
In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

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In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school
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In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

On the campus of Shanxi University, a counselor named Gao Sien is enthusiastically communicating with students. Her smile is warm, her eyes are firm, and her words reveal wisdom and strength.

Attentive people will notice that her left arm seems to be somewhat different. This excellent counsellor is not only an academic achiever, but also an outstanding athlete, who has won many awards at the Para Games.

She has won many honors such as the torchbearer of the National Youth Games and the most beautiful family in the country. What is less well known, however, is that this talented woman was once an abandoned one-armed baby.

What is the strength that sustained her through the difficult years and finally bloomed so brightly? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary figure and discover the untold story behind her.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

On a rainy night in July 1994, the streets near the Taiyuan railway station resounded with the cry of a baby. Gao Zhanxian, a 58-year-old scavenger, followed the sound and found a baby girl abandoned on the side of the road.

When she looked closer, she was surprised to see that the child was missing his left arm.

Gao Zhanxian's heart suddenly surged with complicated emotions. She is over half a hundred years old, her husband died young, and she is alone by picking up garbage to make ends meet. Adopting a disabled abandoned baby means more responsibilities and difficulties.

However, looking at the child's innocent eyes, the love in Gao Zhanxian's heart spontaneously emerged.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

After some inner struggle, Gao Zhanxian made an unexpected decision: she wanted to adopt the child. She believes that every life deserves to be cherished and that everyone should have the opportunity to grow.

Gao Zhanxian took the baby girl back to her humble home and named her "Si'en", hoping that this child would always remember this hard-won kindness.

With the passage of time, Gao Sien gradually grew up under the careful care of Gao Zhanxian. Despite having only one arm, her strength and optimism are amazing. Gao Zhanxian taught her to strive for self-improvement and not to feel inferior because of her physical defects.

With her grandmother's encouragement, Gao Sien learned to complete many daily tasks independently, showing extraordinary perseverance and intelligence.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

In the dead of night, Gao Zhanxian looked at Si'en who was sleeping, and his eyes always flashed with tears of relief. She secretly vowed to let this child grow up healthy and happy, no matter how difficult it was.

Gao Zhanxian firmly believes that as long as enough love and care are given, this once abandoned child will eventually bloom with a unique brilliance.

As Gao Sien grew up, the problem of studying became a major problem in front of Gao Zhanxian. Because he did not have a legal household registration, Gao Sien was unable to attend a regular school.

Whenever she sees the children next door happily carrying their school bags to school, Gao Sien's eyes are always full of longing, and she longs to sit in the classroom like other children and listen to the teacher's teachings.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

Gao Zhanxian saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. She was determined to find a path to education for her granddaughter. Despite his advanced age, Gao Zhanxian still rode a dilapidated tricycle and walked all over the streets and alleys of Taiyuan City.

She tirelessly inquired about each school, hoping to find one that would accept students without hukou.

The hard work paid off, and Gao Zhanxian finally found a school called Liusha Primary School and was willing to accept Gao Sien. When he learned that his granddaughter could go to school, Gao Zhanxian cried with joy.

She immediately used the money she saved to buy brand new stationery and schoolbags for Gao Sien as a gift for her granddaughter's school.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

After entering primary school, Gao Sien was hungry for knowledge. She struggled to overcome her physical inconveniences and learned to write, draw, and even participate in sports. Gao Sien's diligence and strength touched her teachers and classmates, and she quickly became the leader of her class, winning the title of Outstanding Student many times.

However, the road to education was not always easy. Due to the family's financial difficulties, Gao Sien could not afford to pay the daily fare. In order not to burden her grandmother, she resolutely decided to run to school every morning.

This arduous running experience unexpectedly developed her athletic talent. As time went on, Gao Sien's running speed became faster and faster, even surpassing many able-bodied classmates.

Gao Zhanxian watched the growth of his granddaughter, and his heart was full of relief and pride. She often encouraged Gao Sien: "Child, you have to remember that physical disability is not your defect, but a special gift from God.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

As long as you work hard, you will definitely become the best.

Gao Sien took her grandmother's words to heart, and she was not only diligent in her studies, but also actively participated in various sports activities. At a school sports meeting, Gao Sien participated in a running competition.

As the only athlete with a disability, she outperformed many able-bodied opponents at breakneck speed to claim the crown. At this moment, the teachers and students of the whole school cheered for her, and Gao Sien's eyes flashed with confidence.

The school's physical education teacher discovered Gao's athletic talent and began to carefully guide her in running techniques and breathing techniques. With the help of her teachers, Gao Sien's running level improved by leaps and bounds, and she began to represent the school in various competitions, and won excellent results in municipal and provincial competitions many times.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

Gao Sien's path to study is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also the tempering of will. She proved with her actions that as long as she has a dream, she can create miracles even in the face of great difficulties.

