
Terrorist Attack Threat! Over the weekend, the US European Command and bases were put on high alert

author:Jingcheng Xiao Chen

WASHINGTON, June 30 (CNN), citing anonymous officials, reported that Europe is facing tensions: all U.S. military bases in Europe were on unprecedented alert over the weekend, shrouded by terrorist attacks.

Terrorist Attack Threat! Over the weekend, the US European Command and bases were put on high alert

This silent alert has affected not only the European bases of the US military, but also the heart of Germany, Stuttgart, where the European Command of the US Armed Forces is located.

Terrorist Attack Threat! Over the weekend, the US European Command and bases were put on high alert

According to media reports, this sudden alert spread like a ripple, shaking every corner of Europe. However, an American base interlocutor who is well versed in the war situation in Europe reveals a striking fact: "At least in the past decade, the threat of terrorism of this magnitude has not been recorded on this European soil. ”

Terrorist Attack Threat! Over the weekend, the US European Command and bases were put on high alert

When pressed by the media about new trends in the strength of the U.S. military, Dan Day, a spokesman for the European Command, politely declined to comment on the specific measures taken by the U.S. base on high alert. He noted that the US military constantly assesses a number of factors that affect the security of the US Armed Forces abroad. As part of these efforts, European Command often takes additional measures to ensure the safety of military personnel, Day said.

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