
The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

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Hamas fired Red Arrow 8 missiles to resist desperately

The Israeli side has announced that the end of the intensive fighting in Gaza is coming to an end and that the war will enter the next phase. In the Rafah metropolitan area, as hundreds of thousands of refugees have been relocated to Rafah, Hamas is being exposed after losing its mass cover.

The Israeli military is besieging the last two intact combat battalions of Hamas, the Taylor Sultan and the Shabora battalion, in Gaza. It is being besieged by the 162nd Division of the Israeli Army.

Fighting resumes in Gaza

The Gaza Strip is once again in the grip of war, and the latest round of conflict has shrouded the entire region in terror. Israeli forces have besieged the last two combat camps of Hamas, the Taylor Sultan Battalion and the Shabora Battalion. In such a tense situation, Hamas did not sit idly by, but chose to put up a stubborn resistance with Red Arrow 8 missiles. The appearance of the Red Arrow 8 missile, which is said to have been obtained from Iran, has made the atmosphere on the battlefield even more tense.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The 162nd Division of the Israeli army is laying siege to the two Hamas camps in an all-out attempt to completely eliminate the Hamas resistance. The Israeli military claims that more than 750 Hamas members have been killed in the fighting in Rafah and that Hamas's defenses in the area are crumbling. In the face of heavy fire suppression by the Israeli army, Hamas's Rafah Brigade tried to stop the Israeli army's advance by firing Red Arrow 8 anti-tank missiles and Yassin 105 rockets at Israeli armored units entering the city.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

Hamas's tactics in the battle have shifted and they have begun to focus more on guerrilla tactics, taking advantage of the Gaza Strip's complex terrain and network of tunnels to engage in fierce street fighting with Israeli forces. Although this tactic can delay the Israeli army's offensive to a certain extent, Hamas's resistance is somewhat weak in the face of the Israeli army's air superiority and heavy firepower.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The international community is highly concerned about this conflict, and many countries and organizations have called on both sides to stop hostilities and resolve the issue through dialogue. UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for an immediate ceasefire between the two sides on June 6, but the call was not heeded. The international community has expressed grave concern over the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, and many countries and organizations are working to provide humanitarian assistance to alleviate the enormous suffering caused by the conflict to civilians.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

Street battles in a life-and-death struggle

In the city of Rafah, street fighting between the Israeli army and Hamas has entered a phase of heat. Hamas took advantage of the city's complex terrain and pre-constructed network of tunnels to engage in fierce street fighting with Israeli forces. Hamas fighters move nimbly through these narrow alleys and buildings, constantly ambushing and sniping Israeli forces.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The Israeli army, for its part, has suppressed Hamas with air power and heavy firepower. Drones monitor the battlefield 24 hours a day, and once they find Hamas's firepower, they immediately direct artillery and air forces to carry out precision strikes. The Israeli army has also adopted the tactic of "clearing the ground before attacking", gradually evacuating civilians from the city of Rafah to ensure that civilian casualties are reduced during the attack.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

This street battle not only put extremely high demands on the tactical literacy of the soldiers on both sides, but also caused great pressure on their psychological state. Hamas's fighters are mostly professional militias that have been trained for a long time, and they have certain advantages in infantry combat skills, psychological state, physical condition, and organizational discipline. The Israeli army's mobilized troops are relatively weak and lack actual combat experience in large-scale operations.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The highly confrontational environment of street fighting makes every move of the soldiers on both sides fraught with risk. Hamas is adept at using the terrain for sniping and ambushing, while the Israeli army must be on high alert to respond to attacks from all directions. In such a battle, soldiers must not only have excellent combat skills, but also have tenacious psychological qualities in order to survive the fierce confrontation.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

Despite the Israeli army's superiority in technology and firepower, Hamas's nimble tactics have kept the Israeli army's advance very slow. Israel had to change its combat strategy, gradually compressing Hamas's space for maneuver through large-scale firepower coverage and multi-directional advance tactics, and finally dismantling Hamas's defense line in the gradual advance.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

Movements of international reinforcements

As the conflict in Gaza escalated, the Lebanese Allah Party and the armed forces of other countries began to provide support to Hamas. Lebanese Allah has trained a hundred fighters on the Syrian battlefield, and these fighters are now returning to Lebanon to prepare for Hamas. In addition, Shiite forces from Iraq and militias from Afghanistan and Pakistan are also massing and preparing to fight.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The international community has had mixed attitudes towards Israel's military action. Some countries have expressed support for Israel, arguing that it has the right to defend itself; Others, meanwhile, condemned Israel's excessive use of force and called for an immediate ceasefire. The United States has played a key role in this conflict, frequently providing weapons and political support to Israel, adding to the complexity of the conflict.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

The intertwining of international interests and regional contradictions has made the situation of this conflict more and more complicated. The United States, the European Union, and other major powers are using diplomacy to try to ease tensions, but to limited effect. There are clear differences between the parties on how to resolve the conflict, which has led to delays in reaching a ceasefire agreement.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

As more international reinforcements step in, the fighting in the Gaza Strip is likely to escalate further. The addition of these reinforcements not only increases Hamas's military power, but also poses an even greater challenge for Israel. The international community is closely monitoring the movement of these reinforcements, fearing that the conflict will spread further throughout the Middle East.

The last two battalions of Hamas were surrounded, and Red Arrow 8 missiles were fired to resist desperately: reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to the front line

Dawn and Challenges of Peace

The peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has always been the goal of the international community's efforts, but there are many challenges to achieving this goal. Despite repeated mediations by the international community calling on the two sides to resolve the issue through dialogue, the peace process has been hampered by the deep historical entanglements and fierce conflicts of interest.

The role of the international community in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very important. The United Nations, the European Union and the League of Arab States are all actively promoting peace talks in the hope of brokering a ceasefire through diplomatic means. However, Israel and Hamas have a tough stance on key issues and it is difficult to reach agreement.

Ongoing conflicts not only have a serious impact on regional stability, but also make civilian life difficult. A large number of Palestinian civilians have lost their homes in the conflict and live in fear and insecurity. The international community's efforts to alleviate this plight through humanitarian assistance have been only a palliative measure.

To achieve true peace, the two sides need to engage in dialogue on the basis of mutual trust. The international community should continue to play its role of good offices to facilitate substantive negotiations between the two sides. At the same time, support for regional development should be strengthened to help the Palestinian people return to normal life through economic assistance and social reconstruction.

Another major challenge facing the peace process is how to deal with the legacy of the past. Complex issues such as territorial disputes, refugee issues, and the status of Jerusalem all need to be resolved through negotiations between the two sides. These issues not only involve the core interests of both sides, but also affect the political landscape of the entire region.

Future prospects for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The long-term impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will have far-reaching implications for the entire Middle East region. In the future, it remains to be seen whether the two sides will be able to reach an agreement through peaceful negotiations. Although armed conflict can overwhelm the other side in the short term, a lasting solution can only be found through peaceful negotiations.

The international community plays an important role in promoting the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. The positions and policies of the major powers, especially the United States, have a decisive impact on the course of the conflict. If the United States can play a constructive role in pushing the two sides back to the negotiating table, it could bring new hope to the peace process.

However, the advancement of the peace process requires the joint efforts of all parties. Both Israel and Hamas need to demonstrate sufficient political will to make concessions on key issues. At the same time, the international community should continue to provide support to promote regional stability and development through economic and political means.

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