
Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Bamboo shoots? Does it really hurt the kidneys? Uncle Guo Junxiang, a retired electrician from the power company, slowed down on a park bench. It turned out that the two old men next to him were talking about food and health, and one claimed that bamboo shoots were "assassins" with kidney failure, which made Uncle Guo quite uneasy. As a lover of food, he was naturally surprised by this sudden message.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Uncle Guo, who decided to the end, couldn't wait to verify this statement. He happened to have a hospital review appointment this week, and thinking of this, he decided to ask Dr. Zheng when the time came. Dr. Cheng has been a good friend of his for many years and is an accomplished expert in the field of nephrology.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

When he arrived at the hospital, Uncle Guo told Dr. Zheng what he had heard in the park.

"Bamboo shoots, that's a great topic." Dr. Zheng began his explanation, "First of all, bamboo shoots are a low-calorie, high-fiber food that is rich in vitamins and minerals, and it is a healthy food choice for the average person. But for people with renal insufficiency, the situation is different. ”

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

"One of the main functions of the kidneys is to remove metabolic waste products and excess electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus from the body. While the potassium content in bamboo shoots is relatively high, if kidney function is impaired, excessive potassium accumulation in the blood may cause heart problems and even be life-threatening. ”

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Dr Cheng went on to explain that patients with kidney failure need to be extra careful in their dietary choices. "In addition to potassium, phosphorus intake also needs to be tightly controlled, as people with kidney disease are less able to remove phosphorus, and excessive phosphorus accumulation can lead to bone problems and calcium loss."

Dr. Zheng's explanation was detailed and in-depth, and Uncle Guo suddenly became enlightened after listening to it, and it felt like a layer of fog had been lifted. He understands why bamboo shoots are called the "assassins" of kidney failure, and why he needs to pay more attention to his dietary choices.

Through this conversation, Uncle Guo not only solved the confusion in his heart, but also realized the importance of a reasonable diet to health. He decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, avoiding foods that are potentially risky to his kidneys, and thanked Dr. Cheng for his patience in answering every question he had.

If you want to be healthy in your kidneys, there are many kinds of fruits and vegetables that we often overlook. Ingredients that might be set aside on an ordinary day play a role in protecting the health of our kidneys.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are rich in β-carotene, vitamin C, and the mineral potassium, which are extremely beneficial for kidney health. Potassium helps regulate the body's electrolyte balance and reduce the burden of potassium excretion on the kidneys, while vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce kidney cell damage.

And, you know what? The fiber of sweet potatoes can help stabilize blood sugar and indirectly reduce the burden on the kidneys. These fibers also promote gut health, help us detoxify better, and with a little easier, the kidneys are naturally much less stressed.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Broccoli. This low-calorie, high-nutrient superfood contains high amounts of vitamin C and K, as well as various minerals, including calcium and iron. Vitamin C not only helps fight the further progression of kidney disease, but also promotes iron absorption and improves our blood condition.

The antioxidants in broccoli, such as thioglutamic acid, have a particularly protective effect on the kidneys and can help reduce the accumulation of harmful substances in the kidneys.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Strawberry. Yes, this cute little red fruit is not just a good partner for dessert, it can also be a little expert at protecting your kidneys.

Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, such as phytochemicals and vitamin C, which can help us fight free radicals and reduce kidney damage. In addition, strawberries contain moderate amounts of potassium and fiber, which are extremely beneficial for maintaining kidney health and overall water balance.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

All these ordinary ingredients around us are actually hidden treasures. Giving them a place on our plates not only makes our menus more colorful, but also adds a boost to our kidney health.

When talking about the diet of people with kidney disease, we often focus on what should be eaten, but rarely delve into those foods that should be avoided. For people with kidney disease, some foods are like "invisible assassins" that can silently exacerbate the condition.

Let's take a closer look at some of the foods that are not friendly to people with kidney disease and why they pose a threat to kidney health.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Salt intake. Many people may not know that a high-salt diet is one of the main causes of elevated blood pressure, which in turn is an important factor in kidney failure. The kidneys are important organs that regulate the balance of water and salt in the body, and when too much salt is consumed, the kidneys need to work overtime to excrete excess sodium, which will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys and accelerate the loss of kidney function.

Therefore, patients with kidney disease should try to choose low-sodium foods in their daily diet and avoid using high-sodium condiments such as soy sauce and pickled products.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Avoid foods high in phosphorus. Although phosphorus is an important component of bones and teeth, when the kidneys are insufficient, excess phosphorus will not be excreted effectively, and hyperphosphatemia will stimulate the release of parathyroid hormone in the body, which will not only lead to osteoporosis, but also may cause calcification of blood vessels and skin. Foods high in phosphorus, such as dairy, nuts, whole grains, and cola, should be eaten sparingly or no.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Finally, sugar intake should not be overlooked. Many people with kidney disease may also have diabetes, and excessive sugar intake will not only cause blood sugar fluctuations, but also increase the burden on the kidneys. Sugary drinks and sweets, in particular, are not only high in sugar, but may also contain large amounts of phosphate additives, which are extremely detrimental to kidney health.

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

Through the above discussion, we can see that patients with kidney disease need special attention and adjustment in their diet. This is not just to protect residual kidney function, but also for overall health considerations. Therefore, knowing which foods are "off-limits" and which are "safe zones" is crucial for every person with kidney disease and is responsible for their own health.

(All names have been changed)

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Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables



[1] Li Wenqi, Gan Yuehong, Chen Dandan, Huang Jin. Analysis of the current situation of self-regulation fatigue and its related influencing factors in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, Chinese General Practice Nursing, 2024-6

Bamboo shoots are the "assassins" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat more of these fruits and vegetables

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