
The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

author:Weier Literary Society
The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson
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The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

In the hospital room, 37-year-old Liu Jinyu lies quietly, her hands caressing her seven-month-old pregnant belly. Her eyes were full of mixed emotions, both the anticipation of a new life and the confusion of her own fate.

Not long ago, doctors told her the news that she had cancer.

Faced with the choice between life and death, Liu Jinyu made a heart-wrenching and admirable decision: give up treatment and persist until the child is born. This decision is not only about her own life, but will also completely change the fate of her entire family.

This problem, which plagued them, gradually became the fuse of the quarrel between the husband and wife. With the passage of time, the originally sweet world of the two was shrouded in haze, and even on the verge of rupture for a time.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

Whenever she sees the scene of neighbors talking and laughing with their children in their arms, Liu Jinyu's heart will always be sour.

Just a year ago, after a heated argument, Liu Jinyu suddenly felt unwell and experienced severe vomiting symptoms. With a glimmer of hope, she went to the hospital for a check-up.

When the doctor told her that she was more than two months pregnant, Liu Jinyu couldn't believe her ears.

This unexpected surprise made Li Shengli ecstatic. The smile on his face seemed to freeze, and the whole person was immersed in the joy of becoming a father. "Now I can finally live with peace of mind," Li Shengli thought to himself, as if he saw the dawn of a better life.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

However, fate always seems to play a joke. As the pregnancy progressed, Liu Jinyu's physical condition deteriorated. At first, it was only a slight discomfort, but it gradually developed into difficulty breathing.

When she coughed up blood-streaked phlegm when she was seven months pregnant, a sense of foreboding rose in Li Shengli's heart.

With apprehension, Li Shengli accompanied Liu Jinyu into the hospital again. After a series of detailed examinations, the doctor's diagnosis came like a bolt from the blue: Liu Jinyu had cancer, and her condition was rapidly deteriorating.

This harsh reality plunged the hopeful couple into deep despair. They thought they had finally waited for a turning point in their lives, but fate played such a cruel joke on them.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

Faced with this sudden blow, Liu Jinyu and Li Shengli had to re-examine their future, as well as the new life that was about to come.

Faced with the diagnosis of cancer, Liu Jinyu fell into deep despair. However, when she felt the rhythm of life in her womb, a strong maternal instinct awakened in her heart.

After some inner struggle, she made a decision that shocked everyone: give up the treatment and hold on until the baby is born.

"I have lost faith in my recovery," Liu Jinyu said to her mother, her voice weak but firm, "but I want to leave a child for my lover, an eternal memory."

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

Her eyes glistened with tears, but they were full of determination. Doctors and family tried to dissuade her, but Liu Jinyu's will was as strong as a rock.

At first, Li Shengli would come to the hospital every day to accompany his wife. He held Liu Jinyu's hand, his eyes full of distress and reluctance. However, as time went on, Li Shengli began to become reticent in the face of his wife's increasingly haggard face and deteriorating condition.

He gradually came to the hospital less frequently, and finally almost stopped showing up on the grounds that he wanted to go out to work to earn money.

In stark contrast to her husband's evasion, Liu Jinyu's 70-year-old mother. The white-haired old man waited by his daughter's bedside day and night, caressing his daughter's emaciated face with his old hands.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

"Why did you have to give birth to this child?" Mother couldn't help but ask, her voice full of heartache.

Liu Jinyu replied weakly: "Mom, if you miss me, please come to see this child often." This sentence was like a sharp blade, which pierced my mother's heart deeply.

The old man held back tears and couldn't bear to tell his daughter: Li Shengli has not sent living expenses for a long time, and she has always used her pension savings to pay for medical expenses.

As Liu Jinyu's condition worsened, the doctor tried to contact Li Shengli several times. Finally, one day, the doctor managed to talk to him on the phone. "Your wife is in critical condition right now and needs surgery, and I hope you can come and take care of her.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

The doctor said in a heavy tone. However, Li Shengli's answer was chilling: "Please don't embarrass me anymore, I really can't bear the burden of my wife and children."

This conversation was like a hammer, completely shattering Liu Jinyu's last expectation of her husband. She closed her eyes, tears streaming silently. And her mother, an old man who was too old, straightened her rickety back, as if she had aged much more overnight, but she was also stronger.

In the following days, Liu Jinyu's mother became her only support and comfort. The old man worked tirelessly to take care of his daughter, wiping her body, feeding her, and even comforting her daughter in the middle of the night who was unable to sleep because of the pain.

She used her strength and love to support this family on the verge of collapse.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

As Ms. Liu's due date approached, the atmosphere at the hospital became tense. The doctors tried to contact Li Shengli several times, hoping that he would be by his wife's side at this critical moment.

