
After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

author:Cantaloupe is a joy to read
After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

In 2005, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was in an uproar. An explosive news swept in: He Baosheng, a star worth as much as 26.7 billion yuan, announced his retirement from the showbiz and became a monk at Baolin Monastery on Lantau Island.

He Baosheng's life trajectory is full of drama: from a rich boy born with a golden spoon in his mouth, to a hot star in the entertainment industry, and finally chose to escape into the empty door.

What kind of experience made him give up the glory and wealth of the world and choose the life of the Green Lantern Ancient Buddha? How did the gambling experience of losing 100 million yuan in one night change his outlook on life? Let's unravel the mystery of this billionaire from star to monk and explore his inner spiritual world.

He Baosheng's starting point in life can be called unique. As the eldest young master of Hong Kong Po Sang Bank, he is destined to have a completely different life trajectory from ordinary people from the moment he falls to the ground.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

In the He family's luxurious mansion, everything was carefully arranged for the growth of the little master. A personal nanny takes care of his daily life and food at any time, professional bodyguards ensure his safety at all times, and a private driver is on call.

This kind of meticulous care has allowed He Baosheng to enjoy the highest standard of living treatment since he was a child.

However, unlike many rich second generations, He Baosheng's parents did not raise him to be a gentleman. They are well aware of the truth that "no more than three generations of wealth" are true, so they attach great importance to the education of their sons.

Not only did they hire the best personal trainer for Ho Po Sang, but they also sent him overseas for further study, hoping that he could broaden his horizons in a foreign country and cultivate his ability to think independently.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

After returning to China after completing his studies, in the face of the huge family industry, He Baosheng's parents did not force him to take over immediately. Instead, they encouraged their son to follow his heart and find true value in life.

It is this rare open-mindedness and support that laid the groundwork for He Bao's life choices after his birthday.

However, the affluent living environment also casts a cloud over the future of Ho Sang. He began to think: what else did he have besides his innate wealth? This question has become a theme throughout his life, and it is also the inner motivation that drives him to continue to explore himself.

In this context, He Baosheng chose an unexpected path - to enter the entertainment industry. This decision not only shows his courage to pursue his personal interests, but also reflects his determination to prove that he is more than just a "rich second generation".

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

However, even when his acting career was thriving, the question of self-worth in He Baosheng's heart never disappeared. This inner contradiction and exploration eventually became an important factor in driving him to make amazing life choices.

He Baosheng's first step into the showbiz amazed everyone. As a newcomer, his starting point is staggering. In his first work, he shared the stage with Hong Kong film superstars such as Aaron Kwok, Ng Chun-yu, and Lai Meixian, although it was only a supporting role, but such an opportunity was simply an unattainable dream for many struggling actors.

It is especially worth mentioning that in "Smiling Proud Jianghu", the role of Lin Ping played by He Baosheng won unanimous praise from the audience. He vividly interprets the inner struggles and external performance of this complex character, showing his potential and strength as an actor.

Not satisfied with a single development, He Baosheng also crossed over into the field of music and participated in the recording of many variety shows. His all-round development has shown strong potential and ambition, and has also made him a hot new star in the entertainment industry in a short period of time.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

However, under the glamorous surface, He Baosheng's heart has never been truly satisfied. Despite his thriving career, he felt an indescribable emptiness.

In a private interview, he confessed: "I feel like an empty shell, and I can't seem to find any other meaning of existence except acting." This ambivalence has become the internal motivation that pushes him to constantly seek breakthroughs.

As his fame grew, He Baosheng gradually realized the double-edged sword effect of fame and wealth. On the one hand, he enjoys the glory and recognition that comes with success; On the other hand, he also began to question the authenticity and durability of this way of life.

This inner struggle is subtly embodied in his performance. The audience was surprised to find that He Baosheng's acting skills seemed to have made a qualitative leap, especially when interpreting the complex role of his heart, he can always bring unexpected depth.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

However, just when everyone thought that He Baosheng would shine in the entertainment industry, he made a decision that shocked everyone. This decision not only changed the trajectory of his own life, but also shook the entire entertainment industry.

He Baosheng's acting career is like a gorgeous fireworks show. Brief and gorgeous, it came to an abrupt end at the most brilliant moment, leaving countless questions and speculations. This experience became an important catalyst for him to move to the next stage of his life.

