
Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

author:Lobster says entertainment

In 1983, Carina Lau migrated to Hong Kong from the mainland with her parents. When she first arrived in this bustling metropolis, she felt new and unfamiliar with everything around her. The gears of fate quietly turned, and in the training class of TVB, she met her first friend in Hong Kong, Zeng Huaqian.

Carina Lau is gentle and quiet, and her manners are generous and decent; Zeng Huaqian is sunny and lively, optimistic. Two girls with very different personalities, but because of this difference, they have a wonderful chemistry.

They quickly changed from colleagues to good friends who talked about everything, and their inseparable figures became a beautiful landscape in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. As a native of Hong Kong, Zeng Huaqian has become Carina Lau's "humanoid navigation".

On weekends or holidays, she always holds Carina Lau's hand and takes her through the streets and alleys of Hong Kong. From lively food streets to famous tourist attractions, the duo's footprints can be found in almost every corner.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

In this strange city, Zeng Huaqian's company made Carina Lau feel the warmth of home. They often wore the same style of clothes, wore the same hair accessories, held hands, shoulder to shoulder, and laughed through the streets of Hong Kong.

Others always treat them like conjoined babies, and the places where they appear are always filled with laughter. This innocent friendship has become Carina Lau's most precious emotional sustenance in a foreign land.

However, fate always likes to play a joke on people. No one thought that this pair of intimate sisters would change their trajectory because of a man named Tony Leung. This man, known as the "upstart in the Hong Kong film industry", will completely rewrite the sisterhood between Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian in the near future.

In this way, in Hong Kong, a city full of opportunities and challenges, the friendship between Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian is like a blooming flower, fragrant. However, as time goes on, this flower of friendship is about to go through a storm that will test the friendship of the two young girls.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

In 1983, at a grand party, the young and handsome Tony Leung met the lively and lovely Zeng Huaqian. This encounter was like lightning and fire, Tony Leung fell in love at first sight, and an indescribable throbbing rose in his heart.

Soon, the golden boy fell in love and started a sweet romance. Although the company explicitly prohibits young artists from falling in love publicly, seeing the high popularity of Tony Leung and Zeng Huaqian on the screen, the company made an exception to allow them to make their relationship public.

They quickly became the center of attention in the city and were synonymous with "couple idols". The company even carefully arranged for the two to cooperate in a number of couple dramas, which earned enough attention from the audience.

However, this seemingly perfect relationship came to an end six years later. Although they are affectionate both in front of and behind the scenes, the huge difference in family backgrounds makes it difficult for them to reach a consensus on their outlook on life and values.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

Zeng Huaqian has higher expectations for love, while Tony Leung pays more attention to career development. Eventually, they chose to break up. In 1988, Carina Lau and Tony Leung worked together again in the stage play "Flower Husband".

This time, both seem to be different people. Tony Leung became enthusiastic and proactive, and Carina Lau gradually opened up to him. In getting along day and night, the seeds of love quietly germinate.

However, as Zeng Huaqian's best friend, Carina Lau is full of contradictions and struggles in her heart. After Tony Leung and Zeng Huaqian broke up for the first time, the kind-hearted Carina Lau also actively matched them to get back together.

It's a pity that the former lovers broke up again after only one year. In this way, fate tightly entangled Carina Lau, Tony Leung and Zeng Huaqian, and staged an intricate emotional entanglement.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

This threesome story is like a wonderful Hong Kong version of "Melrose Place", where love and hate are intertwined, testing everyone's choice. In 1990, Carina Lau's life suffered a major turning point.

Because she refused to participate in a movie, she was kidnapped by bandits and fell into a desperate situation from which she could barely recover. Faced with this sudden nightmare, Carina Lau's heart was full of fear and despair.

At this critical juncture, Tony Leung stepped forward like a superman and did his best to protect his lover. Tony Leung's courage and determination deeply touched Carina Lau.

At this difficult moment, she saw Tony Leung's gentle and considerate side, and also felt his unwavering love. This incident became a catalyst for their relationship to heat up, and Tony Leung has since become the most important pillar and support in Carina Lau's life.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

However, when Carina Lau and Tony Leung's relationship was made public, public opinion was in an uproar. Someone publicly accused Carina Lau of "snatching her best friend's boyfriend", which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to her, who has always been confident and sunny.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and criticism, Carina Lau chose to prove herself with her strength. Instead of taking these gossips to heart, she focused on her career development and responded to those unkind voices with a great performance.

She firmly believes that as long as she is good enough, those with broken mouths will automatically shut up. In 2002, an even bigger storm tested the lovers again. The photos of Carina Lau's kidnapping were made public, and the past was brought up again, tearing open her old scars like a knife.

Carina Lau fell into great pain again, and even had the idea of suicide for a while. In the face of his lover's vulnerability, Tony Leung showed amazing courage and determination.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

He not only stood firmly by Carina Lau's side, but also led more than 500 artists to march on the streets to seek justice for her. Tony Leung firmly held Carina Lau's hand and comforted her that she would never have to be afraid, because he would always be by her side and be her strong backing.

This kind of determination and courage to treat death as if it were home makes people can't help but be moved. At this special moment, Tony Leung, who is usually quiet and quiet, actually mustered up the courage to propose to Carina Lau.

His deep affection and friendship deeply touched Carina Lau, and she firmly decided that she would be with this man for the rest of her life and never be separated again. Because she knows that by Tony Leung's side, she will be surrounded by endless love and will never lose her way again.

