
Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

Tan Zhenlin is famous for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the meeting, Jiang Weiqing: The spirit is smooth, at the beginning of the founding of New China, it was a great era of ups and downs and all kinds of waste. Countless revolutionary martyrs have paved a brand-new road for New China with their blood and sweat. Among them, there is a leader Tan Zhenlin who is famous for his fiery temper. He hated bureaucracy and was outspoken and unscrupulous, so he offended his subordinates. But it was this fierce style that won him the love and respect of countless people in that era. So what kind of past events left such a deep mark on this hot-tempered old revolutionary?

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

When it comes to Tan Zhenlin's old man, everyone's evaluation of him is different. Some people say that he has a hot temper, and you can't bear it; It is also said that a leader without a temper can hardly be called a good leader. In fact, it doesn't matter whether a person's temper is big or not, what matters is whether he can change his mistakes.

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

Boss Tan is indeed a grumpy lord, but his grumpy is all for the people. He hated those bureaucratic styles, and always remembered that he could never become an "official master". Therefore, whenever he saw those bureaucratic practices, he would be furious and criticize them mercilessly.

One year, for the sake of the chief's safety, the relevant departments stipulated that the chief should not drink water casually when he went out, and that the personnel with him must prepare water. Hey, this made Boss Tan angry, and he directly reprimanded: "This is simply the hooligan practice of the Kuomintang!" At the meeting, he ignored the secretary's dissuasion, picked up the cup and took a few sips, and severely criticized this regulation. He bluntly said: "For the safety of the chief? I have a solution, and that is not to listen to this!"

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

Later, in a hotel, when he saw the waiter taking the initiative to open the door for him, he immediately asked: "Do you open the door for everyone, or just open the door for the officials?" But the waiter didn't dare to say anything. Boss Tan said righteously, if an official even needs help from others, then this official is almost finished!

When I was in my hometown, I saw people queuing up to buy grain at the window of the grain store, but the window was more than one meter high, which made Boss Tan angry. He questioned the people of the county party committee: "I have enough effort, what about the elderly and children?" This is simply a deliberate attempt to rectify the masses!" The people of the county party committee can only bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

But it was this fierce style that made Tan Zhenlin win high prestige in the eyes of his subordinates. During the defense of Lianshui, Tan Zhenlin severely criticized Jiang Weiqing and others, but in the end he fearlessly criticized himself in public at the conference. Seeing this hot-tempered old man apologize so sincerely for his mistakes, his subordinates all burst into tears and were convinced. Jiang Weiqing later recalled: "As soon as he criticized himself, the anger in our hearts was smoothed!"

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

In the war-torn era, with a leader like Tan Zhenlin in front, everyone had the courage and motivation to fight. In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched an attack on the liberated areas of Central China, and under the command of Tan Zhenlin, our army won two successive victories in the Battle of Lianshui, which allowed the enemy to return in vain. At that time, under the "threat" of Tan Zhenlin, a cadre built a strategic bridge in one night, creating conditions for victory.

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

Therefore, although Tan Zhenlin's temper is indeed a big problem, his fierce style makes his subordinates extremely admired. Self-revolution again and again, every word and deed is for the people, and it is this fierce loyalty that made him the most lovable servant of the people in the early days of the founding of New China.

Tan Zhenlin is known for his temper, and he can't move his subordinates to speak frankly at the conference, Jiang Weiqing: It's smooth

In that treacherous era, a leader like Tan Zhenlin was particularly valuable. His resolute criticism of bureaucracy and his deep affection for the masses of the people let us see a revolutionary who has experienced many vicissitudes but has not changed his original intention. Although his temper can sometimes be too hot, this is exactly his sincere heart for the people and the cause. As public servants in the new era, can we also be like Tan Zhenlin, who is ruthless to all stubborn diseases, and at the same time has a long-cherished heart to serve the people? Let us draw masculinity from this old man and seek happiness for the people with a new look and style#头条首发大赛! #