
Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

author:Good luck keeps coming

Zeng Shiqiang: People must have foresight, everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity!

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

In these rapidly changing times, we are often surrounded by information and opportunities. It seems that there is a gold mine waiting to be unearthed in every corner, and under every leaf there may be a future megatrend. However, in this moment of "opportunities flying all over the sky", how can we judge which ones are real opportunities and which ones are just passing away? Today, let's talk about Mr. Zeng Shiqiang's profound insights on "people must have foresight, everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity".

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

First, we need to understand what "foresight" is. In Mr. Tsang's view, foresight does not mean the ability to foresee the future, but rather the ability to maintain keen insight and clear judgment in the face of complex and changing environments, and to identify potential opportunities that have not yet been noticed by the public. This ability requires us to have a deep understanding of the times we live in, a clear foresight of future development, and more importantly, to constantly exercise and improve in practice.

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

So, why is it that "if everyone thinks it's a good opportunity, it's not an opportunity"? This is because when an opportunity is recognized by the majority, it has often lost its unique value. In a highly competitive market, a sought-after opportunity often means an over-concentration of resources and increased competition.

At this time, it is not only difficult to obtain the expected benefits when entering this field, but also may face huge risks. As a result, the real opportunities are often hidden in areas that are overlooked or misunderstood by most people.

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

So, how can we sift through the many opportunities that are truly valuable? This requires us to have the ability to be "prescient". Specifically, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Be perceptive. In our daily lives, we need to keep an eye on the changes around us and watch out for the small signals that may trigger change. These signals may come from technology, policy, market and other aspects, and only by maintaining keen insight can we identify and seize these opportunities in time.

2. Improve self-learning ability. In this era of information explosion, we need to constantly learn new knowledge and skills to adapt to the changing environment. Only by constantly enriching ourselves can we react quickly and seize opportunities when they come.

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

3. Cultivate the ability to think independently. In the face of various information and opinions, we must maintain the ability to think independently, not blindly follow the trend, and do not follow the crowd. It is only through deep thought and analysis that opportunities that are overlooked or misunderstood by most people can be identified.

Fourth, have the courage to try and practice. Opportunity often favors those who are prepared. When we discover a potential opportunity, don't hesitate and procrastinate, and have the courage to try and practice. Only by constantly exploring and summing up lessons and lessons in practice can we continuously improve our ability to "foresee".

5. Be patient and focused. In the pursuit of opportunities, we often encounter various difficulties and challenges. At this time, we must maintain patience and concentration and not give up easily. Only by persevering in our efforts can we finally reap our own success.

Zeng Shiqiang: People should have "foresight", everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity

In short, Mr. Zeng Shiqiang's sentence "People must have foresight, everyone thinks it is a good opportunity, then it is not an opportunity" has brought us profound enlightenment. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, we must always maintain keen insight and clear judgment, and constantly improve our ability to "foresee".

Only in this way can we screen out those truly valuable opportunities among the many opportunities and realize the value of our lives.