
What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

author:Xiao Jiu, he's here

Stop ordering takeout! Learn these dishes, and your friends will praise you as a chef!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

Every day is a good day of the year, hello, everyone, I'm Xiao Jiu, today let's talk about what are the simple and delicious dishes to make when we are entertained at home?

Treat yourself at home and make a table of delicious food with ease!

Friends, do you sometimes want to treat yourself to a treat at home, but find it too much trouble to cook? Don't worry, today I will bring you some simple and delicious home-cooked recipes, so that you can easily become a chef and hold a decent banquet at home!

1. Let's have an appetizer - pepper sesame chicken. This dish is spicy and fragrant, and you can't stop eating it. All you need is to cook the chicken thighs or breasts, tear them into shreds, then pour the sauce and sprinkle with some coriander! How to adjust the sauce? Chopped green onions, minced garlic, chili powder, and hot oil, it's fragrant, it's amazing!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

2. Another vegetarian dish - cold okra. Okra is crisp and refreshing, and it is perfect for cold dressing. Bring to a boil, drizzle with the sauce and mix well. How to make the sauce? It's also very simple, chopped green onion, minced garlic, millet spicy, plus light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and stir, oops, that taste, definitely let you have an endless aftertaste!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

3. Let's have garlic pork ribs. Marinate the pork ribs, fry them in the pan, golden and crispy, and take a bite into the crispy outside and tender inside. Stir-fry the minced garlic and stir-fry it with the pork ribs, the garlic is fragrant, and the children next door are crying!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

4. Stir-fried meat with celery, this dish is not only delicious but also healthy. Slice the lean meat and marinate it, stir-fry it with celery, and it will come out of the pan in a few minutes. With full color, flavor and high nutritional value, it is definitely your best dish!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

5. Let's have another meal - sour and spicy shredded cabbage. Cabbage is torn into pieces by hand, fried quickly over high heat, and poured with sauce. How do you mix this sauce? Light soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, stir together, perfect!

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

6. Let's have a seaweed egg drop soup. Boil seaweed and tomatoes, beat an egg flower into it, add some coriander and sesame oil, which is light and refreshing, greasy and healthy.

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

7. Sweet and sour fish: After the fish is cleaned up, marinate it with starch, cooking wine, soy sauce and other seasonings, and then fry it until golden brown and crispy. Finally, it is topped with a sweet and sour sauce made from tomato paste, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings. This dish is sweet and sour, and the fish is tender.

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

These dishes are simple and delicious home-cooked dishes. You don't need to be a skilled cook, you just need to follow the steps to make a decent meal. When friends come to the house, they will definitely give you a thumbs up and praise you for your craftsmanship!

There are also dishes such as stir-fried lentils, vegetarian stir-fried cabbage, braised prawns, braised hairtail, shredded chicken, and spicy crab. These dishes are simple and delicious to make, making them perfect for cooking at home. You can choose according to your taste and the preferences of your guests.

What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!

Well, friends, today I have introduced you to so many simple and delicious home-cooked recipes, are you already eager to try? Don't hesitate to try these dishes next time you come to your family! Guaranteed to make your dinner shine! Don't forget to give me a taste when you're done, and let me see how you do it! Don't forget to pay attention to Xiao Jiu, more food recipes are waiting for you to learn! Come on, we are looking forward to your excellent work!

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What are some dishes that are easy and delicious to make when you are entertaining at home? These dishes make it easy for you to get done!