
The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

author:Unpretentious small talk

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The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

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The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

Recently, a news about Yu Li, a famous professor at Southern Medical University, who temporarily rushed to the scene to rescue patients in class, but was punished by the school for this, quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet. This incident has caused the public to question the management system of colleges and universities and the protection of the rights and interests of teachers and students, and it is also a heavy verbal criticism of the school's style.

It is understood that on the day of the incident, Professor Yu Li had a class and received an emergency call from the hospital, and a patient was in critical condition. As a well-known cardiologist at the university, Professor Yu adhered to the professional ethics of "saving lives and helping the wounded, putting life first", and after weighing the pros and cons, he resolutely chose to suspend the course and rushed to the hospital for rescue.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

What is shocking is that when Professor Yu Li rushed to the hospital and raced against time to treat the dying patient, Southern Medical University ignored her doctor's benevolence and made a decision to punish the senior professor simply on the grounds of "absenteeism without reason".

Once the news was exposed on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar on social media, and the public opinion field completely spurned and condemned the school's approach. Many netizens have expressed their lack of understanding why school leaders are so restentful and whether they have really put rigid rules and regulations above the importance of life.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

"How can there be such a lack of basic human care? In the face of life and death, Professor Yu's professional determination and courage should be commended and supported, and the university will punish him instead, which is too paranoid and mechanical. Many netizens criticized it like this.

Another public opinion source bluntly said that Professor Yu, as a clinician, chose to rescue first at a critical moment, which reflects the basic ethics and professionalism of doctors. If Southern Medical University can't even figure this out and can't accept it, it is tantamount to denying the value orientation of the entire medical industry, which is an unbelievable and contradictory approach for a medical university.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

"Life or rules? This incident has once again tormented our education system, whether it should strictly adhere to the box, or should it be people-oriented and give practitioners the professional respect they deserve. Mr. Chen, a veteran education critic, said.

It is worth mentioning that a number of alumni and celebrities of Southern Medical University have connected online to support Professor Yu and publicly condemn the university's decision. They urged their alma mater to respect the professional ethics and professional judgment of every medical worker, and to give reasonable space to the clinical frontline while improving the management system, rather than rigidly implementing some stereotypes and bad habits.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

"How can you be ruthless and ruthless for the sake of momentary discipline? Could it be that Professor Yu went down to save people at the risk of being dismissed, but couldn't he arouse the sympathy and respect of the university?" Netizen "Qingfeng Mingyue" said indignantly.

"How can we talk about talent training without professional ethics? If the school doesn't even understand this bit of benevolence, how can it have enough appeal to teachers and students?" A number of alumni posted on social media to denounce their alma mater's misdecision-making.

Many clinicians have spoken out through the media, calling on colleges and universities to re-examine the existing management methods, give medical workers full autonomy in clinical decision-making, and put the benevolence of doctors first, so as to truly implement the educational concept of cultivating people with virtue.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

Despite the growing controversy, the Southern Medical University has not publicly responded to the matter. According to a person familiar with the matter, Professor Yu has been suspended "for personal reasons", and his whereabouts are a mystery.

In response to the news that Professor Yu Li has resigned on the Internet, the school of Southern Medical University has not yet confirmed or clarified. This evasive attitude has undoubtedly exacerbated public suspicion and discontent.

Some analysts believe that the university has shown a considerable lack of awareness of crisis public relations in this incident. As a key medical university, in the face of such a sudden crisis of public opinion, the university should have made authoritative explanations on core issues as soon as possible, clarified its position, and actively guided public opinion. However, the school's choice of silence and evasion not only failed to quell public suspicions, but was seen as neglecting the public's right to know.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

Mr. Xu, an alumnus who studied at Southern Medical University, expressed his disappointment with his alma mater's approach, "Of course, everyone understands that the school has certain procedures to follow, but this does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to public opinion. Ms. Yu has always been an outstanding talent and role model for the school, and now that the news of her departure has suddenly spread, as the principal, the school should make an authoritative statement as soon as possible, instead of being vague and left and right. "

In addition, many netizens have also questioned whether the school is suspected of deliberately covering up some internal information. "The punishment of Professor Yu has caused a lot of controversy before, and now there are rumors of her resignation, if the school really has nothing to hide, why not explain it clearly?"

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

Some public opinion analysis experts pointed out that colleges and universities, as educational units, should show themselves in an open and transparent manner and respond sincerely to the concerns of the outside world. "There is a major misstep in the handling of this matter by Southern Medical University. When it comes to crisis PR, it is clear that they still have a lot to learn and improve. "

This incident reflects the contradiction and dislocation between university education and the medical system: on the one hand, the cultivation of medical talents requires rigorous theoretical study and practical training; On the other hand, the nature of clinical front-line work requires doctors to have strong adaptability and human care. How to find a balance between the two, without losing the humanity of medical ethics, and at the same time ensuring a standardized and orderly teaching order, is a topic that colleges and universities urgently need to reflect on and explore.

The latest development of the Yu Li incident: It is rumored on the Internet that Yu Li has resigned, and taking the initiative to resign may be the best outcome

It is reported that the Ministry of Education has asked Southern Medical University to follow the principle of "people-oriented, life first" to properly handle Professor Yu's case, and do a good job in guiding public opinion, so as to effectively maintain the reputation of the university and social harmony and stability. It is widely expected that the university should make a public explanation and formal handling of the matter as soon as possible, or risk further damage to its reputation.