
Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

author:See the world in the middle

Speaking of Tony Leung, a big star in our film and television industry, recently passed his 62nd birthday! That's amazing! His wife Carina Lau threw him a special birthday party and invited a lot of relatives and friends to celebrate together! This birthday banquet is called a lively and a warm one.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

At the birthday party, the stars were shining and friends were like clouds. Feng Yongyi, Zhou Wenqi, Shangshan Shina, Wu Jianhao and other friends who have a good relationship with the couple have been present. They either talked and laughed or toasted together, adding endless joy to Tony Leung's birthday. And in this joyful gathering, the appearance of several people made the atmosphere of the scene reach a climax.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

That's right, they are Tony Leung's mother, sister and brother-in-law. Usually, they don't show up much, but this time in order to celebrate Tony Leung's birthday, they all got together, it's really rare! What's even more rare is that they also took a warm group photo with Tony Leung and Carina Lau. This group photo has undoubtedly become the highlight of this birthday party.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

Carina Lau also posted these group photos to celebrate Tony Leung's birthday, and at the same time let everyone see how good her relationship with her mother-in-law is, which is really warm. In the photo, Tony Leung and Carina Lau are smiling, and their happiness is beyond words. And the photo of Tony Leung and his mother makes people feel the deep emotions between mother and son.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

There is also that family photo, which makes people feel the warmth and happiness of this family. In addition to Tony Leung and his wife and Leung's mother, there are also Tony Leung's sister and brother-in-law. Some of them are standing, some are sitting, some are laughing, some are making trouble, and everyone has a happy smile on their faces, which makes people happy to watch. Such a picture is undoubtedly the most beautiful family picture.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

Speaking of the relationship between Carina Lau and Tony Leung's family, there is really nothing to say. Especially the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, it is even closer than the biological one. Before Carina Lau married Tony Leung, she was already close to his family like a family, very harmonious. Tony Leung's mother is as close to her as her daughter. And Carina Lau also treats her mother-in-law as her own mother to be filial.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

After getting married, Carina Lau and Tony Leung's family have a very harmonious relationship. She often takes her mother-in-law to various events and takes good care of her. And Tony Leung's sister is also like a sister to Carina Lau. They go shopping together, travel together, and share all kinds of small things in life together, and the relationship is good. Such a relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and sister-in-law is really enviable.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

Of course, when it comes to Tony Leung's family background, there are some twists and turns. His father used to be a gambler, which led to unhappy family life. Liang's mother can only work hard to raise the children alone. As for Tony Leung, he also lost his father's company when he was 6 or 7 years old. Such a native family environment has undoubtedly had a great impact on Tony Leung.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

Because of this, Tony Leung has had some "social fear" since he was a child. He doesn't like to deal with crowds very much, preferring to be alone and enjoy his own time. This may have something to do with the fact that his parents divorced when he was a child, and some shadows left in his heart. And his attitude towards children is also influenced by his original family. Because of the lack of father's love when he was a child, and the family was not harmonious, Tony Leung has always liked children very much, and he doesn't even want his own children.

Carina Lau rarely took a photo with her mother-in-law, Liang's mother had all black hair and was so young, and Tony Leung's sister was also present

None of that matters, though. The important thing is that Tony Leung's family is now living a very happy and happy life. Liang's mother has enjoyed her old age, and her children's married life is also happy and filial. They often eat together, travel together, and share happy times in life together, and the relationship is good. Such a family atmosphere is really warm and happy.

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