Gao Zhanxian watched his granddaughter grow up step by step, and firmly believed that his original decision was correct. She deeply feels that by giving each child opportunities and love, they can shine with a unique brilliance.

With excellent academic performance and excellent athletic talent, Gao Sien was admitted to Shanxi University as he wished. The moment she stepped through the school gate, her eyes glistened with tears of excitement.

This one-armed girl, who was once abandoned, has now grown into a confident college student.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

University life is a whole new world for Gao Sien. She is hungry for knowledge and has shown amazing potential for learning. Gao Sien not only listened carefully in class, but also often used his spare time to soak in the library and read all kinds of books extensively.

Her diligence and wisdom were quickly recognized by her teachers, who won several scholarships.

In addition to his studies, Gao Sien also actively participated in the work of the student council and became the head of the secretariat. She proves with her actions that disability is not an obstacle, but a motivation to keep moving forward.

Gao Sien has organized many campus activities, and her ability and leadership skills have been well received by students.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

In terms of sports, Gao Sien's talent was put to good use. She has represented the school in the Paralympic Games many times, and has won many good results in 800m, 1500m and other events.

Every time she stands on the podium, she will think of her grandmother Gao Zhanxian's nurturing grace, and her heart is full of gratitude. In August 2019, Gao Sien was honored to be the torchbearer of the National Youth Games, an experience that made her proud.

Gao Sien's deeds have touched many people, and she has won many honorary titles such as the National Self-improvement Star Nomination Award and the Inspirational Model of Shanxi Province. In the face of honor, Gao Sien has always remained humble, she often said: "These achievements are inseparable from the cultivation of grandma and the care of all walks of life."

However, just as Gao Sien was about to graduate, a difficult choice was placed in front of her. Nankai University threw an olive branch to her and promised to send her to graduate school.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for many students. However, at this time, Gao Zhanxian was very old, his health was deteriorating, and he needed to be taken care of. Gao Sien fell into a deep tangle.

After repeated reflection, Gao Sien made a decision that surprised many people: she politely declined the invitation of Nankai University and chose to stay at Shanxi University to continue her studies.

Faced with the confusion of her classmates, she said: "Grandma gave me a second life, and now it's time for me to repay her." I believe that as long as I continue to work hard, I can still achieve my dreams in the future.

This decision shows Gao Sien's character and adds more color to her life. Her choice touched many people, and also let more people see the strength of her heart and the cherishing of family affection.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

At the graduate level, Gao Sien continued to excel. She not only achieved excellent results in her studies, but also actively participated in various social activities. In 2020, she won many honorary titles such as the most beautiful family in the country and a moving figure in Shanxi Province.

Gao Sien interprets the value of life with his own actions, and also sets a vivid example for the disabled community.

After graduating with a master's degree, Gao Sien stood at another crossroads in his life. Faced with many choices, she resolutely decided to stay at her alma mater, Shanxi University, and become a counselor.

This decision stems from a deep desire in her heart: to use her own personal experience to inspire more students to pursue their dreams.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

As a counselor, Gao Sien quickly won the respect and love of her students with her unique life experience and perseverance. She not only cares about students' learning, but also pays more attention to cultivating their psychological quality and life ability.

Gao Sien often shares his own growth story with students, encouraging them to overcome difficulties and strive for excellence.

Outside of work, Gao Sien has not given up on his athletic career. She continues to participate in various para games, challenging herself and pushing her limits. In 2021, at the 11th National Paralympic Games and the 8th Special Olympics, Gao Sien once again showed amazing strength.

She finished second in the women's 1500m T46 and bronze in the women's 400m T47 race. Every competition is a transcendence of self and an interpretation of the value of life.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

Gao Sien's deeds have touched countless people, and her name has frequently appeared in major media reports. However, in the face of the influx of praise, Gao Sien has always remained humble.

She often said: "These achievements are inseparable from the cultivation of grandma and the care of all walks of life." I just did what a normal person should do.

Today's Gao Sien has not only achieved something in his career, but also reached a new height in spirit. She interprets the value of life with her actions and sets a vivid example for the disabled community.

Gao Sien's story is inspiring more people to face life bravely and pursue their dreams.

In 1994, the old scavenger raised a one-armed female abandoned baby and picked up waste for her to go to school

Looking back, Gao Sien deeply felt the favor of fate. She often said: "If it weren't for my grandmother's scavenging grace, I wouldn't be where I am today." Today, Gao Sien lives with his grandmother Gao Zhanxian and does his best to take care of this elderly benefactor.

She interprets the profound meaning of "nurturing grace" with practical actions.

Gao Sien's story is not only a legend of self-improvement for the disabled, but also a hymn of gratitude and reward. She used her life to illustrate the power of love, proving that anyone can create miracles as long as they have a dream.

In Gao Sien's view, the true meaning of life is to continue to grow, give back to society, and convey love and hope. Her experience will always inspire us to move forward, strive for excellence, and cherish every love in our lives.

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