
In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

author:Extraordinary wind chime iHk65

One day in early September 1985, Bo Yibo, as the executive deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee and in charge of daily work, was busy reviewing documents.

Later this month, the China Advisory Council will hold its fifth meeting, at which time an additional group of candidates will be selected for the Standing Committee and vice chairmen. At the same time, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Central Committee will also be convened to approve these new candidates.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

Bo Yibo is faced with many affairs, and he is naturally very busy.

At some point, the office door of the company suddenly opened, and a distinguished guest walked in. He was the highly respected General Wang Zhen, a founding general.

In everyday life, Bo Yibo must have felt very happy, because he and his old friends were not only old revolutionaries of that generation, but also close friends for a long time. Their deep friendship transcends ordinary camaraderie.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

At present, Bo Yibo is no longer eager to meet with Wang Zhen, because there are some inconsistencies between them.

They have different views, and it is interesting to note that these differences are not about who is right and who is wrong, but rather because they both believe that their own contribution is more important to the country. It's a peculiar and interesting view.

[Giants in each other's eyes]

Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo, they are both important figures in the founding of New China. They respect each other and see each other as role models to be emulated.

Since the founding of New China, the two have gradually begun to have frequent contact. They are the backbone of their respective departments, and although they occasionally cross paths in their work, most of the time they get to know each other by hearing each other's stories. Their relationship has deepened in the rumors, but they have always maintained a certain distance.

Bo Yibo has always been curious about Wang Zhen as a person, and he wants to know how Wang Zhen became famous during the Anti-Japanese War.

Through constant interactions, they gradually became more attractive to each other, and eventually became close friends who could confide in each other.

Wang Zhen is a very good individual, both in leading the army and in dedicating himself to his work, he has his own unique methods and skills. He did a great job.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

In 1956, Wang Zhen changed from a warrior on the battlefield to the head of the Ministry of Reclamation. This change in identity allows him to continue to shine in new fields.

General Wang is really a generalist, whether it is the battlefield or the farmland, he can deal with it easily. Beidacang, now known as the "black soil", is the outstanding contribution of General Wang Zhen. In short, Wang Zhen performed well in both war and farming. The reputation of Kitakura comes from his hard work.

At that time, Tohoku was once called Ota District, but it was not yet called "Kitakura" or "Great Northern Wilderness". As the name suggests, the land of Tohoku at that time was vast, but it was not fully exploited for agriculture. Therefore, despite its vast area, its agricultural value has not yet been fully recognized and utilized.

The central government accurately recognized the huge potential of Northeast China, so it decided to appoint Wang Zhen to undertake this important task. After in-depth thinking by the central authorities, they realized that the northeast has great plasticity. So, they decided to let Wang Zhen lead this important work. After careful consideration, the central government perceived the potential and plasticity of the Northeast, so it decisively decided to let Wang Zhen take over this important task. The government was keenly aware of the potential for transformation in the Northeast, and General Wang Zhen was tasked with this important task. The state saw the potential of the Northeast and felt that it was a huge opportunity, so they trustfully appointed General Wang Zhen to complete this challenging task.

As soon as Wang Zhen completed the construction of the Zhanli Railway, he immediately began to prepare for the next step. The first task is to carry out land reclamation, which naturally requires a lot of human resources. Therefore, he immediately began to arrange manpower and began the intense work of clearing the wasteland.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

So, Wang Zhen remembered the soldiers who had participated in the construction of the Zhanli Railway together, weren't they excellent assistants? With the approval of the central government, Wang Zhen led 100,000 veterans to the northeast region. With their unbreakable determination and perseverance, they have succeeded in bringing this land to life. These veterans are not afraid of difficulties and have proved their strength and worth with practical actions.

The importance of Northeast China to mainland agriculture is self-evident, and Wang Zhen's contribution is indispensable, making important contributions to agricultural development. Wang Zhen's efforts have made Northeast China a key part of the mainland's agriculture and made indelible contributions to the mainland's food security and agricultural production. At present, the status and role of agriculture in Northeast China are constantly increasing. In general, Wang Zhen has made outstanding contributions to the development of agriculture in Northeast China, and the importance and value of this region are self-evident. An important part of the mainland's agriculture is now the Northeast.

Compared with Wang Zhen, Bo Yibo focuses more on the research and application of words in his main direction. His writing work is more prominent, with unique insights and in-depth analysis.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Bo Yibo devoted a lot of time to collecting materials related to the history of the Party. He used his early experience to systematically organize and compile these materials, and finally compiled them into a book.

The books written by Bo Yibo have guided the party in the correct direction, which has always been his original intention and mission. The publication of these works has played a vital role in the party's adherence to the correct line.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo both deeply admired Chairman Mao, and they regarded Chairman Mao as a role model in their hearts. Therefore, they are very eager to pass on the correct principles of the Party and ensure that its spirit is maintained.

