
Yoon Suk-yeol is afraid that it will be useless, and China will offer the ultimate solution: the United States will negotiate with Kim Jong-un unconditionally

author:Chengcheng topic station

Regarding the current situation on the peninsula, it is difficult for me to agree with the claim that Yoon Suk-yeol has no sense of fear.

Against the backdrop of such tensions on the Korean Peninsula, Yoon Suk-yeol, as the leader of South Korea, fails to properly manage inter-Korean relations, leading to any kind of conflict or friction during his tenure.

Then his political future will undoubtedly be greatly overshadowed, and he may even face severe legal punishment after leaving office, and the South Korean people will not let him go easily.

Yoon Suk-yeol is afraid that it will be useless, and China will offer the ultimate solution: the United States will negotiate with Kim Jong-un unconditionally

In view of the continued turmoil and unrest of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China, as a responsible major country, has put forward a fundamental solution to this problem: that is, the United States should engage in unconditional dialogue with Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of the DPRK, to resolve the Korean Peninsula issue in a peaceful manner.

At present, the South Korean people have three main concerns about the direction of the situation on the Korean Peninsula:

First, how is North Korea's latest nuclear test progressing? Will it further increase tensions on the peninsula?

South Koreans are well aware that North Korea's nuclear capabilities are a major threat to its national security, and any progress on nuclear testing could trigger a further deterioration of the situation on the peninsula.

Second, after the signing of the Russian-DPRK treaty, will the DPRK have no scruples and then frequently create incidents in the border areas? South Koreans fear that close cooperation between Russia and North Korea may provide more strategic support to North Korea and make it more assertive and aggressive in its relations with South Korea.

Third, will the United States ignore South Korea's interests and choose to sit idly by at a critical moment because of Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, and the increasingly tense situation in the Taiwan Strait?

South Koreans are worried about the shift in the strategic focus of the United States, and they are worried that when the situation on the peninsula is tense, the United States may not have time to take care of South Korea because of other international affairs, which will lead to the isolation of South Korea on the peninsula issue.

Against this backdrop, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, did not go directly to the South Korean government, but directly proposed a solution to the Biden administration: the United States should unconditionally negotiate with North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un.

This proposal reflects China's deep understanding and responsible attitude towards the Korean Peninsula issue, and also demonstrates China's active role as a major country in settling international disputes.

There is no precedent for negotiations between the leaders of the United States and North Korea, so this proposal is undoubtedly of great historical significance.

Whether Biden will accept this proposal and whether he will be brave enough to take this step will undoubtedly be the focus of attention of the international community.

Recall that in August 2023, John Kirby, the White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, said, "Biden is willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, but the other side has not responded positively, and we are willing to hold talks without preconditions." ”

To a certain extent, this statement reflects the compromise attitude of the United States, and also shows the attention and importance that the Biden administration attaches to the Korean Peninsula issue.

Yoon Suk-yeol is afraid that it will be useless, and China will offer the ultimate solution: the United States will negotiate with Kim Jong-un unconditionally

However, it remains to be seen whether this statement will be translated into real action and whether Biden will actually be able to take a step towards negotiations with Kim Jong-un.

Back in 2020 and 2022, there were rumors of the US president's intention to meet with the North Korean leader. However, at the time, Biden insisted that "the precondition of the negotiations is that North Korea must first agree to reduce the nuclear threat." ”

This stance reflects Biden's grave concern about the North Korean nuclear issue and his cautious approach to dealing with the Korean Peninsula issue.

However, in 2023, Biden has expressed his willingness to abandon preconceived conditions solely because the situation has fundamentally changed.

The U.S. military has been unable to respond to a more complex situation, forcing the Biden administration to reconsider its stance and strategy on the Korean Peninsula.

So, the question now is, what is the attitude of the North Korean side?

Unfortunately, because Biden's statement is too slow, the North Korean side seems to have no intention of responding. At present, the current position of the DPRK side has been based on the following two considerations:

On the one hand, the DPRK must fully take into account Russia's position and opinions. This is not because Putin does not want peace and stability on the peninsula, but because he has just visited the DPRK and has had in-depth exchanges and communication with the DPRK leader.

Whether it is for the sake of face or practical interests, North Korea must give Putin corresponding respect and support.

Therefore, given that Russia has a specific stance and attitude on the Korean Peninsula issue, the DPRK side will inevitably be influenced and constrained by Russia when responding to the US proposal.

On the other hand, the North Korean top brass has a clear understanding of the inconsistency between the words and deeds of the Americans. Just recently, the United States, Japan, and South Korea are conducting joint military exercises "Freedom Blade", which is undoubtedly a deterrent and provocation to North Korea.

The US aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" sailed directly into the relevant waters of the peninsula to carry out military activities, which undoubtedly further aggravated the tension on the peninsula.

In view of this attitude and behavior of the Americans, if the United States does not change its position and approach and still insists on military deterrence and provocation against the DPRK, then it is obviously impossible for the DPRK side to start any kind of negotiations or dialogue with Biden.

Yoon Suk-yeol is afraid that it will be useless, and China will offer the ultimate solution: the United States will negotiate with Kim Jong-un unconditionally

Therefore, when China proposes this fundamental solution, it also explicitly demands that the United States stop its current military actions and provocative behaviors, and show true sincerity to promote the settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue.

China believes that only by resolving differences and disputes through peaceful dialogue and consultation is the correct way and method to resolve the Korean Peninsula issue. Any form of military deterrence, provocation or unilateral action will only further exacerbate tensions on the peninsula and undermine efforts at peace and stability.

Recently, the United States has not only sailed aircraft carriers into the waters of the peninsula to carry out deterrence and provocation activities; At the same time, it is also trying to meddle in the relations between China, Russia and North Korea and destabilize them.

A few days ago, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Brown, publicly said: "The treaty signed by Russia and North Korea will weaken China's influence on them and lead to friction and disagreement between China and Russia." ”

His remarks are clearly an attempt to sow discord and destabilize China, Russia and North Korea. At the same time, it has also exposed the true stance and attitude of the United States on the Korean Peninsula issue and the relations between China, Russia, and the DPRK.

For the United States' behavior of sowing discord and its irresponsible approach on the Korean Peninsula issue; Chinese officials have given a clear rebuttal and response.

China stresses that the Korean Peninsula issue is a complex and sensitive issue; It is necessary for all parties to work together to solve the problem through dialogue and consultation; Rather than efforts to exacerbate tensions and undermine peace and stability through military deterrence, provocation or unilateral action.

Now we reiterate our call for Biden and Comrade Kim Jong-un to sit down for peace talks; make joint efforts to de-escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula; and to resolve differences and disputes between them through dialogue and consultation.

As for whether Biden will be able to listen and act on it, it remains to be seen!

At the same time, we should also be aware that the peninsula has become another region full of danger and uncertainty in addition to Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East. Therefore, we must prepare in advance for the various situations and challenges that may arise.

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