
The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

author:Winter says school
The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust
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The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

On the stage of "Do Not Disturb", a jaw-dropping love story is unfolding. A 34-year-old young man, with his eyes firmly in the spotlight, came in order to pursue a female guest who was over half a hundred years old.

This pair, which is 17 years apart, instantly detonated the attention of the audience.

The young man confessed affectionately, not caring at all about the surprised eyes of others. And the 51-year-old "grandma-level" female guest had surprise and hesitation in her eyes.

The audience waited with bated breath to speculate whether this relationship that spanned the ages could blossom.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

At the same time, doubts arose on the Internet: "This can't be arranged by the program team, right?" A heated discussion about true love and the authenticity of the show began.

As one of the most popular blind date programs in China, "Do Not Disturb" has attracted countless audiences with its unique charm. Every Saturday night, people stay in front of the TV, looking forward to a new round of romantic encounters.

At the heart of the show is the 24 single women who decide the fate of the male guests by turning the lights on or off, an interactive mode that brings endless anticipation and surprises to the audience.

On this stage, we witnessed many unforgettable and strange events. Once, as soon as a male guest who claimed to "collect rags" appeared, he was collectively "turned out" by the female guests.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

However, when the host revealed that the man had actually become a millionaire by recycling waste, the mood at the scene was instantly reversed. The expressions of the female guests changed from contempt to remorse, but it was too late, and the rich man had already left the venue disappointed.

Another incident that caused an uproar was a female guest known as the "Gold Worshipper". Her remark that "I'd rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle" sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

This sentence not only expresses some people's view of mate choice, but also reflects the value orientation of some people in contemporary society, triggering extensive social reflection.

Behind these seemingly absurd words and deeds, is there also a hidden true appeal for love and life of the parties? "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" is like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of life.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

It is not only a blind date show, but also a platform to show social reality and provoke thinking.

On this stage, we see the sweetness of love and the cruelty of reality; We felt genuine emotions and saw the prejudices of the world.

Some people fight for love, while others see marriage as a transaction. This complex and diverse emotional world is the reason why "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" has been able to maintain its high popularity for a long time.

Despite the controversial remarks and actions in the show, it also provides us with a window into the concepts and values of marriage and love among contemporary Chinese youth.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

Whether they are idealists who pursue sincere feelings or realists who value material conditions, they have all found opportunities to express themselves on this stage.

The charm of "Do Not Disturb" lies not only in the love story it shows, but also in the social discussions and reflections it provokes. It allows us to see the diversity of love and also makes us reflect on our own values.

On this stage full of surprises and controversies, each episode is an in-depth discussion about love, marriage and life.

Among the many stories in "Do Not Disturb", the love story of a 34-year-old man pursuing a 51-year-old "grandma" is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. This young man was originally just an ordinary owner of a small shop, living an ordinary and down-to-earth life.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

However, the gears of fate quietly turn the moment he inadvertently turns on the TV.

When he first saw the 51-year-old female guest on the screen, it was as if he had been struck by lightning. Although the lady is over half a hundred years old, she still has the charm of a mature woman.

The young man's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated, and he felt that he had found the person he was destined for.

From that moment on, the young man began his journey of chasing love. He plucked up the courage and handed over the registration form to the program team. In the long wait, he was both expectant and apprehensive, and his mind kept rehearsing the scene of the meeting.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

Finally, he got his wish, standing in the center of the stage of his dreams, looking firmly at the goddess he wanted.

At the scene of the show, when the young man confessed that his favorite object was a 51-year-old "grandmother", the audience was in an uproar. The audience exchanged ears, speculating whether the young man was joking.

However, there was a sincere sparkle in the young man's eyes, and his every word was full of affection, making it impossible to doubt his sincerity.

"In my eyes, age is just a number," he said affectionately, his voice trembling slightly but unwavering, "I am fascinated by your wisdom, your experience, and your eternally young heart."

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

I believe that sincere feelings can cross the age gap. These words instantly heated up the atmosphere at the scene, and other female guests made way for the cross-age lovers and took the initiative to extinguish their lights.

In the face of such a fiery relationship, the 51-year-old female guest could not hide her inner turmoil. Her eyes flashed with mixed emotions of surprise and hesitation. On the one hand, she was touched by the sincerity of the young man; On the other hand, she is also worried about the real challenges that the relationship will face.

After some deliberation, she finally decided to give the relationship a chance and agreed to try to have a relationship.

At this moment, the entire studio was boiling. Applause and cheers came one after another, witnessing this love story that spanned all ages. The courage and perseverance of the young man, as well as the open-mindedness of the female guests, left a deep impression on the audience.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

This moment seems to interpret the purest appearance of love - regardless of age, regardless of identity, only by heart.

However, in addition to the excitement, people can't help but worry about the future of this "year-old love" couple. Will they be able to overcome the challenges posed by the age gap? What kind of pressure will society's vision put on them? Will this touching confession stand the test of real life? All these questions cast a layer of mystery over this relationship, and also made the audience full of anticipation and curiosity about their future.

No matter what the result is, this young man's brave pursuit of love undoubtedly adds a unique color to the stage of "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", and also staged a romantic legend that transcends age for the audience.

