
A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway

author:Talking about Xiao Li

A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway. During the years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, countless ordinary people stepped forward and contributed their strength to the cause of national liberation in various ways. An ordinary coppersmith Sheng Donggen, in the early morning of September 1943, was forcibly captured by the Japanese army to carry ammunition, he was not afraid of danger, used his wit, secretly took several boxes of ammunition from the Japanese army and hid them, and later took the initiative to notify the guerrillas to come and receive them.

His move undoubtedly delivered valuable ammunition to the anti-Japanese front and contributed to the final victory. Isn't it worth remembering and praising a seemingly ordinary person who stepped forward at a critical moment and influenced the direction of the battle with his own small strength?

A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway

The morning of September 17, 1943, was supposed to be an ordinary day. Sheng Dong originally planned to go to Xiaodongxiang to do some business, and by the way, he helped Wang Laohan in the village repair a copper scoop. Who would have thought that he had just arrived at the mouth of the river, and then he encountered something unfortunate - a Japanese transport ship flying the red cross flag docked, and a dozen Japanese devils pointed guns at innocent fishermen and villagers, and forcibly captured them to carry the ammunition boxes full of the boat.

As an idle coppersmith, Sheng Donggen lives a poor life, but he is also a patriotic with enthusiasm for the motherland. Looking at the arrogance of the Japanese army, he secretly gritted his teeth, determined to give these Japanese slaves some color. The opportunity arose at this time, when the Japanese army led them into the town of Fu'an, and after temporarily placing ammunition in a warehouse, the door was wide open and no one was sent to guard it. Sheng Donggen looked around carefully and found that there were no Japanese troops in the town except for a checkpoint at the corner of the street, so he suddenly had a bad idea. He quietly dragged the boxes of ammunition that had been moved to the warehouse out of the street, into a secluded alley, and finally hid them in an abandoned compound.

A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway

In this way, Sheng Donggen carefully shuttled back and forth again and again, and took out a total of eight boxes of ammunition. When the work was finally finished, the Japanese army didn't notice it, and they were still praising this "diligent and honest" little old man. A few days later, Sheng Donggen took the initiative to inform the comrades of the guerrillas and came to receive this batch of ammunition, contributing his own strength to the anti-Japanese front.

A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway

Thinking about it carefully, Sheng Donggen's style is indeed admirable. He was not afraid of danger, was not afraid to pay the price of his life, and did his best to dismantle the conspiracy of the Japanese army. Although this is only a drop in the bucket, this indomitable and undeterred spirit has inspired thousands of ordinary people like him to contribute to the anti-Japanese resistance in their own way. The final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression not only relied on the heroic battles of the front-line soldiers, but also relied on the silent support of thousands of ordinary people behind them. Each small seed will eventually give birth to the fruits of national independence and freedom.

A coppersmith was captured by the Japanese to carry ammunition, and a few days later the guerrillas learned that he had hidden several boxes halfway

History is always so cruel, yet so warm. In that turbulent era, countless ordinary people like Sheng Donggen paid silently in their respective posts and contributed their meager strength to the national liberation in their own special ways. Although most of them were unknown, it was their persistence and efforts that converged into an unstoppable torrent that finally broke the iron hooves of the Japanese and ushered in the dawn of victory. Therefore, we must remember the deeds of these little people, who interpret the connotation of "the courage of knowing the subtleties" with their actions, and let us applaud them. #头条首发大赛#