
Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

author:Ou Hui Health Science Popularization

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On a sunny morning, Zhou Kailin felt a strange itch. He works as a librarian and usually has a relaxed job, but lately he has been experiencing some unusual itching in his hands and feet.

He thought it was just a simple skin problem, possibly caused by dry weather or some allergic reaction, but the situation did not get better, but worsened, and in desperation, he decided to go to the hospital to have a look.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

In the registration hall of the hospital, Kailin got the number of the dermatology department, thinking that it should be a simple skin disease, and he sat in the waiting room, surrounded by all kinds of patients, some coughing, some sneezing, and some holding X-rays.

He looked down at his palm, which was red and accompanied by a small rash.

"Zhou Kailin, it's your turn." The nurse's voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Entering the consultation room, the doctor was a middle-aged woman, her eyes revealed professional rigor and concern, she listened carefully to Kailin's description of her condition, and asked, "Are there any other symptoms besides itching?"

For example, tiredness, thirst, polyuria? ”

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Kailin was stunned for a moment, "I've been a little thirsty lately, and I often wake up at night and urinate a lot." ”

The doctor nodded, his brows furrowed slightly, "Let's do a comprehensive examination first, not only for the skin, but also for blood sugar." ”

As a result, Kailin was scheduled to have a series of tests, including blood tests and skin allergy tests.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

A few hours later, the results came out, and the doctor took the report with a slightly serious expression, "Your blood sugar level is very high, and your fasting blood sugar has exceeded the normal range, it seems that you may be diabetic." ”

"Diabetes?" Kelling asked in surprise, "But I always thought it was just a skin disease, how could itching be related to diabetes?" ”

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

"High blood sugar levels in diabetic patients can lead to an increase in sugar in body fluids, which can affect the condition of the skin, causing dryness and itching, and high blood sugar can also affect the function of nerve endings, which may cause itching or other paresthesias," the doctor explained.

So these symptoms may be early signs of diabetes. ”

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Kailin was silent for a moment, as if he was still digesting the information. The doctor went on to say, "Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires long-term management, but it can be managed with a reasonable diet, moderate exercise and medication.

We will arrange for you to do a detailed treatment plan. ”

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Subsequently, Kaylin was referred to the endocrinology department for further diagnosis and treatment planning. Endocrinologists explained how to manage diabetes, including how to monitor blood sugar, dietary modifications, and medication use.

Since then, Kaelin's life has changed a lot.

He began measuring his blood sugar daily, strictly controlled his diet, quit sweets and sugary drinks, and increased his intake of vegetables and whole grains.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Outside of work, he also insisted on walking for half an hour every day and occasionally going swimming, and after several months of hard work, his blood sugar levels gradually stabilized, and the itching of his hands and feet was significantly reduced.

This experience made Kailin deeply realize that the abnormal signals in the body cannot be ignored. Even simple itching can be a sign of a hidden disease.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Through this visit, he learned that diabetes is not only about high blood sugar, but also about a series of complications, such as neuropathy, vision problems, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Early detection and intervention can effectively prevent the occurrence of these complications.

In her daily life, Kailin has also become more concerned about her health, having regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

He shares his experience with his friends and reminds them not to ignore any discomfort in their body, as it could be the body sending a distress signal.

From this experience, Kaelin also learned more about diabetes. He knows that diabetes is divided into type 1 and type 2, the former is more common in children and adolescents, and the latter is closely related to genetics and lifestyle.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

He also learned that in addition to diet and exercise, stress management is also an important aspect of managing diabetes, as excessive psychological stress can cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Kailin's story reminds us that health requires our care.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

In modern society, many people neglect to pay attention to the body because of the pressure of busy work and life, but they don't know that many chronic diseases are inadvertently attacked.

If you can pay attention to your body signals early and seek medical attention in time, you can detect and treat it early to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

The doctor's last words to Kelin struck a deep impression on him: "The body is the most honest friend, and it will tell you its state in every way."

Itching may just be a skin condition, but it can also be a sign of a more serious problem. So, don't take any of the unusual symptoms lightly. ”

Itching in 2 parts of the body, or a sign of diabetes, don't think it's a skin disease

Through this experience, Kaylin learned that health is not just a one's responsibility, it's also a commitment to family and friends.

He decided to use this experience as a new starting point to live a healthier and more active life, always paying attention to his body and feeling every health signal with his heart.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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