
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!


You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!

You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!
You are also a talented woman after memorizing, it is worth seeing!

"You know what? If you can memorize these contents, you can also become a talented woman! My friend Xiao Li said to me excitedly while flipping through the book in his hand.

"Really? What is so amazing about the content? I leaned over curiously.

Xiao Li handed me a book called "Selected Ancient Poems". She said with a smile: "The ancient poems in this book are all classics, and if you can memorize them, you can not only improve your literary accomplishment, but also show your talent on various occasions." ”

I turned the pages of the book, looked at the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar verses, and couldn't help but sigh in my heart. How many of the poems I memorized when I was a child can still remember them clearly?

"Come, let's try this song "Silent Night Thoughts" first." Xiao Li pointed to the page of the book and said.

"The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raise your head to look at the bright moon and bow your head to think of your hometown. "I blurted out that this poem is so classic that almost everyone will.

Xiao Li nodded: "Yes, this one is simple." Let's try this song "Will Enter the Wine" again. ”

I frowned, although this poem is famous, it is not easy to memorize. I stubbornly recited: "You don't see, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns." You don't see it, Gao Tang Mingjing is sad and white-haired, and the morning is like green silk turning into snow at dusk. ”

Xiao Li smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, it seems that your foundation is quite good." ”

I am also a little proud, and I feel that I still have some potential as a talented woman. Next, we recited one by one, gradually moving from simple five-character quatrains to complex seven-character poems, each poem made me feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture.

"Did you know that reciting these poems can not only improve literary accomplishment, but also cultivate sentiment." Xiao Li said, "The ancients said that 'there is poetry and writing in the belly', and this sentence is not false at all. ”

I nodded, my heart full of yearning. Yes, reciting these poems is not only a kind of cultural accumulation, but also a kind of spiritual purification.

When I got home in the evening, I sat at my desk and thought back to the poems I had memorized with Xiao Li during the day. Suddenly, my mother walked in, saw the book in my hand, and said with a smile, "Are you memorizing ancient poems?" ”

"yes, Mom, you memorized this when you were a kid, right?" I asked.

Mother nodded, with memories in her eyes: "Yes, the conditions were difficult at that time, but these poems have always accompanied us and given us a lot of spiritual comfort." ”

I sighed: "Now that I think about it, these poems are really a treasure in our culture, and they deserve to be passed on from generation to generation. ”

The mother smiled and said, "Yes, you are also a talented woman after carrying it." In fact, memorizing these poems is not only a cultural inheritance, but also a yearning for a better life. ”

Listening to my mother's words, I was even more determined to memorize these poems. I picked up the book and read those beautiful sentences over and over again, as if I had returned to that poetic time.

A few months later, I was able to not only recite these poems fluently, but also impromptu recitations at a gathering of friends, which attracted countless admiration. Whenever I see everyone's surprised eyes, my heart is full of pride.

Back down, you are also a talented woman. This sentence is not only an encouragement, but also a reverence for ancient poetry. By reciting these poems, I felt the profound heritage of Chinese culture, and also found inner peace and contentment.

I hope that everyone can find their own beauty from ancient poems, so that these cultural treasures can shine in our lives.