
The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

author:Benny said the world

In recent years, the term "male god in the uncle circle" has been gaining popularity inside and outside the entertainment industry and has quietly risen. Originally from the Internet, it describes actors over the age of 40, who are still charming, and as they get older, they become more and more charming, winning the love of the audience, and are also known as the new generation of idols.

However, even if they are also "male gods in the uncle circle", there is a significant gap between different actors. This article will focus on Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi, the three high-profile "male gods of the uncle circle", analyze their growth process, analyze their status changes in the minds of the audience, and find out their unique charms.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Wang Yang, an actor who was once called a "small supporting role" by the audience, is now regarded as a "powerful male god" by the audience. Yu Hewei, an actor who has worked silently in the entertainment industry for many years, has won a place in the hearts of the audience with his excellent performance and unique temperament.

Zhang Yi, from the "passerby face" who was ridiculed in the early days to the current "national male god", his transformation is undoubtedly the most significant.

The growth trajectories of these three actors are different, but they have all experienced a transformation from supporting roles to protagonists, and their acting skills and appearance are constantly breaking through, showing a trend of becoming more and more handsome, this phenomenon has changed the audience's aesthetics and injected new vitality into the entire entertainment industry.

Next, let's take an in-depth look at the growth process of these three "uncle circle male gods", and see how they stand out in the fierce competition and rank among the ideal male gods in the audience's minds.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Although Wang Yang, Yu Hewei, and Zhang Yi have different starting points in their acting careers, they have all achieved an important breakthrough from supporting roles to protagonists, which is enough to prove their spirit of persistence and struggle in the entertainment industry.

The story of Wang Yang's rise can be described as dramatic. In the early days, he played mostly supporting roles in film and television works, and although he had solid acting skills, he never received widespread attention from the public.

However, in 2017, he played the role of Qi Tongwei, director of the Jiangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, in the hit anti-corruption drama "In the Name of the People", which made him famous in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards, he played the role of a villain in the hit movie "Wolf Warrior 2", further demonstrating his acting strength, and these two works became a turning point in Wang Yang's career, making him leap from an unknown supporting actor to a high-profile powerhouse.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Yu Hewei's growth path is relatively stable. He has been working in the film and television industry and has won many roles with his profound acting skills. Although he had a lot of early works, it was the TV series "Poison Hunter" that really made him famous in 2018.

The image of the anti-narcotics policeman he played in the play is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making the audience remember this low-key and powerful actor Yu Hewei appropriately interpreted the perseverance and inner struggle of the role, and won high praise from the audience.

Zhang Yi's coming-of-age story can be described as an inspirational chapter full of drama. Although his acting skills in his early years were already very good, he has not been reused by the film company because of his mediocre appearance.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

In those days, he was like what people often call "tepid", and was even described by many people as "black" and "small" However, Zhang Yi did not give up because of this, he chose to silently improve his acting skills and constantly change his image.

In 2009, he played the persistent and tenacious Chengcai in the war-themed TV series "My Captain, My Regiment", and successfully played this role deeply in the hearts of the people, so that the audience began to really pay attention to him and recognize his strength.

The upbringing of these three actors shows their tireless efforts and strong beliefs in their acting careers. They have gradually grown from obscure supporting roles to protagonists loved by the audience through their own efforts and opportunities.

Their experience tells us that in the highly competitive place of the entertainment industry, only by continuing to polish their acting skills and seizing every opportunity can they finally emerge and become a real "male god in the uncle circle".

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

What is very interesting is that the images of Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi, the three actors, show a trend of "becoming more and more handsome". They did not play with the image casually as they grew older, but became more attractive in the baptism of the years, which aroused heated discussions and love from the audience.

Yu Hewei is another type of "getting more and more handsome", he had a unique temperament when he was young, and as he grew older, this temperament became more and more mellow. Especially in the drama "Poison Hunter", his calm and sharp temperament is impressive.

He does not deliberately pursue fashion, but he can always show just the right demeanor on various occasions, whether it is on the red carpet or in daily life, he can always give people a gentle but manly feeling Many viewers said that Yu Hewei is really "the older he gets, the more tasteful", and his charm seems to continue to improve with age.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Zhang Yi's changes are even more significant. In his early years, he was not handsome, even somewhat mediocre. However, as he grew older and his acting skills improved, his whole person exuded a unique charm.

Especially in "I Am Not the God of Medicine", his simple and resolute eyes can't help but be moved, Zhang Yi's transformation may be the biggest, from the early image of a sloppy uncle, to the current mature and stable style, his changes are surprising, especially on some important occasions, his style can always give people a bright feeling.

