
These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

author:The little brother chases the drama
These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Nutritional value and intellectual development of fish

In modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of work pressure, people pay more and more attention to healthy eating, and among many healthy ingredients, fish has become a hot choice due to its rich nutrients. Many people have heard of the saying "eating more fish is smart", and scientific research has provided strong evidence for this claim. Fish meat not only contains a lot of high-quality protein, but also is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the development and maintenance of brain function.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in fish meat has a great effect on the growth of brain cells, which can significantly improve learning and memory ability. Studies have found that people who regularly consume fish perform better in terms of cognitive ability and mental agility. This is not groundless, but a conclusion backed by scientific evidence. Scientific studies have shown that DHA in fish can promote the development of neurons in the cerebral cortex, enhance the connectivity between neurons, and regulate the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters, thereby improving brain function.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Especially in the stage of children's intellectual development, the nutrients contained in fish meat have a particularly significant effect on brain development. Scientists have found that babies who consume enough omega-3 fatty acids during the fetal and early postnatal stages have significantly higher levels of intellectual development than their peers. Moderate fish intake in an adult's diet also plays a role in maintaining brain health and may even reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

However, there are 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, and merchants can't ask for them even if they are given away for free, because they are full of "parasites" all over their bodies!

Silver carp: potential risks of heavy metals and antibiotics

Silver carp is a common fish in aquaculture because of its rapid growth and strong reproductive ability. However, the eating habits of this fish have raised a lot of concerns about food safety. Silver carp feed mainly on phytoplankton and putret detritus, which may contain heavy metals, which can lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in the fish's body. Once heavy metals enter the body, they can pose long-term risks to the nervous system, kidneys, and other organs.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

In the process of modern farming, in order to prevent diseases and improve the efficiency of breeding, farmers often use a large number of antibiotics and disinfectants. These chemicals may not only remain in the fish meat, but may also accumulate in the aquaculture water body, affecting the micro-ecosystem of the water environment. The misuse of antibiotics can lead to antimicrobial resistance problems, and consumers who consume fish with antibiotic residues may face the risk of infection with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Although disinfectants are effective in controlling diseases, their residues may be stored in fish and pose a potential threat to human health.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

More notably, the bile of silver carp is highly toxic and can cause serious health problems when ingested. A number of clinical reports have shown that consumption of foods containing silver carp gallbladder can lead to acute toxic reactions, with symptoms including severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, and in severe cases, life-threatening consequences such as kidney failure and cerebral edema. The poisoning incident is a reminder that extra caution should be taken when processing and eating silver carp and not to consume any parts that may contain bile.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

There was such a case in Zhejiang, where on June 2, 30-year-old Ah Ming and his co-workers caught a 4-pound silver carp. I heard that this fish gall bladder can detoxify the eyes, so I decided to try the rumors of fish gall detoxification myself. Without understanding the potential risks, Amin immediately took out the fish gall bladder and swallowed it raw, accompanied by beer to dispel the bitterness. At first, he was miserable, but he was unharmed. However, soon after, Amin began to vomit and diarrhea, and he was dizzy and weak.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

After checking on the Internet, I found out that this poisonous fish gallbladder is poisonous. Half an hour later, his condition changed dramatically, his stomach developed severe pain, he could not urinate, his face darkened, and his eyes and neck began to turn yellow. When he was taken to the Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, he was already in a state of medical emergency. Doctors diagnosed him with severe kidney failure.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

The director of the emergency department of the First Affiliated Department of Zhejiang University said that in recent years, many people have been poisoned by eating silver carp gallbladders, and there is a general lack of relevant knowledge. Doctors point out that the toxins in fish gall bladder can cause kidney failure, cerebral edema, liver necrosis and myocardial damage, and the symptoms can be severe and even fatal. Even with treatment, many people may become paralyzed by nerve damage or unable to control their bowel and bowel movements.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Scientific studies have proven that just a few grams of silver carp bile can pose a lethal threat to adults. Generally, a silver carp of more than five or six catties can be fatal with one gut. The power of this toxin is astounding and also a reminder for everyone to be especially cautious when handling and consuming food.

