famous at the age of 39 and is a late-blooming male star in the entertainment industry Facts have proved that 52-year-old Yu Hewei has gone further and further on the road to becoming a "non-famous" actor

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