
also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

author:Fans of the show

Zhao Jinmai, who is only 21 years old, is already a veteran actor in the circle. In 2010, she starred in "Can't Do Without Mother" and debuted as a child star.

In recent years, he has performed many good works, such as the suspense drama "The Beginning", the family urban drama "Little Farewell" and "Youth Pi", and the idol drama "In the Blizzard".

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

There are representative works of different genres, but they are all based on modern dramas. Zhao Jinmai has cooperated with Lin Yi and others to perform the costume drama "Linglong" before, but his appearance is controversial.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

Recently, Zhao Jinmai cooperated with Zhang Linghe's first ancient puppet drama "Hua Nian" was also broadcast on Youku. After the start of this drama, it attracted the attention of many audiences, but the launch of the new drama seems to be less than expected.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

The beginning of "Du Hua Nian" tells the story of the middle-aged eldest princess Li Rong in the previous life and Pei Wenxuan, the first assistant of the current dynasty, both killed, although the two are husband and wife, they look like each other. After that, they were reborn together and returned to the year they met, the eldest princess was 18 years old, and Pei Wenxuan was 20 years old.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

They first married and then fell in love, from enemies to best friends, and then from best friends to lovers. The whole setting is still relatively innovative, but the setting of the male and female protagonists is a bit like "Ning An Like a Dream", and the similarities are too obvious.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

"Is this year's domestic drama a stab at the nest of Rebirth Wen?"

"A child's cosplay sense"

"It's hard to substitute for the plot if there is no point to see." There are a lot of comments like this, which shows that the plot of the new drama is not eye-catching.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

In the first episode, the screenwriter explained the ending of the male and female protagonists' previous lives, explained the background of the male and female protagonists' rebirth, and then returned to the plot of the eldest princess's 18-year-old choice of horses. The whole plot is a bit fragmented, and the audience is in a fog.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

In addition, the role of Li Rong played by Zhao Jinmai seems to be controversial.

"The heroine is expressionless, how she looks like a child, and she doesn't have the demeanor of an eldest princess." A netizen was very sharp and hit the nail on the head.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

In the play, Li Rong's appearance is not particularly exquisite, but the makeup is clear, the costumes are distinctive, and she looks good, and Zhao Jinmai is also in good condition.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

In this way, there are also pros and cons. When the eldest princess was 38 years old, although the clothes were a little mature, Zhao Jinmai's face was wrinkled, and it was difficult to deduce the calmness and temperament of a middle-aged person, and it was still a little worse.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

When she returned to the age of 18, she wore more slim clothes and pink and clear makeup, and the whole fit was much better. It can be seen that it makes sense to play what kind of role you should play at what age!

Although Zhao Jinmai's acting skills are slightly better than the male lead, her costume appearance is not amazing, and many viewers think that Zhao Jinmai is not suitable for costume dramas.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

Zhao Jinmai's face is wide, his head is big, and his ancient costumes and hairstyles are more testing the beauty of people's skeletons, so Zhao Jinmai's appearance is abrupt.

In the second episode, she appeared there in red clothes and veils, and the maids next door were smaller than her head, and their faces were more delicate, which would obviously be more brilliant.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

In recent years, there have been many actors who have played the "eldest princess", such as Li Meng played Princess Wanning in "Ink Rain and Clouds", and Li Xiaoran played the eldest princess Li Yunrui in "Celebrating More Than Years".

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

is also playing the "eldest princess", but in comparison, the gap is quite obvious. First of all, Li Yunrui played by Li Xiaoran, she loved her emperor brother, but she had an affair with her nephew and was bent on hurting her son-in-law Fan Xian.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

This character is very ruthless, and his temper and personality are rather eccentric. Li Xiaoran has half-draped hair and black eyeliner in the play, and the whole person looks gloomy and gloomy, with a mysterious and powerful temperament.

Li Xiaoran doesn't have many scenes, but her performance makes the audience remember this role.

In addition, Li Meng's Wanning, she fell in love with someone else's husband Shen Yurong, so she broke up the family, and also caused the destruction of the family's wife's family, and the methods were also very vicious and crazy.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

Li Meng's Wanning is very good, her sharp and ruthless eyes, her voice that seems to be laughing but not laughing, her unconscious circle movements, and a glance and smile will play the "crazy eldest princess" brilliantly.

also played the "eldest princess", put Zhao Jinmai, Li Xiaoran, and Li Meng together, and the gap came out

Li Meng is 32 years old and Li Xiaoran is 48 years old, and the ages of both of them are more in line with the setting of the roles, so the acting is not so inconsistent. However, the eldest princess played by Zhao Jinmai is not so convincing.

I just don't know if everyone's perception will change as the plot progresses.

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