
Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

author:Anime lovers

Pokémon special is our favorite manga to read when we were children, the plot of the special chapter is carried out around the plot of the Pokémon series of games, each game series corresponds to a protagonist, so there is a big difference between the special chapter and the anime, today we will take stock of all the protagonists who appeared in the special chapter, which one is the strongest trainer in your heart?

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

1. Crimson (Fighting Man)

Crimson was born in Zhenxin Town.,He's the owner of the illustrated book in the Kanto region.,He's the first male protagonist of the special chapter.,Only 11 years old won the championship of the Guandu Alliance.,Become the youngest champion.,In the plot, he defeated eight gym masters.、Itaki boss、Rival Xiaomao、Four Heavenly King Zhiba,And successfully subdued "Mewtwo", and in the fiery red and leafy chapter, he commanded Mewtwo to defeat Daiochisis, and was called "the man of battle" by Dr. Ohki.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Crimson Pokémon lineup: Wonderful Frog Flower (Super Wonderful Frog Flower), Fossil Pterodactyl, Mosquito Frog, Pikachu, Kirbymon, Sun Eevee, etc

He once commanded legendary Pokémon: Frozen Bird, Mewtwo, and Daiochisis

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

2. Green (nurturing people)

Green was born in Zhenxin Town, he is also one of the owners of the Guandu area illustrated book, as the grandson of Dr. Damu, Green has an amazing talent, and the "Pokémon" he cultivated will be greatly improved in a short period of time, so he is called Pokémon "Cultivated Man" by Dr. Big Wood, Green as Crimson's rival has no less strength than him, defeated by Crimson in the final of the Guandu League and won the league runner-up, in the follow-up plot, Green has been concentrating on cultivating Pokémon, and improving his "strength", Joined forces with the master of the gym, Ah Ju, to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings - Tangerine, and the green and red fought again in the Fire Red Leaf Green chapter, and the strength of the two sides was still between the two sides, but if the "deathmatch" green and red were still a world apart, after all, Crimson inherited the "playing style" of Banmu and used all the rules that could be used to fight, which was a fighting method that Qinglu did not learn.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Green Pokémon lineup: Charizard (Super Charizard Y), Giant Pincer Mantis, Super Armor Rhinoceros, 3D Dragon, Gotha Duck, Strange Power, Nine-Tails, Wind Speed Dog, Hudi, etc

3. Little Blue (Evolutionary Man)

As the only woman in the original Pokédextrous owner, Xiaolan's combat strength is far less than that of Crimson and Teal, but she is smart and cunning, and is extremely good at "fooling" opponents, and then launching attacks, her strength is mediocre in regular battles, and if she can play a huge role in "Wild Fight", because she knows Pokémon "evolution" knowledge very well, so she is called "Evolutionary Man" by Dr. Ohki.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Little Sapphire Kémon lineup; Fat Ding, Blastoise (Super Blastoise), Changeling, Picosi, Nidohou, Bruhuang, etc

4. Xiao Huang (The Healing Man)

Xiao Huang's full name: Xiao Huang Dai Tokiwa Lilac was born in the Evergreen Forest, so Xiao Huang also inherited the special ability of the Evergreen Forest, can perceive the mood of the Pokémon and heal the Pokémon's injuries, so Xiao Huang is called the "healing man" by Dr. Ohki, Xiao Huang was rescued by Crimson in his childhood, so he has always admired Crimson, after learning that Crimson is missing, Xiao Huang embarked on a journey to find Crimson, and in the final chapter of the Yellow Chapter, Xiao Huang and Adu launched the final battle, because Adu has been Mewtwo, Banmu and the others were already exhausted after the wheel battle, and were finally repelled by Xiao Huang with "million volts".

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

In addition to Xiao Huang's ability to perceive Pokémon's mood and heal Pokémon's injuries, she also has the ability to improve Pokémon's power through "qi", how she may be the strongest female trainer when she is serious, Xiao Huang has always had a love for Chi, but Crimson doesn't seem to know about this.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Yellow Pokémon lineup: Pikachu, Lada, Duduli, Bada Butterfly, Rumblestone, Thorny Ammonitemon