When the story of the 34-year-old guy pursuing the 51-year-old "grandma" spread on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar. Netizens expressed doubts one after another, and the comment area was full of various speculations and discussions, and public opinion was boiling for a while.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

"This can't be true, can it?" Someone bluntly expressed skepticism. Many netizens believe that such a huge age gap is really hard to believe that this is a sincere relationship.

They questioned the pair's motives, speculating that they might have been trying to gain attention or have other ulterior motives.

"It must be arranged by the program team, in order to attract attention." Others see it as a well-planned farce. They pointed out that in recent years, many variety shows have not hesitated to create topics in order to increase ratings, which is likely to be a typical example.

Someone else half-jokingly commented: "This beautiful grandmother really has the capital to pursue young love." This kind of ridiculous remarks reflects the disapproval of some netizens about this relationship.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

In the face of overwhelming doubts, the program team and the parties chose to remain silent. This silence has exacerbated public suspicion, and various versions of the "truth" have circulated on the Internet.

Some people believe that this is a farce to increase ratings, while others believe that it is a sincere but doomed relationship.

The whirlpool of public opinion is turning faster and faster, and the lovers who cross ages have become the focus of public conversation. People are beginning to discuss the possibility of older relationships, and also to reflect on society's prejudice against age-gap romances.

Whether this relationship is real or not, it undoubtedly touches people's inner imagination and expectations for love.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

In this storm of public opinion, we have seen the public's thirst for authenticity, as well as people's curiosity and questioning of unconventional feelings. To some extent, this controversy reflects the pluralistic understanding and attitude of contemporary society towards love, and also exposes people's general doubts about the authenticity of the media.

In any case, this public opinion storm added more drama to the "year-old love" couple, and also left a deep imprint on the public's memory.

Just when people are still talking about this love that spans ages, the story takes an unexpected turn. The 34-year-old guy and the 51-year-old "beautiful grandmother" who originally thought they would achieve a positive result finally failed to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand.

It is reported that after the end of the show, the lovers who have attracted much attention did start dating. However, getting along in real life is far more complicated than the romantic confession in the show.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

The two soon discovered that although they had a common emotional foundation, there was an insurmountable gap in terms of living habits and ways of thinking.

Young lads are energetic, like to try new things, and have a fast pace of life; And the "beautiful grandma" is more gentle and introverted, enjoying a peaceful life. This difference is constantly manifested in daily life, and gradually becomes a barrier between the two.

They tried hard to adjust, but the problems caused by the age gap seemed to be more difficult to overcome than they thought.

After a period of getting along, the two have to face the reality: a long-term relationship cannot be maintained with a momentary heartbeat. In the end, they chose to break up peacefully, ending this much-talked-about relationship.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

Although this ending is regrettable, it also makes people have to lament the complex relationship between love and reality.

At the same time, the young man seemed to have evaporated from the world. Perhaps unable to bear the blow of falling out of love, or perhaps unwilling to face public attention, he chose to withdraw from the public eye and began a new journey in life.

People are curious about what happened to him, but his story seems to have come to an end.

This unexpected ending once again sparked heated discussions among the public. Some people lament the wonder of fate, while others think it confirms their previous suspicion that this relationship was unrealistic from the beginning.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

In any case, this story tells us that true love needs not only passion, but also the fit of the three views and the run-in of daily life.

Although this high-profile "year-old love" ended in failure, it staged an emotional drama of ups and downs for us, and also made us think more deeply about love.

In this story, we see courage and sincerity, but also witness the cruelty of reality. It reminds us that in the pursuit of love, we need to be rational and also respect our inner voice.

Although this much-talked-about "year-old love" ended in failure, the popularity of "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" has not diminished in the slightest. The show continues to captivate countless audiences, with each episode featuring a variety of amazing or moving stories, making it a must-see on weekend evenings.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

However, as the show continued to be broadcast, the doubts never stopped. Many viewers began to doubt the authenticity of the show, believing that there was script manipulation in it. "Are these stories true?" "Are the guests all actors?" Such questions continue to appear in online discussions.

While the audience questioned, they continued to watch with curiosity, looking forward to the next wonderful story.

In the face of these doubts, the program team has always remained silent. Perhaps, it is this sense of mystery that has become another attraction of the show. It adds an extra layer of fun by filling the audience with guesswork and anticipation during the viewing process.

In any case, as a longevity blind date show, the existence of "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" itself has special social significance. It not only provides a platform for single men and women to get acquainted, but also becomes a window to observe the concept of marriage and love in contemporary society.

The 34-year-old guy confessed to marry a 51-year-old grandmother on "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", netizens: All of them are trust

Through this stage, we can get a glimpse of the different people's views on love, values, and changes in society's attitudes towards marriage and love.

Despite the controversy, "If You Are the Truth, Do Not Disturb" remains a mirror that reflects the marriage and love situation and social reality of contemporary Chinese youth. Its existence gives us the opportunity to think about love, marriage, and the true meaning of life.

Whether it's real or performing, this show is presenting wonderful stories about love to the audience in its unique way.

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