
In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

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Wang Xiaolu, an 18-year-old senior in high school who lives in Guangzhou. At the beginning of March 2017, when the exam was approaching, Wang Xiaolu was in the dormitory, canteen and classroom every day. When I go back to the dormitory in the evening, I have to turn on the small lamp for a while to read. On March 23, when Wang Xiaolu got up in the morning, she suddenly felt a little swollen and sore in her throat and her head was groggy. She suspected that she was reading a book yesterday and had a little cold, so she didn't pay much attention to it, so she took out the banlan root in the drawer and soaked a few packets to eat, and continued to devote herself to intense study and life.

As time passed, Wang Xiaolu had sweating and joint pain when she slept at night, sometimes she was a little nauseous and wanted to vomit, and a lot of her hair fell out. She thought that she was under too much pressure to study, and she didn't think much about it. During the third year of high school, everyone is more or less mentally stressed, and it is normal for them to feel unwell.

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

On April 2, when Wang Xiaolu was washing in the mirror, she suddenly found that she had some red spotted pimples on her body, and there were some slight itches on her face and neck. Wang Xiaolu suspected that she was either allergic or bitten by some poisonous insect. She loves beauty more, and she couldn't stand the rashes on her face at all, so she immediately asked for a leave of absence from the teacher and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The clerk at the pharmacy recommended paeonol ointment to her, telling her that this medicine can not only be used for the redness and swelling of mosquito bites, but also relieve eczema, dermatitis and other conditions, and has a certain anti-allergic effect, which is very suitable for her current situation.

Wang Xiaolu didn't think much about it, took the medicine and went back. After rubbing the medicine for a period of time, about half a month, these maculopapular rashes on her face finally disappeared. Wang Xiaolu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had finally been cured of this dermatitis.

In fact, Wang Xiaolu showed symptoms in the initial stage of AIDS infection, that is, the rash in the acute stage, and when infected with HIV for about 2-4 weeks, the patient will have fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. This is followed by multiple papules, which are darker in color, blister-like, mild, and usually disappear on their own in about 1 to 3 weeks.

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

At the beginning of May, Wang Xiaolu always couldn't concentrate in class, these days she always felt that she had no strength in her body, her appetite for eating was not good, and she also had a little diarrhea from time to time, and the whole person had a feeling of prostration. Seeing that the college entrance examination is approaching, Wang Xiaolu is also very anxious, but her body is like wanting to strike, and she often feels dizzy when she looks at books, and she can't remember any knowledge points.

On May 9th, when Wang Xiaolu was studying at night, she suddenly felt some blurred vision in front of her eyes, and a feeling of dizziness hit her head, and then she fell asleep on the table groggily. The head teacher saw this situation outside the window, and immediately walked in with some hatred, and just wanted to say a few words to her, but found that Wang Xiaolu's face was pale, her forehead was full of sweat, and the hair on her sideburns was wet. Approaching the critical period of the college entrance examination, why did he suddenly get sick, the head teacher sighed helplessly, and hurriedly called the parents, asking them to send the child to the hospital to see a doctor quickly, don't delay the progress of learning.

After receiving the call, her mother immediately rushed over and sent Wang Xiaolu to the Municipal People's Hospital for examination. She thought that the big hospital would definitely be able to cure the child quickly. After routine blood and biochemical examinations, the results showed that the body temperature was 37.8 °C, and there were symptoms of low-grade fever and inflammation.

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

The attending physician deduced that Wang Xiaolu might have been infected, so he arranged blood sampling and infectious disease screening, and the results showed that the CD4+ T lymphocyte count was 490/μl↓ and the HIV antibody test was positive. HIV causes a significant decrease in the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes, and Wang Xiaolu was eventually diagnosed with AIDS.

AIDS is an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, which is extremely harmful, will invade the body's immune system, and eventually cause various infections in the body, induce tumors and other diseases. At this stage of medical care, it is still difficult to cure AIDS, and the prognosis of patients is usually poor.

After learning of this situation, Wang Xiaolu and her mother were shocked. Wang Xiaolu didn't believe it at first, but after the doctor said a few symptoms of AIDS, she cried and cried: "It turned out that there was an abnormality a long time ago, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time." "My mother knows her daughter best, she has never touched her hand since she was a child, it can't be sexually transmitted, there are no AIDS patients in their family, and her daughter has never donated blood or transfusion, and the immunological tests in last year's physical examination were all normal, how could she suddenly get AIDS?

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

Wang Xiaolu's eyes were red and she was also very confused, she knew that AIDS was transmitted through sexual transmission, blood transmission or mother-to-child transmission, but she had never violated any of them.

The doctor was also a little puzzled at first, so he carefully inquired about what happened to Wang Xiaolu this year, and finally found the culprit. "Although you have not been in contact with someone with AIDS, one of your behaviors caused you to become infected with AIDS, and this behavior is something that everyone can do......"

AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, and according to statistics, more than 90% of patients in mainland China are sexually transmitted infections. The source of infection is people who are infected with HIV, and high-risk groups include men who have sex with men, people who have sex with people living with HIV, or people who have multiple sexual partners.

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

The HIV virus can be found in large quantities in the blood, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid, breast milk, chest and ascites, semen and other body fluids of AIDS patients. When accidentally exposed to it in life, the virus may spread through the human mouth, veins, wounds with mucosal breakdowns, or through the vagina and rectum. HIV is not usually transmitted through the air, food, or mosquito bites, and infection is rarely caused by normal daily contact, with sexual transmission being the main route.

It turned out that Wang Xiaolu was more fond of beauty, and once went to a three-no tattoo parlor to get tattoos, but the disinfection of the utensils in the tattoo parlor was not in place. The first person to get a tattoo was an HIV-infected person, and the device was operated with a large amount of HIV. Although Wang Xiaolu was worried that her parents and teachers would talk about her, she quickly washed off the tattoo. However, the AIDS virus has already entered her body through blood, destroying her body's lymphocytes, causing weakened immunity, fever, rash and other discomforts.

In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully admitted that there was an abnormality for a long time, and she didn't pay attention to it at that time

HIV is present in the blood of a person in large quantities, and the probability of infection increases significantly when the body has a breakdown of the skin and mucous membranes and happens to come into contact with the blood and body fluids of an HIV-infected person. Therefore, in life, it is necessary to pay attention to unsafe interventional medical procedures, such as tooth extraction, tattoos, sharing razors and other bad behaviors, which may cause blood transmission.

In summary, effective prevention of AIDS is primarily through cutting off the routes of transmission. First of all, we should resolutely refrain from sexual contact with high-risk groups. Secondly, in life, you need to take protective measures when you have a relationship, use condoms that are of good quality and not damaged, avoid blood contact with AIDS patients, and do not share personal items such as razors and toothbrushes with others.

(Note: "In 17 years, an 18-year-old high school girl was diagnosed with AIDS, and she tearfully confessed: there was an abnormality for a long time, and I didn't pay attention to it at the time" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)