
Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

author:Talk about emotional Xiao Nan

A magnificent cyber storm

Four years ago, on May 27, a heart-wrenching and heart-wrenching video went viral. In the video, a young woman hugged her crying father and said to the camera with an anxious face: "As long as someone can provide 400,000 yuan to help my father, I am willing to marry this benefactor." The woman's name was Feng Shuangshuang, who was only 25 years old at the time, but she had already carried the burden of the family.

As soon as this video was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention. Netizens have left messages expressing their willingness to lend a helping hand and help the family tide over the difficulties. Some people enthusiastically donated, and some people expressed their willingness to bear Feng Shuangshuang's conditions. The entire cyberspace was suddenly filled with warmth and positive energy.


It is gratifying that with the efforts of many kind-hearted people, Feng Shuangshuang finally successfully raised 400,000 yuan in medical expenses to save his seriously ill and dying father. However, at the same time, it also sparked a wide discussion: Was Feng Shuangshuang's original promise to "sell himself" out of sincere love for his father, or was it for another purpose? Four years on, has she fulfilled her promise at the time? What will be the outcome of this once-sensational online incident?

The growth of a peasant girl

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

Looking back on Feng Shuangshuang's upbringing, it can be found that she is not a smooth sailing person. In March 1995, she was born in an ordinary peasant family in Pingdingshan City, Henan Province. Although the parents lived in poverty, they poured out great love for their children. In order to provide Shuangshuang with a better life, her parents would carefully collect eggs every day, which became the most precious memories of her childhood.

But as time passed, the burden on the family became heavier and heavier. The eternal family farming life did not allow them to be admitted to the university of their choice. Faced with repeated difficulties in the family's finances, she resolutely chose to go out to work, giving up the opportunity to study.

In the city, Feng Shuangshuang experienced many disappointments and setbacks. She was turned away from the workplace one after another until she met a beauty salon that took her in. From an ordinary beauty technician to becoming the most popular employee, Feng Shuangshuang finally found a living space in the city with his diligence and talent.

However, a twist of fate struck again. In 2020, Feng's father suddenly suffered from acute nephrotic syndrome and was on the verge of life and death. Faced with high medical bills, Feng Shuangshuang, who was penniless, was once again in a desperate situation. Helpless, she had no choice but to post a video asking for help on the Internet and made a promise to "marry her benefactor".

A sad road to redemption

Fortunately, in this cold society, there is still the power of warmth. Feng Shuangshuang's video quickly attracted widespread attention, and countless kind-hearted netizens reached out to help and generously donated money. After some efforts, the medical expenses of 400,000 yuan were successfully raised, and Feng's father was treated in time and recovered his health.

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

In the process, Feng Shuangshuang showed extraordinary courage and perseverance. Even in the face of great psychological pressure, she did not give up on saving her father. It is not difficult for us to see that her behavior stems from her deep love for her relatives.

Interestingly, although Feng Shuangshuang made a promise to "marry his benefactor", no one asked to fulfill this promise in the end. It seems that people are just hoping to help the family through this difficult time, not to have other plans. This once again confirms the good side of human nature.

After being rescued, Feng Shuangshuang did not live up to the expectations of netizens. She returned to the school and was determined to give back to society by learning nursing skills. From a rural girl to a soon-to-be health care worker, Feng Shuangshuang's life trajectory has changed dramatically. This life journey from adversity to struggle has undoubtedly brought positive inspiration to each of us.

What will be the end of Feng Shuangshuang's story?

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and in a blink of an eye, it is already 4 years later. For the sensational "Feng Shuangshuang incident" that year, all walks of life undoubtedly have a strong concern. Did her initial promise to "sell herself" be kept? What is the current situation with her and her father? What new life plan does she have now? All this is full of curiosity and anticipation.

Through follow-up investigation, we found that after receiving 400,000 yuan in medical expenses, Feng Shuangshuang's father finally recovered his health. This old man, who used to be dying in a hospital bed, is now in good spirits and his mental outlook has improved greatly. This undoubtedly made Feng Shuangshuang feel relieved and relieved.

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

Regarding the original promise of "marrying a benefactor", Feng Shuangshuang no longer mentions it now. She confessed that it was only out of momentary despair and helplessness, not out of sincerity in her heart. She thanked all the kind people who lent a hand, but she wanted to repay the society with her own practical actions, rather than simply fulfilling her original promise.

Sure enough, after receiving help, Feng Shuangshuang resolutely embarked on the road of study again. She chose to return to the local health school and worked hard to learn nursing skills, hoping to become a qualified nurse in the future and provide professional medical services to more people in need.

