
The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

author:Eagles who love camouflage

Recently, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has once again sprung up, and all sides have been shaken. The South Korean military confirmed that North Korea launched ballistic missiles into the waters east of the Korean Peninsula at around 4:05 and 15 a.m. on the 1st. In the face of North Korea's ballistic missiles, South Korea and Japan, which bear the brunt of the attack, trembled, and even the United States looked sideways at it and secretly pinched a cold sweat.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

What people did not expect the most was that the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities immediately issued a press release clamoring that the DPRK had test-fired missiles twice in a week, and the Taiwan side reiterated its solemn concern about this, and once again expressed its "strong condemnation" of the DPRK's wanton missile test-firing and undermining regional peace and stability. Taiwan will actively cooperate with "like-minded countries" to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

I have to say that the way the Lai Qingde authorities show loyalty and flattery to their American and Japanese masters is indeed "different", so arrogant and unrestrained, ignorant and fearless. The DPP authorities, who are incapable of doing their best, took the initiative to put it up, and they not only expressed "strong condemnation" but also threatened to "stop" the DPRK's missile launches.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

Head of Taiwan's Foreign Affairs Department

During this period, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was unashamed to speak out, repeatedly following the steps of the United States, so-called condemnation of North Korea's missile launches, and also announced that it would cut off trade with North Korea and impose sanctions on North Korea. The clamor of the DPP authorities, like a dog barking at a train, is even funnier than Ukraine saying that it will sanction Russia. What is even more outrageous is that those "Taiwan independence" green camp people on the island are still screaming, and this is still on the top.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

A few days ago, the DPP authorities were thoroughly outraged by the remarks of Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, that "the DPP authorities are a rebel regime." The DPP flanks and green battalions on the island have even made harsh remarks against the mainland on the Internet, saying that if the mainland has the courage, it will directly launch military action against Taiwan and stop engaging in any more "legal warfare" and gray-zone paramilitary operations.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

In view of the further deterioration of the cross-strait situation, Zhang Yazhong, chief principal of the Sun Wen School, could not sit still, and he openly criticized the DPP on the left and the Kuomintang on the right. The mainland will not accept this kind of self-reliant remark that has no understanding of realpolitik at all, and will reciprocate the threat of force, and this is precisely where the danger of the two sides of the strait lies.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

Zhang Yazhong further pointed out that the government and the opposition on Taiwan should make concerted efforts, take the initiative to sign a "peace memorandum" with the other side of the strait, not engage in Taiwan independence in accordance with the "one-China constitution," promise that Taiwan will not split the whole of China, recognize that Taiwan people are also Chinese, and make the mainland renounce the use of force against Taiwan through a peace agreement. If he becomes chairman of the Kuomintang, he will have to complete the signing of a peace agreement with the other side of the strait by 2028.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

This Zhang Yazhong's suggestion is still a bit interesting, and he is eyeing the current position of Zhu Lilun's chairman of the Kuomintang. However, Hou Youyi also took a fancy to this position. A few days ago, Hou Youyi, Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan, and Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan participated in the event on the same stage, and the political action was eye-catching. According to Taiwan media, Hou Youyi is enlisting support within the Kuomintang to pave the way for next year's election for the chairman of the Kuomintang.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

Although Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi are both "blue-skinned and green-skinned", Hou Youyi is a "localist", and his heart is actually closer to Ke Wenzhe's concept, that is, to engage in "independent Taiwan" and stay away from Chinese mainland. If Hou Youyi is elected chairman of the Kuomintang, he may be even more unreliable than Zhu Lilun, and then the Kuomintang will be "assimilated" and eaten by the DPP more quickly.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

However, in fact, no matter how much the Kuomintang tosses, it can't make any waves. If Zhang Yazhong can be in office, he may be able to cause some trouble to Lai Qingde. However, the overall situation is powerless against the cross-strait situation, and Lai Qingde is determined to continue to pursue "Taiwan independence" and even does not hesitate to "resist reunification by force." However, the People's Liberation Army will completely crush Lai Qingde's ambition and greed, and Lai Qingde will surely bring about his own demise by playing with fire.

The Taiwan authorities strongly condemned the DPRK, Zhang Yazhong wanted to sign a peace agreement with the mainland, and Hou Youyi made a big move

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