However, every phone call was like a stone sinking into the sea, and Li Shengli seemed to have evaporated from the world.

Finally, on a stormy night, Liu Jinyu's labor pains began. In the delivery room, medical staff are busy shuttling, and the sound of monitors is constantly sounding.

Liu Jinyu was lying on the delivery bed, her face was as pale as paper, but she gritted her teeth and used all her strength to cooperate with the doctor's instructions.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

"Hold on, Ms. Liu, push harder!" The doctor's voice was nervous and encouraging. Liu Jinyu's mother stood outside the delivery room, her hands clasped, her eyes full of anxiety and expectation.

After hours of hard work, a loud cry finally pierced the heavy air.

"He's a healthy boy!" The nurse happily announced that she would carry the baby wrapped in a towel to Liu Jinyu. Liu Jinyu opened her eyes weakly, looking at this little life she had exchanged for her life, and a smile of relief appeared on her face.

She gently stroked the child's little face, and her eyes were full of maternal love.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

However, at this happy moment, Liu Jinyu's body suddenly began to deteriorate sharply. The value on the monitor dropped rapidly, and the alarm sounded one after another. Doctors immediately launched an emergency rescue, but in the end, they were unable to recover.

After witnessing the birth of a new life, Liu Jinyu closed her eyes forever and passed away with love for her children and nostalgia for life.

When the news broke, the hospital tried to contact Li Shengli again. However, his mobile phone remained unanswered, as if he had completely disappeared from this world. The hospital's social workers and police tried to find his whereabouts, but to no avail.

Liu Jinyu's mother held her newborn grandson and stood in the corridor of the hospital, her eyes glazed. Her face was full of sadness and despair, but with a hint of determination for the future.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

This little life, carrying her daughter's hope and love, has also become her only motivation to continue living.

In this way, in the interweaving of life and death, one life leaves and another comes. Liu Jinyu used her life to fulfill her mother's responsibilities, while her mother had to continue to shoulder the burden of raising her grandson in grief.

This newborn baby does not know what joys and sorrows will accompany his birth, nor how difficult the road ahead will be.

In the corridor of the hospital, a 70-year-old man holds his newborn grandson in his arms, his eyes mixed with sadness and confusion. Her daughter Liu Jinyu has just passed away, and her son-in-law Li Shengli is nowhere to be found.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

This fragile new life has become her only concern and hope.

The old man looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms, tears glistening in his eyes. This child's face seems to be a copy of her daughter's youth, which makes her both relieved and heartbroken.

She gently stroked the child's little face and muttered, "Child, don't worry, grandma will take good care of you."

In the days that followed, the old man began a difficult new life. She has to deal with her daughter's funeral while taking care of her newborn grandson.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

However, whenever these worries came to his heart, the old man would think of his daughter's dying instructions, and his determined eyes seemed to be still in front of him. She took a deep breath and threw these negative thoughts behind her.

"I have to be strong," she said to herself, "for my daughter, for this child."

Despite the great difficulties and challenges, the elderly still insist on feeding and changing diapers on time every day, and learn how to take care of their babies. She saves money and spends her limited pension and savings on her children.

Although life is hard, every time she sees the smile of her child, she feels that all the hard work is worth it.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

This elderly grandmother found a new meaning in life in the midst of grief and predicament. Her strength and dedication not only continued her daughter's life, but also brought hope and warmth to this life that had just come to the world.

Liu Jinyu's story has caused widespread discussion in society, and people have different opinions on her decision. Some people praised her mother's love for the greatness of her willingness to sacrifice her life for the sake of her children; Others questioned whether her choice was selfish, arguing that the decision placed a heavy burden on her family.

Regarding Li Shengli's disappearance, public opinion is even more one-sided condemnation. Many people can't understand how he, as a husband and soon-to-be father, can choose to run away from his wife when she needs him most.

However, there are also a few voices that try to understand the possible reasons behind Li Shengli's behavior from the perspective of social pressure and personal ability.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

This story profoundly illustrates the complexity of human nature.

At the same time, this case has also triggered people's deep thinking about the value of life. Liu Jinyu exchanged her life for a new life, and her mother took on the responsibility of raising her grandson in her old age.

This transmission and continuation of life shows the most sublime and touching side of human nature.

This story teaches us that life is full of difficult choices, and that love, whether it is the love of a mother, the love of a husband and wife, or the love of grandparents, is complex and multifaceted.

The woman was pregnant in July and suffered from cancer, and her husband disappeared after insisting on giving birth, and the 70-year-old mother was extremely desperate to hug her grandson

When faced with life's major decisions, we need more empathy, a sense of responsibility, and respect for life.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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