Scientists and medical staff are constantly reminded that some parts of fish contain toxins, especially fish gall bladder. In areas with abundant fish, there are frequent incidents of death caused by accidental ingestion of fish gallbladder. This is not only a lack of food safety education, but also because of the spread of certain traditional beliefs and rumors, which leads many people to believe in them.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Tilapia: environmental contamination and bleeding risk

Native to Africa, tilapia is becoming more widely farmed around the world due to its adaptability. This fish tends to inhabit near urban outfalls, and its living environment may contain a lot of heavy metals in its body. These heavy metals accumulate in the fish body through the food chain, and the consumption of such fish may increase the level of harmful substances in the human body, posing a potential threat to health.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, can cause serious damage to the nervous system, kidneys and other organs of the human body. Long-term intake of these foods containing heavy metals may lead to chronic poisoning, affecting people's quality of life and health. Children and pregnant women, in particular, are more susceptible to the effects of these harmful substances, which can lead to problems such as mental retardation and abnormal behavior.

Many consumers have complained about the muddy smell of tilapia. Although this taste does not cause direct damage to the human body, it does affect the eating experience. In addition, studies have shown that certain components in tilapia may have an effect on the blood clotting process, increasing the risk of bleeding symptoms. For people who have a bleeding disorder or take anticoagulant medications, this can undoubtedly aggravate their condition and pose a greater health risk.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Scavenger fish: alien species and food risks

Scavenger fish, native to South America, feed on the eggs of other fish and the smell emitted by injured fish, and are extremely adaptable, so they have spread to many parts of the globe. In polluted waters, scavenger fish tend to accumulate large amounts of heavy metals as well as bacteria, increasing their risk as food. The unattractive appearance and poor taste of scavenger fish are one of the reasons why they have been left out of the Chinese market.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

In India, scavenger fish is considered a delicacy and is popular thanks to its unique cooking methods. While properly treated scavenger fish can be transformed into a delicious dish, safety needs to be taken into account during consumption. If the environment of a scavenger fish is contaminated with heavy metals, the toxins accumulated in its body may pose a threat to human health.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

The cooking method of scavenger fish is adapted to local conditions, and it is necessary to consider its inherent fishy smell and possible harmful substances in the body. With specific cooking techniques, the muddy smell can be reduced or removed, making it a food with a good taste. However, even so, consumers need to be vigilant to ensure that the scavenger fish they eat comes from healthy, unpolluted waters. Environmental pollution has affected the food safety of scavenger fish to a certain extent, and food safety can only be ensured through strict monitoring of the breeding environment and effective cooking treatment.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!


Buying fresh fish from formal sources is the first step in ensuring food safety. When choosing a fish, it is necessary to observe its appearance, the surface should be shiny, odorless, and the eyes should be transparent and clear. These details are useful in determining whether the fish is fresh or not. Refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase to avoid exposure to room temperature.

Cleaning is critical when handling fish. Special attention needs to be paid to the internal organs and fish scales, which are prone to dirt and dirt. Cleaning can be done with repeated rinses under running water and, if necessary, with the help of salt water or a special detergent to ensure thorough cleaning. When handling fish, avoid mixing it with fresh food to prevent cross-contamination.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Be sure to cook the fish when cooking. High temperature can effectively kill parasites and bacteria in fish, ensuring food safety. Cooked fish should be evenly colored and should not have raw parts. Different cooking methods need to be careful about the heat, and improper cooking may retain harmful ingredients.

Avoid buying and eating rotten fish. Rotten fish not only tastes bad, but more importantly, it may breed a large number of harmful bacteria, which is extremely bad for health after consumption. Fish can be judged by smell, color, and elasticity of muscles, and fish that have an off-smell, dark color, or floppy flesh should be discarded immediately.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

Regularly updating your knowledge of fish handling and food safety can help improve your health and that of your family. Paying attention to food safety can effectively prevent the occurrence of foodborne diseases. Good eating habits and strict food handling are the foundation of good health.

These 3 kinds of fish in the vegetable market, the boss can't ask for it even if it's given away for free, don't forget!

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