
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

author:Great understanding of entertainment
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Taiwanese actor Tang Zhiping, who was once beautiful, is now in a worrying situation.

On June 28, a passer-by photographed him wandering naked on the street, his body was emaciated, his face was sallow and haggard, and his ribs were clearly visible.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

When someone tried to get closer, he ran away with his legs, looking terrified, like a frightened beast.

Before, Tang Zhiping was also a popular actor with unlimited scenery, with a beautiful appearance and a good acting career.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

And now his bleak scene has shocked the outside world and made people sigh. What was it that led him to such a situation? Let's see the fog one by one.

Deeply trapped in the shadow of his mother's death, he couldn't extricate himself

It all started in June of this year. At that time, Tang Zhiping's elderly mother died in an accident at home, and she was only found a few days after her death.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Tang Zhiping, who has always been filial to his mother. He refused to admit his mother's death, refused to claim the body, and wandered the streets alone in a madness.

Some psychologists asserted at the time that Tang Zhiping had an emotional breakdown and was very likely to suffer from some kind of mental illness, which required the careful care of relatives and friends and the treatment of professional doctors.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

It's a pity that Tang Zhiping gradually lost contact with the outside world after that, and the whole person seemed to evaporate from the world.

Months left unattended and left on the streets

Since then, there has been no news of Tang Zhiping. It wasn't until June 28 that he was accidentally spotted by passers-by at the amazing sight of wandering the streets.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

For such a few months, this once smash hit super-popular actor was unnoticed, so he was homeless, wandering the streets and alleys, nowhere to be found.

According to the latest exposed photos, Tang Zhiping's current life situation is worrying. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of shabby jeans, and his skinny figure showed that his life situation was worrying.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

In the photo, Tang Zhiping wanders the streets alone and aimlessly, seemingly detached from normal social life.

It is worth noting that he does not seem to have any cash on hand, which to some extent indicates that his current life situation is indeed in a difficult situation.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Another detail that makes people pay attention is that when a passer-by wants to approach and photograph Tang Zhiping, his reaction is very intense, as if he was frightened, he ran away, and the whole person looked extremely frightened, like a frightened beast, unwilling to communicate with people.

The glory of the past is no longer glorious for a while, only memories remain

Looking back on Tang Zhiping's past, his life path was so brilliant and his future was bright.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Born in an acting family, he has entered the film and television industry since he was a child, and he has become a smash hit with his handsome appearance and good acting skills. He can be described as one of the hottest male stars of the year.

Now it seems that those glorious pasts have passed away with the wind, and have been replaced by the miserable situation of today.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

This once powerful star can only wander the streets naked, unharmed, and there is not even anyone to take care of. The glory of the past can only be a permanent regret.

The double whammy of the impermanence of life and loneliness and helplessness

The outside world generally believes that the main reason for Tang Zhiping's current life to fall into a decadent trough is inseparable from the fact that he has been unable to get out of the huge shadow after his mother's death.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

The death of his mother is a heavy blow to anyone, let alone a person like Tang Zhiping who has always been very filial to his mother. The haggard appearance shown in the photo is a portrayal of his long-term grief and pain.

On the other hand, as a practitioner in the entertainment industry, Tang Zhiping generally lacks real relatives and friends to rely on. The particularity of the entertainment industry is destined to live in their own small circle most of the time, and it is difficult to really establish a solid personal circle.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Therefore, when he suffered the heavy damage of his mother's death, there was no family and friend around him who could lend a helping hand in time to let him get out of the haze again.

It can be said that the heavy blow caused by his mother's death, coupled with the long-term lack of companionship and care from relatives and friends, is the dual reason why Tang Zhiping is now isolated and unable to extricate himself.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

In the face of the most bumpy period in his life, he paid too much spiritual price, and over time he gradually drifted away from the track of ordinary people's lives.

Although there are many netizens who regret Tang Zhiping's current situation and hope that someone can lend a hand to help. But now, it seems that it is difficult for anyone to really redeem this person who has fallen to the bottom.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

After all, in the entertainment industry, once you get out of fashion, it is easy to be spurned and forgotten by the world. Tang Zhiping's case undoubtedly shows the ruthlessness of the industry.

Yesterday, the hero had no one to accompany him, but to look at the providence

Looking at Tang Zhiping's current situation, his life can be described as full of ups and downs.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

Since he was a child, he learned to survive under the spotlight, surrounded by countless fans, until his life and death were uncertain after his mother's death. Such a huge contrast is impressive.

What's even more embarrassing is that during the most difficult critical period of his life, there was no one around him, and no one could lend a helping hand to save him.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

The heroes of yesteryear are now wandering the streets alone, not knowing where they are going, and they can only be left to fate.

The cold and warmth of this world are often such two heavens. We can only wait and see what happens to this former star hero, whether he will go back to the light or perish forever.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, naked, ran when he saw someone, and refused to communicate

I hope he can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and make a comeback, otherwise it will be a sad tragedy of life.