
Yu Beichen proudly said: The mainland wants me to become a public enemy of the whole people, so as to enhance the self-confidence of the PLA in attacking Taiwan

author:Chengcheng topic station

Recently, many Chinese mainland netizens have discussed a topic: "In the process of recovering Taiwan, how should we deal with people like Yu Beichen, a retired general of the Taiwan army?" ”

This issue is not only about judging one's behavior, but also involves in-depth thinking about cross-strait relations and national reunification.

Yu Beichen proudly said: The mainland wants me to become a public enemy of the whole people, so as to enhance the self-confidence of the PLA in attacking Taiwan

This is indeed a question worth pondering. Yu Beichen's remarks often seem irrational, and sometimes even ridiculous.

When dealing with him, one may have the illusion that he is being bullied, because his words and actions often appear so anachronistic, so lacking in common sense and logic.

However, this delusion does not obscure the impact he has had as a public figure and the potential impact his remarks could have on cross-strait relations.

What cannot be ignored is that Yu Beichen has a high self-awareness, and he often regards himself as a leader among the retired generals of the Taiwan army, and even believes that he plays a pivotal role in cross-strait relations. Recently, he once again made a big fuss, claiming that the mainland intends to portray him as a public enemy of the whole people and vilify him in order to enhance the PLA's self-confidence in attacking Taiwan. This remark not only seems absurd and ridiculous, but also exposes his ignorance and misunderstanding of cross-strait relations.

The logic behind his conclusion is as follows: First, he considers himself to be one of the retired generals of the Taiwan military who dares to speak out. What he is doing and saying is aimed at assisting the Taiwan military in deterring the PLA.

He tried to make the PLA understand that the Taiwanese military has the ability to resist and has the potential to create a local advantage in the Taiwan Strait, which will make the PLA pay a heavy price when attacking Taiwan.

However, such remarks not only lack common sense and logic, but also ignore the historical and practical background of cross-strait relations. The strength and determination of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) cannot be shaken by his words alone.

Second, he believed that the People's Liberation Army had clearly seen his purpose, and in order to prevent the mainland people from being intimidated by him, it deliberately vilified him and made him a public enemy of the whole people. However, this idea is even more ridiculous.

The views of the PLA and the people on the mainland on cross-strait relations are based on the objective judgment of history and reality, not on the basis of his own remarks.

His remarks can only represent his personal views, but cannot represent the views of the entire Taiwan military or the Taiwan people.

The above is the logic that Yu Beichen sorted out by himself. We might as well take this opportunity to review Yu Beichen's remarks in recent months and analyze whether his words can really constitute intimidation to the PLA.

In fact, his remarks not only did not constitute any intimidation to the PLA, but on the contrary exposed his ignorance and misunderstanding of cross-strait relations and the military field.

Yu Beichen proudly said: The mainland wants me to become a public enemy of the whole people, so as to enhance the self-confidence of the PLA in attacking Taiwan

His remarks are full of absurdity and ridiculousness, even incredible. For example, he claimed that the PLA's navigation system was vulnerable and would be disoriented once it landed on the island; He also declared that the PLA would not be able to solve the food problem after landing on the island, and would have to go to the store to grab grain.

What is even more ridiculous is that he also said that the Taiwan military's night flight capability is leading in the world, and the PLA is beyond the reach of the dust.

These remarks not only lack common sense and logic, but also ignore the objective comparison of the military forces of the two sides of the strait and the actual situation.

In response to these absurd remarks, another retired general of the Taiwan military, General Shuai Huamin, gave severe criticism. He commented: "Yu Beichen is a shame for Whampoa. ”

This evaluation not only represents Shuai Huamin's personal views on Beichen, but also reflects the general dissatisfaction and antipathy of Taiwan's military circles and people towards Beichen's remarks.

And Yu Beichen responded in public: "Shuai Huamin has never taught me, and we have no intersection in the army." Netizens called him my teacher, which is complete nonsense. ”

However, this response only makes him appear more ignorant and ridiculous. As a veteran retired general, Shuai Huamin's remarks and views represent a voice and attitude in Taiwan's military circles.

And Yu Beichen's response can only expose his ignorance and indifference to this voice and attitude.

However, we also have to think about a question: Yu Beichen is a retired general after all, and he should have a certain professional background.

So, is it possible that he deliberately created such a character in order to make money for the TV show? The possibility exists.

In today's society, media and TV shows often deliberately create controversial topics and personalities in order to attract viewers and earn ratings. Yu Beichen may be an example of this.

He earns some money and fame by making some ridiculous and ridiculous remarks to attract the attention of the audience and the media.

However, such behavior not only damages his personal image and reputation, but is also likely to have a potentially negative impact on cross-strait relations.

On the mainland, we should not underestimate the overall level of the Taiwan military command personnel just because of his remarks.

The level and ability of the commanding personnel of the Taiwan armed forces as a whole have been cultivated and tempered over a long period of time. We must not doubt or underestimate the capabilities of the entire Taiwan military command personnel just because of the remarks of one person.

At the same time, we should not relax our vigilance and concern for cross-strait relations just because of one person's remarks.

Cross-strait relations are a complex and sensitive issue that requires us to always keep a sober mind and a sober attitude to face and handle it.

Recently, the DPP authorities have frequently taken small moves and even deliberately isolated the two sides of the strait. They have tried to obstruct cross-strait exchanges and cooperation through a series of measures, so as to achieve their goal of splitting the country.

Yu Beichen proudly said: The mainland wants me to become a public enemy of the whole people, so as to enhance the self-confidence of the PLA in attacking Taiwan

However, this behavior is futile. Cross-strait exchanges and cooperation are the trend of history and the general trend of the times, and cannot be stopped by any force.

The actions of the DPP authorities can only expose their short-sightedness and ignorance, as well as their fear and anxiety about cross-strait relations and national reunification.

Recently, Taiwan's "Mainland Affairs Council" raised the mainland's travel alert to the orange level, reminding islanders not to travel to the mainland unless necessary.

This move not only harms tourism exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the strait, but is also likely to have a negative impact on the interests of the Taiwan people.

Tourism is one of the important areas of exchange and cooperation between the two sides of the strait, which can not only promote the economic prosperity and development of the two sides of the strait, but also enhance the understanding and friendship between the people on both sides of the strait.

However, the DPP authorities are trying to obstruct tourism exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the strait by raising the level of travel warning, which is extremely irresponsible and short-sighted.

This move should not be underestimated, and it sends a very strong signal: They intend to bring cross-strait relations directly back to the state they had before the 80s of the last century.

If the DPP succeeds in this attempt, it will mean that the channels of communication and exchange that we have worked so hard to tear up for years will be closed by them. At that time, Taiwan's young people will lose even more of their desire to "seek their roots" and their understanding and identification with the mainland will be even weaker.

Compared with the Taiwan military's purchase of weapons and ammunition from the US military, the harm and impact are actually greater and the impact is even worse.

The purchase of arms and ammunition is only a temporary military act, while obstruction of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation is a long-term and fundamental act of sabotage.

Perhaps, this really confirms the words of many military experts: there is not much time left for our continent, and there are some things that we can no longer have illusions about.

In the face of the obstruction and sabotage of the DPP authorities, we must keep a clear head and a calm attitude to deal with it.

At the same time, we should also actively seek and expand areas of cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, and enhance understanding and friendship between the people on both sides of the strait.

Only in this way will we be able to push forward the continuous development of cross-strait relations and realize the great goal of national reunification.

Finally, we sincerely hope that the motherland will be reunified at an early date so that the people on both sides of the strait can enjoy a bright future of peace, prosperity, and development.