This experience not only sharpened their love, but also allowed Carina Lau to see the completely different sides of Tony Leung and Zeng Huaqian. For Zeng Huaqian, they often argue constantly; As for Carina Lau, Tony Leung showed his initiative, courage and politeness.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

Tony Leung is willing to change himself for Carina Lau, and interprets his sincere love with practical actions. However, even at such an unforgettable moment, Zeng Huaqian's shadow still looms in Carina Lau's heart, becoming a thorn in her heart that is difficult to completely let go.

With the exposure of Tony Leung and Carina Lau's relationship, the once inseparable sisterhood has completely broken down. Zeng Huaqian couldn't accept the fact that her best friend was with her ex-boyfriend, even though Tony Leung was already her "ex" at that time.

In Zeng Huaqian's eyes, Carina Lau's behavior is unforgivable "dereliction of duty", and she believes that this kind of "snatching" behavior has no bottom line. Zeng Huaqian began to distance herself from Carina Lau, and even avoided her like a stranger.

She no longer mentions this sisterhood, as if she wants to erase all the good memories of the past. This change in attitude made Carina Lau feel very sad. Although she tried hard to explain, emphasizing that she did not intend to "snatch", Zeng Huaqian was never able to let go.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

This once precious friendship came to naught and became an unhealable wound in Carina Lau's heart. At the same time, Carina Lau also had to face the difference in Tony Leung's attitude towards her and Zeng Huaqian.

She noticed that Tony Leung often behaved in a confrontation when facing Zeng Huaqian, you come and go; But he is always gentle and considerate to her, showing initiative, courage and politeness.

Although this stark contrast made Carina Lau feel gratified, it couldn't help but make her think: Is it precisely because Zeng Huaqian is Tony Leung's first love that it triggers such strong emotional fluctuations? In fact, as Tony Leung's first girlfriend, Zeng Huaqian does occupy an important position in his heart, which no one can shake.

Although Carina Lau said that she didn't care, she always had a trace of complicated emotions for Zeng Huaqian in her heart. She may secretly envy Zeng Huaqian's youthful and innocent love with Tony Leung, and she also regrets the loss of this bosom friend.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

Even if she later married Tony Leung and spent 14 years together, Zeng Huaqian's existence is still like a thorn, deeply rooted in Carina Lau's heart. This thorn is sometimes hidden, sometimes painful, reminding Carina Lau of her lost friendship and complex emotional entanglements.

Carina Lau's inner struggle is palpable. On the one hand, she loves Tony Leung deeply and is grateful for his protection and support in difficult times; On the other hand, she couldn't completely let go of her sense of indebtedness to Zeng Huaqian.

This contradictory emotion has become an eternal entanglement in her heart. As time passed, the relationship between the three became more and more delicate. Tony Leung became the link between Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian, but it was also the fuse that tore apart their friendship.

Carina Lau struggles to maintain her marriage, but at the same time has to face Zeng Huaqian's estrangement and possible hostility. This complex triangular relationship is like a wonderful Hong Kong version of "Melrose Place", where love and hatred are intertwined, testing everyone's choices and emotions.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

For Carina Lau, even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in her heart that is difficult to remove, always reminding her of the inseparable past and the scars that can never heal.

In 2016, at the birthday party of her friend Wu Junru, Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian reunited after a long absence. To the surprise of the guests, the two walked into the venue hand in hand, as if the past suspicions had disappeared without a trace.

This scene can't help but remind people of their once inseparable girlfriend time, as if going back in time, everything is back to the beginning. However, this brief reconciliation became the fuse for countless suspicions and criticisms in the future.

People began to speculate about the true state of their relationship, questioning whether it was just a superficial rapprochement. This reunion not only did not resolve the estrangement between them, but instead cast more fog over their relationship.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the sunny spring of 2024. In a public occasion, people were surprised to find that Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian, who were once inseparable, are now strangers.

They couldn't even look at each other, and the once deep sisterhood seemed to never exist. The atmosphere between the two was unsettlingly cold, and the intimacy that had once existed was gone.

This scene can't help but make people sigh, and it also makes people have to think: What kind of heart knot can make two people who were once so close become so estranged? Have those happy times spent together, those warm memories of supporting each other, really been completely erased by time? For Carina Lau, even though she has entered the marriage hall with Tony Leung and spent many years of happy time together, Zeng Huaqian's existence is still an indelible trace in her heart.

This trace, sometimes hidden, sometimes emerging, has become an eternal regret and miss in her life. Looking back on this story spanning 40 years, people can't help but sigh at the magic of the years.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

The conflicts and strife of the past may just be a compulsory lesson that life has given us, testing our attitude towards love and friendship. The emotional entanglement between Tony Leung, Carina Lau and Zeng Huaqian can be described as wonderful.

Former friends turned against each other because of a man; Although the first love died without a problem, it left a deep imprint; Beloved writes a deep love story with action.

This story teaches us that we should cherish the present moment and be kind to those around us. Only by learning to tolerate and understand can we truly let go of the conflicts of the past and live an ideal life.

Let us draw wisdom from this twists and turns, embrace every change in life with a tolerant attitude, cherish our friends and loved ones around us, be considerate of their shortcomings, and accept everything about each other.

Even if she is married to Tony Leung, Zeng Huaqian is still a thorn in Carina Lau's heart

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