
UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?


2024-06-29 19:08

League of Legends S14 Summer Tournament, LPL has undergone a major overhaul - a new format, a new BP mode, and a new lineup. In the first round of the final group tournament that has ended, in the global BP mode, many teams and players have exposed their shortcomings in hero pools and tactical reserves.

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

The competition for the promotion places in the fixed group has entered a white-hot state, and the three groups of ABC have decided the places in the summit group and the nirvana group, and only the last seat in group D has not yet been decided. According to the schedule, the second round of the group competition on June 29 was scheduled, and two heavyweight matches were arranged. All of them are Group D matches, which are UP vs. NIP and IG vs. WBG in the same group. In these two games, the win or loss of any game is related to the situation of the three teams of UP, WBG and IG advancing to the summit group


UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

In the first round, UP defeated NIP with a score of 2-0. This time, it is debatable whether NIP will go all out to get revenge when they have already secured the cut. And UP is a road from ancient Huashan, if you want to advance, you can only have a chance by defeating NNIP first.

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

In the first game, the UP blue side banned Rambo, Senna, Kenan, Death Song, Pig Girl, Scorpion, Zyra, Airplane, Ash, Ruil; NIP Red Fang, Ban Bomberman, Calista, Fire Man, Bron, Titan, Choice Card, Rock Sparrow, Cannon, Ezreal, Leona

In the first game, both sides coincidentally took out a multi-shooter lineup, the difference is that UP is the plane plus Ash, NIP is the card, and the small cannon is Ezreal. 5AD is on the scene at the same time, which means that this game, both sides will either lose or win.

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

However, the process of the first game was unexpected by the embarrassed king, who thought that he would fight a game, but what he didn't expect was that the two sides operated a whole game. In the 36 minutes of the game, only 19 heads were shot by both sides. It's just that in the whole game, NIP took advantage of the one-blood advantage to complete the one-sided economic suppression. Then NIP snowballed while it was operating. In the end, 36 minutes and 25 seconds, NIP crushed UP with an economy of nearly 14,000 yuan, can you believe it?

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

In the second game, NIP blue side, ban Leona, Fire Man, Little Cannon, Titan, Card Master, choose Scorpion, Zyra, Airplane, Ash, Bron; UP Red side, banned: Rambo, Senna, Bomberman, Callista, Varus, Quisanti, Dead Song, Yon, Zeriel, Lowe

NIP, who won the first game, is still the dual-shooter system of the plane and Ash in the second game, as long as it passes the early stage safely, it will be strong in the middle and late stages; UP is the traditional system of choosing to stabilize one hand and Yongen's mid-laner, which just restrains the early weakness of NIP, and it depends on whether the Up players can grasp it.

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

As a result, in the second game, the one who should be strong was not strong, but the one who was weak was strong. After giving up the first little dragon and getting a blood, the NIP took off directly. Rookie, a veteran, picked up all of the NIP on one shoulder, and there is an old man in the family, with the NIP speed of light at 22 minutes and 34 seconds, and the clean sheet UP.

UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

After UP lost to NIP, he fell directly to the Nirvana group. In this regard, the embarrassed king just wants to ask: these two pairs of UPs have been broken, and they can still double kill WBG; However, such a bad WBG, there is even a chance to enter the summit group, can you believe it?

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  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?
  • UP lost to NIP and fell to the Nirvana group! WBG still has a chance to climb the group, can you believe this?

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