5. Xiaojin (the one who hatched)

Jin is the hero of the "Gold, Silver, Crystal" chapter.,Born in Wakaba Town.,Because of the loss of Dr. Kumu's research institute Little Saw Crocodile and started a trip.,During the journey, he intersected with Silver and Crystal.,Although the character is reckless.,But thick and fine.,Have a good talent for fighting.,Because it has the ability to hatch Pokémon.,Called the "Hatching Man" by Dr. Oki.,Played a great role in the battle with the Kamen Guyanagi.,After the end of the "Gold, Silver, Crystal" chapter, Xiao Jin followed Crimson to the top of Silver Mountain to learn to fight, Therefore, when he appeared again in the Heart Gold Soul Silver Chapter, Xiao Jin's strength was greatly improved.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Little Golden Pokémon lineup: Twin-Tailed Monster Hand, Mosquito Coil, Frog Emperor, Fire Storm Beast, Pokkiss, Tree, Giant Winged Flying Fish, Iron Cannon Fish, Pichu

6. Silver (the person of exchange)

Silver is the second male in the "Gold, Silver, Crystal" chapter, born in the evergreen forest, was kidnapped by Liu Bo to the Johto area when he was a child, and later escaped from the "claws" of the masked man Liu Bo with the help of Xiaolan, and then Silver in order to investigate the kidnapping of the Kamen using the giant bird Pokémon, tracking the whereabouts of the Four Heavenly Kings, and stealing Dr. Kumu's little saw crocodile and Pokémon Illustrated Books, perhaps the owners of the Illustrated Book have fatalism, and on the way to travel, Silver and Gold, Crystal and others have a fateful communication, because of their "exchange" for Pokémon He is very knowledgeable, and is called "the man of exchange" by Dr. Ohki

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Silver's Pokémon lineup: Mahula, Mighty Crocodile, Raven Head, Thorn Dragon King, Red Tyrannosaurus, Circle Bear, Bangillas

7. Crystal (The Capturer)

Crystal in order to assist in the construction of the Pokémon school accepted the work commission of Dr. Oki and embarked on a journey to capture Pokémon, Crystal's special skill is to use cones to capture Pokémon, she is also one of the best at capturing Pokémon among many Bestiary owners, so she is also known as the "Capture Man", in the capture journey with the water king, gold, silver had a fateful intersection, after participating in the decisive battle of the masked man Liu Bo, with the help of the predecessors of Green and Little Blue completed the collection of the illustrated book, and successfully completed the entrusted task of Dr. Oki.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Crystal Pokémon lineup: Geranium, Pyrast, Caracalla, Kuakuhan, Natural Bird, Wind Speed Dog, Lost Lips Baby

8. Ruby (Gorgeous Contest Champion)

Ruby is the son of Chisato, the strongest gym owner in the Hoenn region, and he has shown amazing fighting talent at an early age, Ruby can severely damage the "quasi-god" Tyrannosaurus just by using the coyote dog and the tail meow, but because something happened in his childhood that changed him, Ruby changed from the pursuit of Pokémon battles to the pursuit of beautiful appearance, Ruby decided to run away from home on his 11th birthday in order to challenge the gorgeous competition, and then Ruby also met Dr. Odamaki and Shafiya in the wild, Ruby gets the Pokémon Illustrated Book and the Water Leaping Fish from Dr. Edamaki and embarks on a journey, because Ruby and Shafiya have different ideas from the beginning, and the two make an 80-day "bet".

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

In this 80-day "bet", Ruby encountered unprecedented changes in the Hoenn region, and the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team awakened the sleeping ultra-ancient Pokémon Gaioca and Grudo in order to realize their respective ambitions, and Ruby and Shafia were swept into this "storm" by fate.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Ruby Pokémon Lineup: Big Wolfdog, Graceful Cat, Super Shanaido, Super Giant Swamp Monster, Menas, Floating Bubbles, Sherabi (Away)

9. Shafiya

Shafiya is the daughter of Dr. Odamaki, with an innate "wildness" that can adapt to all kinds of wild life, Shafiya and Ruby are childhood playmates, because of the "Tyrannosaurus" thing Shafia and Ruby never intersected after separation, so the two did not recognize each other's identities when they met again in the wild, Shafiya decided to embark on a journey to conquer eight dojos because of the agreement with Ruby when she was a child, and during the 80-day "bet" between Ruby and Shafia, a series of great changes occurred in the Hoenn area, Shafiya was forced to get involved in the war, and although the journey was difficult, she and Ruby finally completed the original "bet", Shafiya won the 8 gym badges, and Ruby also dominated the gorgeous competition, and the two finally returned to Weibai Town.

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Shafiya Pokémon lineup: Bosco Dora, Super Flame Chicken, Dunjia, Tropical Dragon, Super Eluredo, Howler Whale King, Ancient Sky Ealacanth

Pokémon Special Protagonist Inventory, Which One Is The Strongest Trainer?

Due to the limited space, there are some protagonists who have not been introduced.,If you're interested in special comics.,I can release some special comics for everyone to watch in the future [wit]