
Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?
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Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

In 2014, the wedding scene in Brussels, Belgium was filled with romance. 39-year-old Li Xiaoran, a well-known actor who has experienced emotional twists and turns, is looking at Xu Jianing who is kneeling on one knee with affection at the moment.

I saw Xu Jianing say affectionately: "Dear baby, please marry me!" I will prepare 500 million yuan for you to splurge as much as you want. These bold words immediately amazed the guests present.

However, who would have thought that this couple would be "male girlfriends" who have known each other for 16 years? Why did Li Xiaoran finally choose Xu Jianing after experiencing several unforgettable relationships? What kind of twists and turns are there behind this seemingly perfect marriage? Let's uncover this emotional mystery that spans 16 years and explore Li Xiaoran's bumpy journey to find true love.

In 1976, Li Xiaoran was born in Beijing in a family full of laughter. Her father was a fearless pilot, and her mother was a dedicated doctor.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Although Li Xiaoran was born beautiful, her parents did not spoil her too much, but focused on cultivating her independence and multi-faceted interests.

With the encouragement of her parents, Li Xiaoran came into contact with various interest classes, among which dance became her specialty. Interestingly, the young Li Xiaoran was not obsessed with dancing, and he never worked particularly hard when practicing.

However, with her talent, at the age of 17, she was easily admitted to the prestigious Beijing Dance Academy.

After graduation, Li Xiaoran joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe and started her artistic career. However, on this seemingly glamorous stage, Li Xiaoran felt empty in his heart and was eager to find a new direction.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

"At that time, I always felt that something was missing in my life, but I couldn't put it into words," she recalls.

Coincidentally, at this time, his friend Chen Kun, who was also in the song and dance troupe, was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and opened the road of actor. Inspired by Chen Kun, Li Xiaoran also came up with the idea of transformation.

In 1998, 22-year-old Li Xiaoran made a bold decision - to give up the work of the song and dance troupe and resolutely step into the film and television industry. On the set of the costume drama "The Legend of Two Phoenixes", fate arranged for her to meet Xu Jianing, who was also new to the entertainment industry.

In order to cultivate tacit understanding, the assistant director suggested that the two communicate more outside the play. Li Xiaoran recalled the scene of the first meeting, and a warm light flashed in his eyes: "Xu Jianing feels very down-to-earth, and it is easy for people to let down their guard.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

We get along like old friends for years, and it's never awkward to chat.

Xu Jianing was also moved by Li Xiaoran's sincerity. He later revealed: "The first time I saw Xiao Ran, I was attracted by her real, natural, and unpretentious temperament.

This experience not only opened the door to Li Xiaoran's acting career, but also laid the groundwork for her future love life. The transformation from dancer to actor allowed Li Xiaoran to find her true stage, and also allowed her to meet the most important person in her life.

In 2000, Li Xiaoran became famous with the TV series "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", officially starting her brilliant acting career. Since then, she has shined on the screen, interpreting vivid roles with superb acting skills, winning the love of the audience and the recognition of the industry.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

With the booming career, Li Xiaoran's love life has also begun to fluctuate. After becoming famous, she had a brief romance with a talented screenwriter.

However, this relationship was like a flash in the pan, and it soon ended without a problem, leaving Li Xiaoran with a little melancholy.

Around 2005, Li Xiaoran met Sun Donghai, a business elite. Sun Donghai, who is 8 years older than Li Xiaoran, has not only made achievements in the field of real estate, but also successfully stepped into the film and television industry.

He launched a passionate pursuit of Li Xiaoran, and quickly captured her heart with financial resources and charm.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

In order to avoid the entanglement of her ex-boyfriend, Li Xiaoran had to travel for a long time, and this experience left a deep psychological shadow on her.

In 2008, during a film shoot, Li Xiaoran met the talented new director Yan Po. The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. This relationship has been blessed by many friends, including Xu Jianing, a friend for many years.

Li Xiaoran seemed to see the dawn of happiness and devoted himself to this relationship.

However, fate played a joke on Li Xiaoran again. In 2010, Yan Po was seriously injured in an accident when he was attacked by four knife-wielding gangsters. Li Xiaoran, who learned the news, immediately put down all his work and waited by Yan Po's side day and night.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

This accident made Li Xiaoran realize the fragility of life, and it also made her cherish this relationship even more.

In those difficult days, Li Xiaoran showed strength and courage. Not only does she have to take care of her injured lover, but she also has to face media attention and various speculations.

This experience allowed her to publicly admit her romance with Yan Po for the first time, and also allowed her to show her perseverance in public.

However, the six-year relationship eventually came to an end. In 2013, Li Xiaoran announced the good news of her pregnancy, but soon after the news of a miscarriage and a breakup came out.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

This sudden turn of events shocked and deplored everyone.

