
34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

author:Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Photo/Saudi Arabia tells interesting facts

Editor/Saudi Fun Story

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?


Ai Fukuhara, the "national girl" who was once dumped by countless fans, may now face the risk of being wanted internationally, and her fate is unpredictable. In just a few years, Ai Fukuhara has undergone a huge transformation from a highly-anticipated table tennis star to a controversial "problem figure". The ups and downs of her life are emotional. Let's explore this embarrassing past together

The marriage broke down and could face international arrest

In 2016, she married Jiang Hongjie, thinking that this "fairy couple" would grow old together. However, the media revealed that Ai Fukuhara was in the same hotel with a mysterious man, which caused a storm. Although she explained that the other party was an old friend, Jiang Hongjie said that he did not know, and the incident deepened the rift between the two.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

Her marriage to Jiang Hongjie was regarded as a perfect combination in the table tennis world at the beginning, and the two, as table tennis stars in their respective countries, used to frequently show their affection on social media, which aroused the envy of countless people. However, their marriage has not stood the test of time. Just a few years later, Ai Fukuhara was exposed to photos of entering and leaving the hotel with a mysterious man, which sparked strong public attention and discussion.

Although Ai Fukuhara hurriedly explained that it was an old friend and just a simple reminiscence, this explanation did not calm public opinion, but instead provoked more speculation and doubts. Especially when her husband, Jiang Hongjie, denied knowing the so-called old friend, the situation became even more awkward and complicated.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

This incident apparently became the trigger for Ai Fukuhara's marriage to break down, and then their relationship deteriorated dramatically, and news of the divorce soon broke. There is a lot of talk about the reason for the breakdown of their marriage. Some people accuse Ai Fukuhara of betraying her marriage because of empathy, and some people criticize Jiang Hongjie for failing to be considerate of his wife's feelings.

After the divorce, they had a fierce legal battle over the custody of their children. Jiang Hongjie accused Ai Fukuhara of abducting the child, and Ai Fukuhara fought back against the accusations through her lawyer. According to reports, Ai Fukuhara could be at risk of being wanted internationally if she takes her children out of Japan in violation of a court decision. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for a once-high-profile sports star.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

After marriage, he was very humble, and his husband was machismo

After marriage, she chose to give up her career and become a full-time housewife, serving her family wholeheartedly. However, instead of bringing the happiness and respect she expected, this choice left her in extreme passivity and depression. Ai Fukuhara idealized her mother's role in the family, seeing her as a model for a qualified wife. She believes that a woman's happiness and worth come mainly from serving the family, sacrificing herself and meeting her husband's needs.

This notion may be common in traditional families, but it also deeply limits women's development and personal fulfillment. Her husband, Jiang Hongjie, shows extreme machismo and control in this relationship. He treats Ai Fukuhara as his personal property and "toy", expecting her to be completely obedient to his wishes with little concern for her needs and emotions. This unequal power relationship has clearly taken a great toll on Ai Fukuhara's mental health and personal dignity.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

In addition, Ai Fukuhara was not rewarded with respect and equality after giving up her career. Instead of thanking her for her sacrifice and labor, her husband often hurt her mentally and verbally. This unfairness and lack of respect deepened her sense of distress and helplessness in her marriage.

Ai Fukuhara's case shows that even seemingly perfect marriages in the eyes of the public can hide complex and unhealthy dynamics. In order to maintain the apparent harmony and the image of her husband, she had to endure extreme stress and depression, which caused a great hindrance to her personal growth and happiness.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

Jiang Hongjie often used insulting remarks to insult Ai Fukuhara, and his behavior was shocking. According to Ai Fukuhara's friends, even her mother-in-law frequently picks on her. Ai Fukuhara just dressed up normally to attend the party, but suffered such humiliation, which undoubtedly shows Jiang Hongjie's discrimination against women. It's not just about emotions, it's about basic rights. It is deeply distressing that an independent woman is forced to endure such insults.

Table tennis career

Ai Fukuhara was born on July 20, 1991 in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. From an early age, she showed a talent and passion for table tennis. With the support and encouragement of her family, she started training in table tennis and soon made her mark in the youth competition. Ai Fukuhara's technical and tactical mastery, as well as her speed and reflexes, have made her a rapid rise to prominence in the table tennis world.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

At London 2012, she suffered a defeat in the women's singles competition, which put her in a slump. However, Ai Fukuhara did not give up, she learned from her failures and re-examined her goals and dreams. She went the extra mile to keep improving her game and made a big breakthrough in the upcoming fights.

In 2003, Ai Fukuhara became a member of the Japanese table tennis team at the age of 12, becoming the youngest member of the national team in the world at the time. She has won praise from audiences around the world for her outstanding performance and has become the center of attention. However, behind the success is countless sweat and hard work. Ai Fukuhara trains rigorously every day, and she continues to improve her skills and physical fitness to meet higher challenges.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

Ai Fukuhara's career has been full of honors and achievements. She has won many gold medals and set many records in important events such as the World Table Tennis Championships, the Olympics and the Asian Games. Her speed and reflexes made her a nightmare in the eyes of her opponents, and her technique and tactics made her a legend in table tennis.

She began to pick up a table tennis racket at the age of 3, participated in the Athens Olympics for the first time at the age of 15, and led the Japanese women's table tennis team to win the bronze medal in the team competition at the age of 24, which became an important moment in the history of Japanese table tennis. Despite her prowess, she has repeatedly lost in key matches against Chinese players. In her 16-year career, she has won several national championships and various honors, but her individual singles awards have never been as she wished.

34-year-old Ai Fukuhara may be wanted internationally? From a table tennis goddess to a fugitive, what has she experienced?

Ai Fukuhara has endured several difficult Olympic journeys, having been stopped by three times in Athens 2004, Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012 when she was beaten by a Chinese athlete. In the year she retired, she not only sent Zhang Yining away, but also ushered in a new challenge. In 2018, she chose to retire and announced that she had written 3 different versions of her farewell letter to thank all those who supported her.


Ai Fukuhara, originally a star in the table tennis world, is known for her genius and charming smile. She divorced her husband and had a dispute with her father over custody of the children, and she could be at risk of being wanted internationally if Ai Fukuhara took the children out of Japan in violation of a court decision. This incident was not only shocking, but also transformed the image of Ai Fukuhara from a table tennis goddess to a controversial figure.

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