As the hot diamond king in the entertainment industry, He Baosheng's love life has naturally become the focus of public attention. His charm comes not only from his handsome appearance and excellent acting skills, but also from his illustrious family background.

However, even with enviable conditions, He Baosheng's emotional road is not smooth.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

In his acting career, He Baosheng has experienced four romances. One of the most striking is the love story with Fu Mingxian, the actor of "Guo Fu" in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The two sparked a spark in their cooperation, and once became the most high-profile golden boy and girl in the entertainment industry. However, the relationship eventually ended in a breakup, leaving a lot of regrets.

Another well-known relationship is the emotional entanglement with Fan Yimin. Fan Yimin was controversial for abandoning Wu Jing, and his relationship with He Baosheng attracted widespread media attention.

But this relationship failed to achieve positive results, and it became another twist and turn in He Baosheng's emotional journey.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

Although each relationship was vigorous, it failed to make it to the end in the end. He Baosheng is sincerely invested in his feelings, but it always seems difficult to find the person who really understands him.

In a private conversation, he sighed: "I long for a sincere relationship, but sometimes I don't know if the other party loves me as a person, or loves my identity and wealth.

This confusion and confusion made He Baosheng begin to reflect deeply on his life. He began to wonder if he was really fit to stay in this entertainment industry full of temptation and illusion.

Every time the relationship fails, it makes him think more deeply about what kind of life he needs.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

In the end, He Baosheng chose to be single. This decision is not only a renunciation of feelings, but also a kind of self-examination. He began to shift his attention from external pursuits to inner exploration, laying the groundwork for the major life decisions he would make in the future.

In 2003, a night destined to leave a deep mark on He Baosheng's life quietly came. The star, who is worth tens of billions, has experienced a huge loss in the casino that can change the trajectory of his life.

Overnight, He Baosheng gambled 100 million, but he lost everything.

Standing in the gorgeous lobby of the casino, surrounded by cheers and flashing neon lights, He Baosheng felt an unprecedented emptiness and dizziness. This astonishing loss is a huge blow even for a rich man like him.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

However, what shocked him even more was the sudden epiphany in his heart: he realized that he had been filling the void in his heart with money, but he could never achieve true satisfaction.

This gambling incident became an important turning point in He Baosheng's life.

In search of answers, Ho began to read widely in philosophy and religious books. In the process, the ideas of Buddhism gradually attracted him and allowed him to see a new possibility of life.

He began to visit the temple frequently and communicate with the monks, hoping to find peace of mind.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

This gambling experience not only cost Ho Baosheng a huge amount of money, but more importantly, it completely changed his perspective on life. He began to question whether what he had been pursuing was really meaningful, and began to think about what was more important in life besides money and fame.

This night became a watershed moment in Ho's life. From then on, he began an experience of finding himself and exploring the true meaning of life.

This experience laid an important foreshadowing for him to make amazing life choices in the future.

Ho's interest in Buddhism did not begin after the gambling incident. As early as during the filming of "Smiling Proud Jianghu", he had already begun to explore Buddhist philosophy. Colleagues in the crew are often surprised to find that in between busy shooting, He Baosheng always holds a Buddhist scripture and reads quietly.

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

He even used his break time to visit nearby temples and discuss life philosophies with monks.

This love of Buddhism, coupled with the profound reflection brought about by the gambling incident, made Ho Baosheng begin to re-examine the value of his life. In his private diary, there is this thought-provoking passage: "I really have nothing but money.

This feeling terrified me that I had to find my true self.

In 2005, Ho Po Sang made a decision that shocked the whole Hong Kong: to quit the entertainment industry completely and become a monk at Po Lam Monastery on Lantau Island. The moment he shaved his face and put on the monk's robe, the former star He Baosheng seemed to disappear, and was replaced by an ordinary monk named "Daosheng".

After losing 100 million in one night, he gave up 10 billion producers: I have nothing but money

Although this decision was unbelievable to many, for Ho Po Sheng, it was a brave attempt to find inner peace. In this way, he hopes to break free from the shackles of money and fame and find his true self.

Since then, He Baosheng has never been seen in the entertainment industry. And this former star also opened a new chapter in his life in the ancient Buddha of the green lantern in the temple. His story has become a typical case of self-redemption and spiritual awakening in modern society.

He Baosheng's choice makes us think: in this materialistic era, how to find true happiness and inner peace?

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