
In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

author:Zen Yanagi Yang P

Whenever we talk about the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, I believe that many Chinese people still feel righteous indignation. You must know that before the outbreak of the Sino-Vietnamese War, our country also provided Vietnam with a large amount of military material support to ensure that Vietnam could resist the military attack of the Americans more calmly. Unexpectedly, after the end of the Vietnam War, Vietnam would directly aim its guns at our country.

After Vietnam launched an invasion and harassment on the mainland border, and China's solemn warning failed, our country immediately organized a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, and completed the task of attacking Vietnam in just 28 days. It is worth mentioning that in this war, these three major killing weapons equipped by the Vietnamese army have also helped us in the transformation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Not only that, but after this war, the Chinese army also officially began to modernize.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

Soviet-made Deshka M38/46 12.7 mm machine gun

The first is the Soviet-made Deshka M38/46 12.7 mm machine gun, the predecessor of this machine gun was originally a 12.7 mm large-caliber machine gun designed by the famous Soviet weapons designer Deg Galev, although it is powerful, but it has the disadvantage of extremely slow rate of fire. After continuous upgrades, this machine gun gradually made its mark on the battlefield.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

What many people don't know is that in fact, the main role of this machine gun at that time was to attack bombers and fighters flying at low altitudes below 2,000 meters, but because neither China nor Vietnam sent air forces, Vietnam used it as a flat-fire machine gun. Because of the appearance of this machine gun, the Chinese People's Liberation Army began to try to completely suppress the Vietnamese army with heavy artillery. This has further deepened our country's understanding of how to use superior weapons to carry out attacks, and has made subsequent attacks more flexible.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

Chinese Type 54 12.7 mm machine gun

The second is our country's Type 54 12.7mm machine gun, which is really hateful to attack our country with weapons supported by the mainland. Outwardly, the machine gun is an imitation of the Soviet-made Deshka M38/46 12.7 mm machine gun, but it has been optimized for weight. If the Soviet-made Deshka M38/46 12.7 mm machine gun is an important fire defense point for fixed positions, then the mainland's Type 54 12.7 mm machine gun can provide support for various battlefields very flexibly.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

The PLA has always had a headache when dealing with this weapon. After all, when the fire is concentrated on the attack, the Vietnamese army will be transferred, but once left unchecked, it will cause a large number of casualties to our army. Fortunately, after many actual combat analyses, our army also began to attack flexibly, allowing the soldiers to do everything possible to disperse the firepower of the Vietnamese army. And this kind of tactical thinking, even today, has been used in many actual combat exercises.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

Soviet-made КПВ 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun

Finally, the Soviet-made КПВ 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun installed in the Vietnamese army, compared with the previous two machine guns, the biggest feature of this machine gun is that it is equipped with wheels, which is very convenient for cars to tow. Because of the existence of this machine gun, our army often faces great threats when it assembles and moves.

In the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, the Vietnamese army was equipped with three major killing weapons, which helped our army achieve transformation

Fortunately, when faced with this kind of anti-aircraft machine gun blockade, our army will use the method of interspersed attacks to launch an attack directly against the Vietnamese army from the rear. Anyone who knows China's modern history knows that in the Korean battlefield, the combat method of interspersed with tactics is one of the effective ways for our army to confront the US military. Through the self-defense and counterattack war against Vietnam, we have also begun to try to find a suitable way to combine this kind of interspersed combat with this kind of interspersed combat in the midst of modern warfare, which has raised the actual combat effectiveness of the PLA to a higher level.

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