
Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

author:Dexterity says sports

Hula! The 13-member roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the Paris Olympics has just been released, and this list is not only hot, but also so hot that it can be grilled! Our 13 girls are ready to make a splash in Paris.

By the way, you know what? This time, there are five new girls who have made it to the Olympic squad for the first time, and there are two girls who have been selected to cause a lot of controversy!

First of all, let's talk about these five Olympic "recruits"! Diao Linyu, Wu Mengjie, Gao Yi, Zheng Yixin, Zhuang Yushan, these people all have their own strengths and abilities.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

The setter duo of Diao Linyu and Wu Mengjie is simply the soul of the court, their passes are as fast as lightning and as accurate as snipers.

II-VI is like a mountain in front of the net, the blocking net is amazingly strong, and the attack power is also leveraged.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Zheng Yixin and Zhuang Yushan are colorful existences, especially Zheng Yixin, her unique running attack and blocking skills are simply intimidating to opponents!

Now let's talk about those "old rivers and lakes".

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Zhu Ting, Gong Xiangyu, Yuan Xinyue, Zhang Changning, Ding Xia are all well-known in the women's volleyball world, they have rich experience and outstanding ability.

Zhu Ting's smash, that is "Zhu Ting label", heavy as thunder, and the strength to pull out the mountain and cover the world! Gong Xiangyu's serve and fast attack, that is the standard "fast and furious".

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

And Yuan Xinyue and Zhang Changning's blocking in front of the net is simply as indestructible as the "Great Wall".

However, every time the list is released, there is always controversy, and this time is no exception.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

The selection of Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin has aroused heated discussions among many fans.

Some people say that although Ding Xia is experienced, her state fluctuates, is it really appropriate? Zheng Yixin's choice has also left many people scratching their heads, and despite her unique technical characteristics, it is really unknown whether she can play a role in a high-level competition such as the Olympics.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Fans are talking about the list, some cheering, some questioning, and some excited.

However, controversy is controversy, to be selected into the Olympic team, every athlete is a powerful faction, and every jump and smash they make carries the hopes and expectations of hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Let's not forget, although the candidates have now been decided, it is the Paris competition that will be the real test.

The Paris Olympics have not yet begun, and our women's volleyball girls are in full swing to prepare.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Their goal is very clear, that is, to show the style of the Chinese women's volleyball team again in the Olympic Games and win glory for the country!

Finally, as a die-hard ball welcomer, I am personally looking forward to this Olympics and optimistic about the performance of our women's volleyball girls in Paris.

Official announcement! The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball team for the Olympics was released, 5 were selected for the first time, and 2 were controversial

Every Olympic Games is a new experience and an opportunity to show China's strength.

Let's cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team together, look forward to their wonderful performance in Paris, and win glory for the country!

That Zhu Ting, that Gong Jinyu, that Yuan Xinyue, their names resounded throughout the volleyball world, and they were on the lips of every Chinese fan.

Can you not get excited at the mention of them? Every time she jumps, she is simply telling her opponent: "This territory, the old lady has the final say!" And we, die-hard fans, how can we not dance excitedly in front of the TV, and even feel that it is worth it after a few bowls!

Let's talk about Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin, which have caused a lot of controversy, and some netizens said: "Ding Xia is an old cannon and has a lot of experience, but sometimes she is too conservative?" Will she be able to keep up with the current pace? When he said this, he definitely didn't see Ding Xia's exquisite second ball, it was like a stab in the opponent's heart, both ruthless and accurate!

Let's take a look at Zheng Yixin, her situation is also quite interesting.

Some fans didn't buy it: "Although Zheng Yixin is good at blocking the net, can she play stably in the competition?" Don't wait for the pressure of the competition to come up, and our Miss Zheng has a soft hand, so what's the problem? Indeed, this is also a question worth considering.

But don't forget, Zheng Yixin's blocking net is really as high as the Great Wall, and he wants to climb over? There are no doors!

And, when it comes to the combination of these veterans and rookies, it's really exciting.

A netizen said well: "The combination of the old and the new, the combination of rigidity and softness, isn't this the consistent style of our women's volleyball team!" Zhu Ting took the newcomer, and the scene was exciting to think about! It's like a big brother with a younger brother, teaching how to fight and how to win! ”

But then again, will these young recruits really be able to hold their ground on the big stage in Paris? It's an unknown.

For example, II-VI, she is a bargain in the domestic arena, but in an international competition like the Olympics, the scene and pressure are indispensable, and whether she can bring the hot state of the country to the international arena is really a topic worth discussing.

Another netizen jumped out and said: "Gao Yi, her attack is really sharp!" It's like a sharp sword, straight into the sky! But the opponents of the Olympics are not vegetarians, and the psychological quality of II-VI is not good, this is the key! "That's true, mental quality is really important in a big game.

In the midst of all these expectations and worries, the Paris Olympics have not yet started, and our women's volleyball girls have become the center of heated discussions.

Every move, every choice, can be the key on the field.

And we, as ball welcomes, can only be in front of the TV, sweating, cheering for them, and praying for them.

In the final analysis, whether it is the discussion of netizens or the performance on the court, there is no escaping the core question - that is, can our women's volleyball girls create miracles again on the field in Paris? Can the world once again see the power and charm of the Chinese women's volleyball team?

Let's wait and see, because this is not just a game, this is a battle about honor, about dreams, about the hearts of hundreds of millions of Chinese! Until then, we can only maintain the highest enthusiasm and the firmest belief, and together with our women's volleyball girls, we will sprint towards Paris not far away!

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