We learned from Feng Shuangshuang's friends that she has now graduated and passed the nurse qualification exam. During her time at the hospital, she was well received by patients and their families for her professional skills and enthusiasm. The accolades she has won are not only due to her outstanding professionalism, but also to her sincere service attitude.

Today, Feng Shuangshuang has a small family of his own. She met a young man who was also struggling in the medical industry, and the two met and fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage. When asked about the original promise of "selling herself", Feng Shuangshuang just smiled slightly, saying that it was just a momentary impulse, and now she has a happy and happy life. A turning point in Feng Shuangshuang's life

Feng Shuangshuang's life experience can be said to be magnificent. From an ordinary peasant girl, to a migrant worker in a big city, and finally to a respected nurse, her upbringing is awe-inspiring.

After being rescued, Feng Shuangshuang did not blindly enjoy the hard-won life, on the contrary, she cherished this hard-won opportunity even more. She resolutely returned to the school, determined to become a professional nursing staff through her own efforts. This kind of planning and responsibility for the future is undoubtedly admirable.

In the process of studying, Feng Shuangshuang often thinks of those difficult years. She clearly remembers how desperate and helpless she was at that time. But it was these tribulations that made her cherish everything in front of her more, and also made her determined to change her fate with her own hands.

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

"I have been through the most difficult times and have deeply realized the preciousness of life. Therefore, I am determined to study hard, become a qualified nurse, and use my professional knowledge and skills to help more people in need. In an interview, Feng Shuangshuang said.

This kind of cherishing and responsibility for life is undoubtedly deeply moving. From a peasant girl who has no way to ask for help, to now about to become a professional nurse, Feng Shuangshuang's life trajectory has changed dramatically. This metamorphosis from adversity to struggle has undoubtedly brought positive energy and inspiration to everyone.

Today's Feng Shuangshuang has his own small family and lives a happy life. She often thinks of the lonely and helpless self back then, and she is full of emotion. But she also knows that it was those difficult years that made her who she is today.

"I will be forever grateful to everyone who has ever reached out. It was their help that allowed me to regain the courage to live and move towards where I am today. I will use my practical actions to repay the society and let more people in need feel the warmth of humanity. Feng Shuangshuang said frankly.

Her story has undoubtedly sent a warm positive energy to the society. From a desperate girl seeking help to today's medical professionals, Feng Shuangshuang's life trajectory shows the best side of human nature. She used her tenacity and struggle to interpret what it means to go from adversity to growth, from despair to hope.

Feng Shuangshuang's story brings us inspiration

Through the tracking and restoration of Feng Shuangshuang's deeds, it is not difficult for us to find all kinds of inspiration and thinking that her story has brought to human society.

First of all, Feng Shuangshuang's story once again proves the good side of human nature. In her most desperate moments, a large group of kind people who had never known each other reached out and generously supported her through this difficult time. This speaks volumes about how many warm forces operate silently even in this seemingly cold and cruel society.

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

Secondly, Feng Shuangshuang's life trajectory also teaches us a lesson about the preciousness and responsibility of life. She had experienced the pain of being on the verge of life and death, which made her cherish her current life even more. So she made up her mind to change her fate with her own hands, become a professional medical worker, and use her professional knowledge to serve more people in need. This kind of reverence for life and responsibility is undoubtedly a profound inspiration to all people.

Thirdly, Feng Shuangshuang's story also shows that with strong faith and unremitting efforts, anyone can bounce back from adversity. From a helpless peasant girl to a medical professional, the trajectory of her life has changed dramatically. This transformation from desperate to successful undoubtedly gives courage and strength to all.

Finally, Feng Shuangshuang's story also provokes reflections on marriage and family. At the beginning, her promise to "sell herself" was out of desperation, but it also caused widespread controversy. But now she has her own happy little family, which undoubtedly gives people positive value guidance. She uses her practical actions to interpret what true happiness and value are.

To sum up, Feng Shuangshuang's life experience left a deep impression on us. Her rise from adversity to become a respected health care worker is a positive inspiration and inspiration to all. She uses her story to illustrate the importance of kindness, responsibility and struggle on the road of life.

Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish?

Readers, what are your thoughts and thoughts on Feng Shuangshuang's story? You are welcome to leave a comment below to share your views and opinions with us. Let's applaud this ordinary girl's extraordinary life and praise her humanity!

# "Four years ago, the women's network asked for help: I am willing to marry the benefactor who saved my father! Has she now gotten her wish? ”