
Zhoujia Health Center, Guoli Town, Huantai County: Maintain hearing health and enjoy a happy old age


On June 28, the "Sunflower" family doctor team of Zhoujia Health Center in Guoli Town, Huantai County walked into Yanjia Village Daji to carry out free clinic service activities during the elderly health promotion week, and effectively improve the health literacy and health level of the elderly.

Zhoujia Health Center, Guoli Town, Huantai County: Maintain hearing health and enjoy a happy old age

"In life, we should develop healthy ear habits, take the initiative to stay away from harmful factors such as noise pollution and ototoxic drugs, and seek medical attention in time if we find ear discomfort." At the event site, medical staff provided the elderly with consultation, consultation and other services for elderly hearing diseases, common diseases and chronic diseases by hanging banners, putting up posters, distributing publicity materials, etc., combined with the characteristics of the elderly, and patiently explained ear health care, ear treatment, nutritious and healthy diet, and the prevention and treatment of common and chronic diseases of the elderly, so as to improve the awareness and ability of the elderly to maintain hearing health.

Zhoujia Health Center, Guoli Town, Huantai County: Maintain hearing health and enjoy a happy old age

Through this publicity activity, the elderly can further understand their physical condition, discover their own hidden diseases in time, create a social environment conducive to the healthy life of the elderly, improve the quality of life of the elderly, and actively promote the whole society to form a good atmosphere of caring for the health of the elderly.

Zhoujia Health Center, Guoli Town, Huantai County: Maintain hearing health and enjoy a happy old age

Meng Lei, director of Zhoujia Health Center in Guoli Town, introduced that June 24-June 30 is the National Health Publicity Week for the Elderly, and the theme of this year's publicity is "Maintaining Hearing Health and Enjoying a Happy Old Age". "Hearing impairment not only directly leads to communication difficulties, but also causes a variety of psychological problems, seriously harms the quality of life of the elderly, family relationships, social harmony, and endangers the physical and mental health of the elderly."

"In the next step, we will give full play to our professional advantages, continue to carry out various forms of health lectures and free clinic activities, provide high-quality medical services for the people in the jurisdiction face-to-face and zero distance, popularize the health management of the elderly, the combination of health and medical care for the elderly, the health management of hypertension patients, the health management of diabetic patients, the health management of traditional Chinese medicine and other national basic public health service policies and health service policies for the elderly, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security." Meng Lei said.

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