
Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

author:Poetic little red flower
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Oh, ladies and gentlemen, this melon is really not small today! We all know that the name Wang Sicong is a "double-circle celebrity" in the entertainment industry and the business circle.

But recently, a woman named Huang Yiming directly posted the chat record between her and Wang Sicong, with the following sentence: "You can bear with it yourself, and I will have money for you next year."

At this moment, netizens were blown up and said: "This plot is more bloody than a TV series!" ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Let's take a look at this chat log first.

It is said that in the conversation between Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong asked her to "endure" and promised to "survive next year, I will have money for you".

This is like the lines that the domineering president said to the little cabbage in the TV series, but is Wang Sicong in reality really so "romantic"?

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Looking at Huang Yiming's reaction, she told Wang Sicong that if he saw her living a good life online, she would "hate the rich".

Which one is this? Netizens saw this chat record, and the comment area was called lively, with all kinds of jokes and speculations, which was even more lively than the Spring Festival Gala.

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Speaking of which, we have to mention the recent hyped "Wang Sicong's illegitimate daughter" incident.

This Huang Yiming is said to be the mother of this "illegitimate daughter".

Some of her behaviors, such as "I don't want Wang Sicong's money, but support my daughter to inherit Wang Sicong's property", really made people laugh and cry, and netizens said: "This plot, the screenwriter doesn't dare to write like this!" ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Huang Yiming also insisted that this "sparkling" was not an illegitimate daughter, and Wang Sicong knew that this was his child.

Oh, this is said as if to say: "Look, I didn't make this up, Wang Sicong himself knows it!" But netizens are not so easy to fool, and they have said: "If you really approve of the child, then why not give money?" ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Huang Yiming also has his own statement.

She explained that the reason Wang Sicong did not recognize the child was because of financial difficulties, not because he did not want to be responsible.

As soon as these words came out, netizens were even more happy: "Wang Sicong is in financial difficulty? Shouldn't we all apply for poverty grants? ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Some netizens posted about Wang Sicong's purchase of a luxury car, questioning whether he was really in financial difficulty.

Huang Yiming also has his own difficulties.

She said she just wanted to communicate with Mr. Wang, not to force him.

But netizens don't think so, and they all said: "This chat record has been posted, isn't it persecution?" ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Huang Yiming also has her own supporters, she said that she will no longer wait for Wang Sicong, she has her own supporters.

It's as if to say, "Look, I'm not alone, I have my fans!" But netizens also couldn't cry or laugh: "This fan, is he also here to eat melons?" ”

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Speaking of which, let's also have to analyze it objectively.

What is Huang Yiming doing this for? Is it to set up an independent mother? Or is it for the sake of bringing goods? Netizens said: "No, she's just asking for money!" Although this is a bit straightforward, it seems to make sense when you think about it.

After all, if Wang Sicong really recognizes this child, then why not give Huang Yiming financial support?

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Of course, we also have to understand Huang Yiming.

Life is indeed not easy for a woman with children.

But if you really want everyone's support, shouldn't you be more honest? Instead of using this way of "posting chat records" to gain attention.

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Netizens also expressed dissatisfaction with Huang Yiming's behavior, and said: "This woman really has no bottom line!" But some netizens expressed sympathy: "After all, it is a woman with a child, and life is not easy."

"Oh, in this world, it is really justified, and the mother-in-law is reasonable!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

However, in the final analysis, the matter of Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong, we can only eat a melon and watch the excitement.

After all, the truth behind this is known only to them.

Let's care more about our own lives!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Speaking of which, we also have to remind the judges.

This thing in the entertainment industry and business circle is really more exciting than TV series.

But while we are watching the excitement, we must also keep a clear heart.

After all, the truth and inside story behind this are not something that we melon-eating people can easily see through.

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Let's also have to talk about this Wang Sicong.

As a public figure, his words and deeds have attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as this "illegitimate daughter" incident came out, his image was greatly reduced.

However, we also have to look at this matter objectively.

After all, we don't know the truth and the inside story behind this.

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

But in any case, Huang Yiming's behavior of posting chat records also made everyone question and speculate a lot about her.

Some netizens said: "This woman can really do anything for money!" But some netizens expressed sympathy: "After all, it is not easy for a woman to live with a child!" "Oh, this world is really unpredictable!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Finally, we have to talk about these netizens.

Everyone must maintain a rational heart while eating melons.

After all, things in the entertainment industry and business circles are really complicated.

Let's care more about our lives! Don't yourself off for the sake of these public figures!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Oh, having said so much, the matter between Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong can be regarded as over.

But we still have to keep a curious heart, after all, there will never be a shortage of melons to eat in this entertainment and business circle! Let's wait and see!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

Finally, I would like to remind all the judges! This is a melon, but we also have to have our own judgment and discernment! Don't be fooled by these public figures! We still have to live our lives in a down-to-earth way, which is the most important thing! Okay, that's all for today's melon!

Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong's chat records were exposed: You can bear with yourself, and you will have money to survive next year

I hope everyone can keep a rational heart to look at these things! Don't affect your mood and life for the sake of these public figures! We still need to care more about the lives of ourselves and our families, which is the most important thing!

What do you have to say about this? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.