
Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

author:Qingbin said
Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

The national football team's preparations for the round of 18 are in full swing, however, a series of recent actions and media reactions about head coach Ivan Kovic have caused quite a stir in the Chinese football world.

The original schedule for the 24th round of the Chinese Super League was originally scheduled for August 24-25, however, the Chinese Football Association and the professional league management department took into account the urgency of the national football team's preparation for the round of 18 in September, and urgently decided to bring the match forward to July 19-21. This sudden adjustment not only bought valuable preparation time for the national team, but also gave the participating players more opportunities to rest and adjust.

However, this move has sparked a lot of discussion. Head coach Ivan Kovic plans to return to China around July 10 to begin scouting potential players in the Chinese Super League. However, before that, he opted to return to Croatia for a holiday, which caused him to miss out on two rounds of the Chinese Super League. This decision has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Netizen "Football Fan Lele" commented on social platforms: "Kovic is really interesting, at the critical moment when the national football team is preparing for the game, he will go home for vacation first, is it really good for the team?" These words reflect the worries and dissatisfaction of many fans. Another netizen "Green Fan Voice" said: "Although a vacation is also needed, the timing is really not right, right? The Chinese Super League is at a critical stage and he's not there, which isn't good. ”

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

Media people also conducted in-depth analysis and comments on the matter. Sports news reporter Xiao Wang wrote in his column: "Covic's vacation time is indeed a bit long, whether this will affect the preparation of the national football team, we still have to wait and see." "It's a sentiment that represents a lot of people who are cautious about the manager's decision-making.

Some netizens believe that the difficulties of the head coach should be understood. Netizen "Tom who loves football" posted a long comment: "Managers are also people, and they need proper rest and adjustment, which is important to stay productive. We should believe in Kovic's decision, after all, he is also thinking about the future of the national football team. ”

Veteran media personalities Song Seungliang and Fu Yayu have publicly criticized Ivan Kovic's leave on social media, arguing that it shows that he does not pay attention to the player's form and selection work. Song Chengliang wrote on Weibo: "During the critical period, the role of the head coach is crucial, and they should personally observe the performance of the players on the field, rather than choosing to return to China for vacation. His remarks immediately sparked widespread discussion among netizens.

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

Netizen "Football World Observer" commented: "Teacher Song is right, Kovic's approach is indeed a bit disappointing, will the player's state be affected? This netizen's question reflects the concerns and dissatisfaction of many fans.

Fu Yayu also expressed a similar view in his program: "As a head coach, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the actual state of the players, rather than choosing to leave at a critical moment. His words were supported by many netizens, who believed that Covic's decision could adversely affect the preparation of the national football team.

In addition, Wang Yu also joined the ranks of criticism of Ivan. He said in the WeChat group: "Seeing Kovic choose to take a vacation, I think it's a bit like the situation of Lippi back then, they didn't pay enough attention to the importance of the Chinese Super League. Wang Yu's comparison triggered netizens to think deeply about the decision-making styles of the two head coaches.

However, some netizens were understanding of the head coach's leave. Netizen "Football Fanatic Jack" believes: "Kovic also needs to rest, and in the long-term high-pressure work situation, appropriate leave will help him play better." His views reflect the voices of some supporters who believe that the manager's physical and mental well-being is also an important factor in the long-term development of the team.

There are also similarities between the two managers Ivan and Lippi in their attitudes on leave, as well as the criticism they have received in the media and public opinion. Ivan chose to return home for a critical period of time, while Lippi frequently returned to Italy for holidays during his tenure, both of which were questioned and criticized.

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

Netizens have different opinions on this. Some argue that a manager like Ivan should dedicate himself to preparing for the squad at a crucial stage of the season. Netizen "Football Observer Xiao Ming" wrote on social media: "Although it is important to take a vacation, it seems a little inappropriate to choose a vacation at this point in time. The head coach should be on the pitch at the end of the season to ensure a full picture of the players' form. ”

However, there are also supporters who believe that a modest time off is necessary for a manager. Netizen "Football Lovers Amy" commented: "Everyone needs a break, and Kovic and Lippi are no exception. Their time off may help them stay productive in the long run. This perception reflects the concern of some fans about the manager's personal physical and mental health.

Ivan's performance in mental conditioning is truly impressive. He understands that football is not only a competition of skills and tactics, but also a psychological warfare. Therefore, he pays great attention to the development of the mental quality of the players. On the eve of a game, he would have one-on-one counseling with the players to help them reduce pressure and maintain a stable state of mind. Ivan believes that only by being mentally relaxed can he perform at his best on the field.

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

Netizens also have a lot of discussion about this. A netizen said: "Ivan is really a coach who understands people's hearts, he is not only skilled and tactical, but also motivates players at critical moments, which is really rare." Another netizen said: "Psychological counseling is really important, Ivan has done a good job in this, and I hope that Chinese football can have more coaches like him." ”

In terms of technique and tactics, Ivan's characteristics are also very distinct. He is good at adapting his tactics to the situation of his opponent and is flexible. However, the actual situation of Chinese football and the external environment have also brought many challenges to Ivan. The development of Chinese football is not mature enough, and there are deficiencies in infrastructure and youth training system. Ivan also encountered a lot of difficulties when he first took over the team. Once, when the team's training ground conditions were poor, he personally reported to the club's management and fought for a better training environment.

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

Another netizen joked: "Ivan is really well-intentioned, not only to be a coach, but also to manage the venue, it's really heartbreaking." Although it is a joke, it also reflects Ivan's dedication and hard work at work.

One player said in an interview: "Coach Ivan is not only our coach, but also our friend and mentor. He was always able to show up when we needed it most, giving us support and encouragement. "This good teacher-student relationship is also an important reason why the team can unite and make progress together.

Regarding the importance of the national football team's outstanding performance in the upcoming round of 18, netizens agreed that in addition to the correct arrangement and strategy of the head coach, the players' all-out efforts and the efficient execution of the overall tactics are crucial. Netizen "Fan Aaron" posted on the forum: "I hope the national football team can play well in the top 18, no matter what kind of vacation the head coach chooses before the game, it ultimately depends on the strength of the players and the tacit understanding of the team." ”

Another Lippi? Ivan returned to China for 13 days of vacation: criticized and complained by a large number of media people!

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