
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

author:Three battles fell into the sky

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaotian, today I'll tell you about this material card of Shu that has no way to save - Zhang Ji, I still don't know what the function of this card is, it's hard to imagine that it will be an orange card.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

Zhang Fei's eldest daughter. Liu Chan's queen, as for other information, there is really very little, and the presence of this card in the three wars is also very low, but it also has the value of the general.

Basic Attributes:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

Shu Kingdom 4 Imperial Generals,Gun S,Ride A,Arm adaptation is okay,If Shu is not able to get together 3S guns in the previous season, you can barely play,In terms of attributes, the full-level all-military generals are ranked 107,It is an extremely bottom-of-the-line existence among all orange cards,It's no wonder that it won't be chosen by players。 But we also said before that poor attributes don't mean that no one plays, Zuo Ci is the first, and there are still many people playing, so what is the situation with Zhang Ji? Let's move on

Comes with a tactic: Spear heroic

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

Passive tactics, after each normal attack, reduce the enemy's 15 command, convert it into its own force, until the end of the battle, every 4th normal attack, increase the damage by 100% and deal damage to all enemy troops

This is a strategy that completely relies on the trigger of the basic attack, assuming that it is not disarmed, and 8 rounds of combos, you can increase your own 240 points of force, which looks very high, let's see the feasibility:

1. How does this body last for 8 rounds?

2. How low is the expectation of the eight-round combo, even if it can be achieved, I give Sun Shangxiang and Xiahou Yuan no stronger than this?

To sum up, the feasibility of this strategy is very low, as for the 100% increase in damage in the second half, the basic attack damage, plus this panel, must be very general, and it was disarmed for 2 rounds, and this strategy is likely to die before it can be played.

Therefore, the current attributes and tactics of this military general do not support that he can have a place on the battlefield, and he will naturally be abandoned by players.

Inheritance of tactics: the brave come forward

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

45% Assault Tactics, Gain 1 Resist after Normal Attack, and increase the damage of the next Active Tactic by 80%

We have a special topic dedicated to this tactic before, inheriting Zhang Ji, don't use copper coins old man. This bonus to the Interior Commander can be a great help in the coming seasons. Believe me!

This tactic can replace Taiping to a certain extent, but it is only to a certain extent, in the case of the coexistence of multiple teams, you can let Lu Xun, Cheng Yu and other generals point to Qi Zhengsheng to match this tactic, as for the other tactic, you can choose impermanence.

Book of War:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition - Military Generals Chapter (Shu) - Material Card - Zhang Ji, a card that can't be saved

Red combat: If you are not brave, you will die + divine machine

There's really no suitable military book.,Presumably the big guy won't play this general.,If you play, you can consider this.。


We don't talk about teaming up as a general, I thought about a very top-notch team, but the tactics are too extravagant, and the effect is not so good, so I naturally omitted it directly.

Compared with Guan Yu's daughter Guan Yinping, Zhang Ji's sense of existence is really much worse. But there is no way, Shu must also have the existence of tool cards. What do you think?

That's all for this issue, see you next time!


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