
Jingjia Town Health Center, Huantai County: Hearing health lectures entered the elderly canteen


"By actively protecting your hearing and cultivating good ear habits, you can effectively prevent age-related hearing loss." On the morning of June 27, in the canteen for the elderly in Dongliu Village, Jingjia Town, Huantai County, a health lecture with the theme of "Maintaining Hearing Health and Enjoying a Happy Old Age" was being held.

Jingjia Town Health Center, Huantai County: Hearing health lectures entered the elderly canteen

At the lecture, Yu Huimei, the head nurse of Jingjia Town Health Center, introduced the causes, effects, prevention and intervention measures of hearing loss in the elderly, explained the auriculomassage method, how to wear hearing aids, the relationship between diet and hearing health and other health knowledge, and popularized the knowledge of common and chronic diseases of the elderly, injury prevention, emergency rescue, mental health and other knowledge.

Jingjia Town Health Center, Huantai County: Hearing health lectures entered the elderly canteen

After the lecture, the "Sunflower" family doctor team of Jingjia Town Health Center led the elderly to practice ear health massage exercises, "The first section, Mingtian Drum: press the ear hole with the palms of both hands, put the middle finger and index finger on the back of the head and gently percussion, so that the ear rumbles like hearing the sound of drums, and each time you percussion 36 times. ”

An interactive session was also set up at the scene, and the medical staff patiently and meticulously answered the questions raised by the elderly. Liu Xishi, an 85-year-old villager, said: "I learned a lot of hearing health knowledge from the lecture, which is very practical in daily life, and I hope that more such activities will be carried out." ”

Jingjia Town Health Center, Huantai County: Hearing health lectures entered the elderly canteen

Yu Huimei introduced that in order to improve the health literacy of the elderly and create a social environment conducive to the health of the elderly, the National Health Commission has organized and carried out the elderly health publicity week activities nationwide every year since 2019. This year's event will be held from June 24 to 30, and the theme of the event is "Maintaining Hearing Health and Enjoying a Happy Old Age".

"Prevention of hearing impairment is more meaningful than treatment, and the direct and indirect hazards of hearing disability, such as noise, drugs, etc., should be avoided or reduced as much as possible to reduce the occurrence of hearing disability." Yu Huimei said that due to the increasing aging trend of the mainland population, the number of senile hearing loss has also increased. "We will increase health promotion, carry out various health knowledge lectures in various villages, and effectively protect the health of the elderly in the jurisdiction."

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