In Wang Zhen's view, Bo Yibo's contribution is not at the same level as his spirit of silent cultivation, but they are extremely admirable. This contribution cannot be compared to others.

Wang Zhen's ranking unexpectedly appeared at the top of the list of deputy directors of the Central Advisory Committee, surpassing Bo Yibo, which surprised him and disagreed.

He went to Bo Yibo's office and told him his opinion on the matter.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

"Obviously, you should have lined up before me, and now this order is really out of order. Let's adjust the order. ”

Bo Yibo firmly disagreed, and he tried to persuade Wang Zhen with various arguments. However, Wang Zhen's determination is strong, and he has repeatedly stressed the need for change. The conversation between the two was quite intense, each with its own insistence, and neither could convince anyone.

These two old friends are very special, unlike ordinary people, they will not fight to the death, but will humbly let each other become the first. They get along very well.

In the predicament, Bo Yibo quoted his status as executive deputy director, and he said firmly: "As a standing officer, I have the right to decide and stick to my choice, so I decided." Such an expression is direct and clear, without superfluous embellishment, but it clearly conveys his attitude and power.

After verification, in the end, Bo Yibo vetoed Wang Zhen's proposal with the right of "one veto". In this case, after Wang Zhen's proposal was made, it was ultimately not adopted because Bo Yibo's one-vote veto played a decisive role. In short, Bo Yibo exercised the power of "one-vote veto", which led to the rejection of Wang Zhen's proposal.

Bo Yibo made Wang Zhen shake his head and sigh, but despite this, he was still helpless, and finally had no choice but to leave the office.

[Bosom friends are hard to find]

The hiccups have passed, but in the final analysis, it's because they have a strong sense of identity with each other.

In life, it is not easy to meet a confidant who is so compatible with you. In fact, in the long journey of life, it is very rare to meet a person who has a connection with one's heart. Everyone lives in this world, and it is rare to meet a friend who is in the same rhythm as themselves. In people's lives, it is not easy to find a confidant who has the same mind and resonates at the same frequency. It is not easy to find a confidant who truly understands himself and resonates with himself, which requires fate and time.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

At a young age, Bo Yibo read a lot of various books, so his awakening was earlier than his peers. At the age of 17, he made the decision to join the Chinese Communist Party.

Xiao Wang's family is not wealthy and has no financial conditions for him to go to school. But he saw a lot from daily life, and deeply felt the decay and backwardness of the society at that time. Although he did not read and study, he relied on his keen observation and perception to experience the pain and predicament of that era. The corruption and backwardness of this era left a deep impression on his heart, and although he was not educated, his experience and insight gave him his own unique understanding and feelings. In general, Wang Zhen's growth environment and background of the times have given him a deep understanding of this society. Even with no formal education, he was able to observe and perceive the flaws of the times.

During this period, Wang Zhen found the light of hope in his heart, that is, the emergence of the Communist Party. Therefore, in 1927, he decided to join the Communist Party. In short, Wang Zhen believed that the Communist Party was his savior, so he joined the party without hesitation that year. This decision also made a major change in the trajectory of his life.

The idol that Bo Yibo admires the most is Chairman Mao, who firmly believes that Chairman Mao is the guide of his life and plays a pivotal role. It was under the guidance of Chairman Mao that he went all the way and finally reached his current achievements. Every step of his growth is inseparable from the encouragement and guidance given by Chairman Mao's back.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

Bo Yibo's words and deeds of Chairman Mao, no matter how much time has passed, still remembers it vividly.

Wang Zhen was such a staunch person, who resolutely obeyed the party's command, always stood on the front line of the battle, and made outstanding contributions. His heroic deeds and unremitting efforts have made him one of the important figures of the Chinese Communist Party.

From today's point of view, the move of reform and opening up is an extremely correct decision. But at the time, no one could have predicted what the outcome would be, so its implementation required great courage and determination.

Among the many veteran revolutionaries, Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo resolutely supported and actively promoted reform and opening up. They are convinced that reform and opening up is the correct path. Their attitudes and beliefs have never wavered.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

During that period, they often discussed their work experience in chatting, and every exchange was very pleasant. Whenever the two get together, they will always talk freely, and the atmosphere is as warm as a spring breeze. Every conversation between them is full of enthusiasm and sincerity, whether it is sharing work experience or listening to each other's insights, they can feel each other's tacit understanding and support. Every time we get together, it is a heart-to-heart exchange and collision, which makes people feel very happy and satisfied.

In order to have a more comprehensive grasp of the situation in various cities in China, General Wang specially went to Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other cities to conduct field investigations.

