
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!


Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!

Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!
Life is crooked, crooked and reasonable, it is worth taking a good look at it, and you will be sober at the moment after reading it!

"You know what? Some of the so-called 'fallacies' sound really reasonable. My friend Xiao Li said to me while drinking tea.

I asked curiously, "What fallacy?" You say come and hear it. ”

Xiao Li put down the teacup and began to narrate: "For example, some people say, 'Don't take things too seriously, but it's easy to succeed'. ”

I frowned: "This doesn't sound very reliable, how can you succeed if you don't do things seriously?" ”

Xiao Li smiled: "Actually, the meaning here is not to drill the horns." Many times, we strive for perfection too much and are prone to get into trouble. Relaxation and flexibility make it easier to find a solution to the problem. ”

I nodded: "That makes sense. Sometimes it's too serious and you end up in a dead end. ”

Xiao Li continued: "There is also a sentence 'Don't be too honest, otherwise you will easily suffer'. ”

I was puzzled and asked, "Shouldn't you be an honest person?" ”

Xiao Li explained: "Honesty here refers to being too obedient and not knowing how to protect yourself. Of course, we must be honest, but we must also have our own principles and bottom line, and we cannot blindly cater to others. ”

It dawned on me, "I see." To be a human being, we must indeed have our own position and principles, and we must not lose ourselves for fear of offending others. ”

Xiao Li continued to share: "There is also a sentence 'suffering is a blessing'. ”

I laughed: "Isn't that a traditional virtue?" How did it become a fallacy? ”

Xiao Li shook his head: "The meaning here is that sometimes it is appropriate to suffer a little loss, but you can win more trust and opportunities." For example, at work, if you are willing to do more, although it may seem like a loss for the time being, in the long run, you may get more recognition and promotion opportunities. ”

I nodded, "It's true." There are examples around me where many people who are willing to give in have been rewarded in the end. ”

Xiao Li smiled: "So, sometimes these seemingly crooked words actually hide a profound truth behind them. ”

When I got home in the evening, I lay on the bed, thinking about the "crooked reasoning" that Xiao Li said. Although it may sound biased at first glance, there are many lessons to be learned from it.

Don't take things too seriously and be flexible; Don't be too honest, be principled; Suffering is a blessing, and there may be more gains in the long run. These seemingly crooked words actually contain a kind of wisdom of life.

The next day, I shared these "fallacies" with my colleagues. After listening to it, everyone thought it was very interesting. Xiao Zhang said: "These words are really crooked and reasonable, and they make people rethink some issues. ”

Lao Li nodded: "Yes, sometimes we are too rigid in some fixed concepts, which limits our own development." ”

Through this discussion, I have profoundly realized that the so-called "crooked reasoning" is actually another angle from which to look at problems. They give us more flexibility and wisdom in the face of difficulties.

I hope that everyone can find enlightenment that is beneficial to themselves from these "crooked reasoning" and make life easier and more enjoyable. There is not only one way to live in life, and a little more thinking and flexibility may bring unexpected gains.

"Life is crooked, crooked is reasonable", although these words sound a little biased, but the wisdom behind them is worth savoring. I hope that everyone can find their own truth in life and walk out of a unique and successful path.