
Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

author:Shrimp don't blink


In recent days, there has been an incident that has caused a lot of waves on the Internet - Professor Yu of the Cancer Hospital of Southern Medical University was ordered to stop accepting patients because of the confused decision-making of the hospital leadership, which aroused the indignation of the public for a while.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

It turned out that in order to pursue the so-called "performance", the hospital actually made an unrealistic rule, that is, the number of cases that doctors receive each week reaches a certain standard, otherwise they will be punished.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

In the face of this unfair treatment, Professor Yu did not choose to compromise, but bravely stood up and expressed his strong opposition to this unreasonable regulation with his own actions. He chose to suspend the clinic as a way to pressure the hospital's leadership to revisit the rule

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

1. Professor Yu's suspension of diagnosis has sparked heated discussions in the society

Recently, a notice from the Southern Medical University Cancer Hospital has sparked widespread discussion, which requires Professor Yu to suspend his treatment for one month. As a senior medical expert, Professor Yu's suspension has undoubtedly had a certain impact on patients and hospitals, but the reasons behind it are deeply puzzling.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

It is understood that the reason why Professor Yu was asked to suspend the clinic was because the hospital management issued a new regulation requiring doctors to participate in the hospital's scientific research projects in addition to work, and Professor Yu was asked to suspend the clinic for one month because he was busy with work and did not participate in the hospital's scientific research projects.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

Professor Yu did not choose to let such a decision go unchecked, but chose to suspend the clinic in protest, arguing that the doctor's priority is to save lives rather than participate in scientific research projects, and that the hospital's regulations are clearly contrary to medical ethics and seriously affect the treatment process of patients, so he cannot accept such an arrangement.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

Professor Yu's protest quickly attracted widespread attention and support, and many netizens expressed their support for Professor Yu, believing that his approach was to uphold fairness and justice, and also to think about the interests of patients, while the hospital's approach was a typical formalism, which obviously deviated from the original intention and purpose of the hospital.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

2. Challenge the unspoken rules and awaken the yearning for fairness and justice

Professor Yu's protest is undoubtedly a challenge to the unspoken rules, and his actions have also made people reflect deeply on the issue of fairness and justice in the education system.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

In today's society, whether in the medical field or in the field of education, there are all kinds of unspoken rules, which often cause unfair treatment to some people and affect social fairness and justice.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

Professor Yu's protest is undoubtedly a vivid lesson in fairness and justice, and his actions have made people begin to reflect deeply on the unspoken rules, and also made people have a clearer understanding of the issue of fairness and justice in the education system.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

In the education system, we can often see a variety of unspoken rules, which often have a certain impact on students and teachers, and also affect the fairness and justice of education.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

It is precisely because of the existence of these unspoken rules that some teachers will neglect the education of students in order to cope with various assessments, and it will also lead to some students repeatedly being frustrated on the road of growth and unable to get fair educational resources and opportunities.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

Professor Yu's protest is undoubtedly a wake-up call to the education system, and it has also led people to reflect deeply on the issue of fairness and justice in the education system.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

Third, the education system needs more fairness and justice

The cause of justice requires everyone to be responsible, and everyone needs to be able to maintain a fair and just heart, and Professor Yu's protest behavior.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

In today's society, we cannot deny the existence of unspoken rules, nor can we deny the negative impact of unspoken rules on society, and to change this status quo, everyone needs to have the courage to challenge the unspoken rules, and everyone needs to have the courage to uphold fairness and justice.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

In addition, the education system itself also needs to be reformed and improved to a certain extent, and it should become a cradle for cultivating talents, rather than an institution that restricts and stifles the development of talents.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

School administrators should also be responsible, they should have the courage to take responsibility, and they should fully communicate and negotiate with affected teachers and students, and correct erroneous regulations in a timely manner, so that the education system can better reflect fairness and justice, and can also provide fair opportunities for every student to grow.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?


Professor Yu's protest is undoubtedly a lesson to the society, and his perseverance and courage are also inspiring more people, and I believe that under his leadership, more people with a sense of justice will emerge, and more people will begin to pay attention to the fairness and justice of the education system and take action to this end.

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University actually resigned! Is the official authority of the leader supreme, or is life supreme?

I hope that after Professor Yu's actions, more people can join in the cause of fairness and justice, so that the power of justice can return to our society, and our education system can move towards a more just and fair direction.

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