After experiencing many ups and downs in their relationship, the relationship between Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing, two old friends, has quietly undergone subtle changes. 16 years of friendship have allowed them to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other.

Since they met in the crew of "Two Phoenixes" in 1998, Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing have maintained close contact. Whether it is trivial matters in life or cooperation in career, Xu Jianing is one of Li Xiaoran's most trusted friends.

With Xu Jianing's transformation into a producer, the two have more and more intersections in their work.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Li Xiaoran recalled: "Actually, we have always been in contact, but it was only then that I realized that the most suitable person for me was always by my side. She slowly realized that Xu Jianing gave her a different feeling from her previous lovers, and that sense of comfort and security was unprecedented.

Xu Jianing also said frankly: "Seeing that Xiao Ran has experienced so much, I feel distressed but powerless. Until one day, I suddenly realized that maybe I was the one who could give her happiness.

"Years of tacit understanding and understanding have made their emotional foundation more solid than anyone else.

The relationship between the two warmed up quickly, but the decision to be together was not impulsive. They have all experienced the ups and downs of their feelings, and they know how to cherish their hard-won fate.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Li Xiaoran said with a smile: "With Jianing, I feel very relaxed. He knew everything about me, including my petty temper and petty willfulness. I don't need to pretend, I can be my truest self.

Xu Jianing said: "Xiao Ran is the most sincere and straightforward person I have ever met. Her beauty lies not only in her appearance, but also in her pure heart. I hope to spend the rest of my life guarding her smile.

When they announce their relationship to friends and family, everyone is surprised but understandable. Friends for many years suddenly upgraded to lovers, although it was unexpected, but when I think about it, I think they are a match made in heaven.

This love sublimated from friendship allowed Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing to find their spiritual home. They cherish each other and know better how to maintain a healthy relationship.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Li Xiaoran said with emotion: "Maybe this is fate, going around and around, we finally found each other."

In 2014, Li Xiaoran and Xu Jianing held a romantic wedding in Brussels. Xu Jianing's marriage proposal vow "Prepare 500 million yuan for you, let you squander" Although it was a sensation, Li Xiaoran valued her husband's carefulness and thoughtfulness more.

Life after marriage is plain and warm. Although Xu Jianing is busy with work, she always puts her wife first. He will prepare all kinds of surprises for Li Xiaoran, from the carefully prepared food to the carefully tended garden, you can feel his care everywhere.

Li Xiaoran once shared in the show: "Once I wanted to go to the sea to record a program, Jianing deliberately consulted a lot of information and prepared a maritime communication tool for me. I was always touched by his attentiveness.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

This kind of meticulous care made Li Xiaoran feel an unprecedented sense of security.

Xu Jianing's cooking skills have also become a highlight in their lives. Whether it is simple noodles or complex dishes, he can cook them with all the color, flavor and flavor, which makes Li Xiaoran full of praise.

Li Xiaoran said with a smile: "Sometimes I feel like I am married to a chef.

In addition to food, Xu Jianing is also a gardening enthusiast. His meticulously tended home garden has become a place for Li Xiaoran to relax after work. Li Xiaoran is often pleasantly surprised to find that every time she goes home, she can see different flowers blooming, which makes her feel warm.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

Although they have no children for many years after marriage, the two are open to it. Li Xiaoran said frankly: "We all feel that feelings are the most important. Whether we have children or not does not affect our relationship, we cherish the time we spend with each other more.

This happiness in the ordinary is exactly what Li Xiaoran has been looking for. Under Xu Jianing's care, she found inner peace and satisfaction, and cherished this hard-won married life even more.

Li Xiaoran, who has entered the age of 47, still maintains strong creativity and high output in his career. In 2023, she will bring a number of highly anticipated new works to the audience, including the sci-fi masterpiece "The Three-Body Problem" and the realistic masterpiece "Our Days".

At the same time, works such as "Celebrating More Than Years 2", "Above the Clouds", and "She and Her Islands" have also been completed, making fans full of expectations.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

In addition to his busy work, Li Xiaoran did not forget to manage his marriage. "I feel very lucky to be able to achieve something in my career and have a happy marriage at the same time," she said.

Jianing has given me a lot of support and understanding, so that I can work without any worries.

Xu Jianing also said: "Xiao Ran is very ambitious, and I appreciate her professionalism and dedication. My responsibility is to be her strong backing and give her a warm home.

This attitude of mutual support and understanding has strengthened their relationship.

Li Xiaoran: Married to a male girlfriend at the age of 39, 500 million yuan can be spent, what is the marital status now?

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Li Xiaoran finally found a balance between career and love at the age of 47. Her story tells us that true love may be all around us, and happiness needs to be managed with care.

As the song goes, "The sun is always after the storm, please believe that there is a rainbow." Li Xiaoran's life, just like this song, ushered in his own rainbow after experiencing wind and rain.

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