This phenomenon of "becoming more and more handsome" not only allows them to enhance their external image, but also adds their charm as actors, making them have a greater advantage in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

This tells us that the charm of men is not only the appearance when they are young, but more importantly, the temperament and connotation accumulated with age.

However, it is not enough to rely on the change of appearance, the reason why Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi were able to become male gods in the "Uncle Circle" is more important because they continue to improve their external charm while maintaining their strong acting skills, and achieve a perfect balance between strength and appearance.

Yu Hewei is more inclined to improve his temperament to show his charm. His acting skills have always been highly praised, especially in "Drug Hunter", where the image of the anti-narcotics policeman he played is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing his excellent acting skills.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

In terms of appearance, Yu Hewei does not deliberately pursue fashion, but he can always show just the right demeanor on various occasions, whether it is attending the red carpet or daily life, he can always give people a gentle and elegant feeling without losing the sense of masculinity, this unique temperament, coupled with his solid acting skills, makes him the ideal male god image in the eyes of the audience.

Zhang Yi's change is undoubtedly the biggest. His continued improvement in acting skills and changes in appearance are also evident. From the "passerby face" who was ridiculed in the early days to the current "national male god", Zhang Yi has won the appreciation and love of the audience through his own efforts.

In "My Leader, My Group", he vividly interpreted the honesty, perseverance and growth of his talents, showing his outstanding acting skills, and at the same time, he also attaches great importance to his image management, from the early image of a sloppy uncle to the current mature and stable style, Zhang Yi's transformation is surprising, especially on some important occasions, his style can always give people a bright feeling.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

This balance of strength and appearance makes them unique in the highly competitive entertainment industry. They not only have the talent of powerful actors with excellent acting skills, but also the appearance and charm of attractive idols, and have become the ideal male god image in the eyes of the audience.

This also tells us that the real "male god of the uncle circle" not only needs excellent acting skills, but also needs to constantly improve his external image.

With the passage of time, the status of Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi in the minds of the audience has changed, and they have won the love of audiences of different ages with their unique charm.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Wang Yang was originally just an unknown supporting actor, but after the two works "In the Name of the People" and "Wolf Warrior 2" were broadcast, he became a "powerful male god" in the hearts of the audience, and his popularity soared.

And his restrained and slightly evil eyes made many young audiences fall in love with him.

Yu Hewei is an actor who makes people feel more and more flavorful. The audience often praises him, saying that each of his roles has a unique charm and is unpredictable, such as the roles in works such as "Poison Hunter" and "The Sound of the Wind", he is both calm and down-to-earth, but also has a trace of edge, this temperament is popular with middle-aged audiences.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Many people also think that Yu Hewei is an actor who "gets older and has more taste".

Zhang Yi is the one who has changed the most. He was ridiculed as a "passerby face" in the early days, but now he has become a "national male god" in the hearts of the audience and is deeply loved by everyone. Especially in works such as the TV series "My Captain, My Regiment", "Operation Red Sea" and the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine", Zhang Yi's performance is impressive.

His simple and resolute eyes can't help but be moved, and it is interesting that Zhang Yi seems to be the most "all-age" of the three actors.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

This phenomenon shows their unique charm. Wang Yang's handsome and introverted attraction attracts young audiences, Yu Hewei's mature charm wins the love of middle-aged audiences, and Zhang Yi's affinity and strength are recognized by audiences of all ages.

This also shows that in the world of "Uncle Circle Male God", everyone has their own unique charm and audience.

With the rise of the phenomenon of "male god in the uncle circle", it has not only changed the audience's aesthetics, but also brought new thinking to the entertainment industry. This phenomenon tells us that the charm of an actor is not only in his youthful appearance, but more importantly, in his temperament and strength accumulated with age.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

Wang Yang, Yu Hewei, and Zhang Yi have worked hard to maintain their professional vitality, constantly improve their acting skills, pay attention to their own image building, and realize the transformation from an unknown supporting role to a high-profile protagonist.

Their success illustrates that with consistent hard work, it is possible to stand out in a highly competitive industry.

For the entire entertainment industry, the emergence of the phenomenon of "male god in the uncle circle" has brought new vitality to the entire industry, allowing more outstanding middle-aged actors to have more room for development. It breaks the age limit in the entertainment industry and allows the audience to see the unique charm of mature men.

The same is that the "male god of the uncle circle" put Wang Yang, Yu Hewei and Zhang Yi together, and the gap came out

This phenomenon makes us deeply realize that the true charm is the result of both internal and external cultivation. Wang Yang's delicate handsomeness, Yu Hewei's calm taste, and Zhang Yi's simplicity and perseverance are all realities of their hard work over the years.

All of this provides valuable experience for the young actors, and also allows the audience to have a more diverse aesthetic choice.

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