After inspecting the situation of these cities on the spot, Wang Zhen had many new thoughts and insights. He presented these reflections in the form of a written report and submitted them to the higher authorities.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

After perusing Wang Zhen's detailed report, Bo Yibo was deeply shocked, and his respect for Wang Zhen was added. After reading Wang Zhen's report, Bo Yibo felt deeply, and his admiration for Wang Zhen became even stronger. For Wang Zhen's informative report, Bo Yibo was very touched after reading it, and his respect for Wang Zhen is increasing day by day. After listening to Wang Zhen's report, Bo Yibo felt very inspired, and Wang Zhen's professionalism and strength once again won his admiration. After reading the detailed information report, Bo Yibo admired Wang Zhen even more, because it showed his in-depth understanding and strength.

At the meeting, Bo Yibo could not hide the enthusiasm in his heart, and immediately picked up the pen and wrote a letter full of praise. In the letter, he expressed his appreciation for the report.

After reading the report, Bo Yibo got to know Wang Zhen better, and he realized that Wang Zhen was a creative person who dared to try new things. For those who are older, this challenge-daring, eclectic trait is very rare and appreciated.

Although Wang Zhen is strong, he also has moments of challenge.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

In 1965, when Wang Zhen, the former minister of agriculture and reclamation, inspected the work in Yunnan, he encountered a difficult problem that needed to be solved urgently. He stayed up all night, meditating, but never found a solution. He is deeply troubled because this issue is related to the development of local agriculture and people's livelihood. Despite his best efforts, he still did not find a satisfactory answer. He was anxious, but he persevered in finding a solution. At that time, Minister Wang Zhen struggled with this problem every day, but finally succeeded in finding an effective solution. Although the process was arduous, his efforts ultimately brought about a positive change in the development of local agriculture and the lives of farmers.

For the current situation, Bo Yibo is deeply troubled and depressed. So, he decided to patiently discuss and sort out the problem with Wang Zhen, hoping to guide Wang Zhen back on the right track with sincere words. In the dialogue between the two, he expressed his analysis and opinions seriously and affectionately.

In the end, Wang Zhen regained his self-confidence and no longer flinched in the face of problems, but bravely met the challenges. Although the problem is still complicated, he has the courage to overcome the difficulties.

[A life of dedication to the country]

As a senior party member, Wang Zhen has made great contributions to the country in his life, and his dedication and efforts are beyond doubt. The state has given him the honor of deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee, and his status and achievements are fully in line with this title. To put it simply, his reputation is well deserved.

Wang Zhen has always been a very pragmatic person. He always pays attention to practical actions and does not be an empty talker.

The troops led by Wang Zhen were known for their bravery and strong combat effectiveness, and the name Wang Zhen had a huge influence on the battlefield, making the enemy army fear both him and his troops. The army led by General Wang Zhen was known for its bravery, and their heroic deeds were widely praised on the battlefield, so that the enemy did not dare to challenge easily. The army led by Wang Zhen was very brave, and his name resounded in the sky on the battlefield, making the enemy army feel awe-inspiring and had to retreat. In short, Wang Zhen and his army were brave and fearless warriors, and they showed great combat effectiveness on the battlefield, causing the enemy to flee in despair.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

In 1949, as the liberation of the motherland gradually approached victory, the Xinjiang issue gradually became prominent and became a troublesome problem.

General Wang accepted this important task without hesitation, and immediately led his army to the west to begin the reconquest of Xinjiang. In September of the same year, he successfully completed the liberation of the Northwest, once again showing outstanding achievements.

I expected that General Wang Zhen would return to the capital after the liberation of the northwest, and perhaps take on an important role in the central government. However, the fact is that he received an order from the organization and chose to stay in Xinjiang to carry out local construction work. The original plan was for General Wang Zhen to return to the capital Beijing after the liberation of the northwest and assume a leading role in guiding the overall situation. But unexpectedly, he accepted the task of the organization and decided to stay in Xinjiang and contribute to the development and construction of this land. The original plan was for General Wang Zhen to return to Beijing after the siege was lifted in the northwest, but in the end he stayed in Xinjiang and carried out the organization's decision to devote himself to local construction work. Originally, Wang Zhen was expected to return to work in the capital after the liberation, but in the end he chose to stay in Xinjiang to carry out construction tasks. It was beyond my expectations, but his decision shows his selfless dedication to the country and its people. It was thought that Wang Zhen would return to Beijing, but he was arranged to stay in Xinjiang to engage in construction. This change made me admire him even more.

Wang Zhen is full of enthusiasm, hard work, dedication and hard work, determined to create a rich and livable Xinjiang, making it a paradise that people yearn for.

He traveled to every corner of Xinjiang, taking advantage of Xinjiang's unique geographical location and abundant resources, on the one hand, he built a powerful army to protect the local residents from bandits; On the other hand, he organized the local people to grow crops suitable for growth, such as sugar beet and cotton, which achieved a significant increase in economic efficiency. His comprehensive and effective actions have made great contributions to Xinjiang's development and prosperity.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

Xinjiang has prospered and developed, and Wang Zhen's talent in the field of agriculture has been fully displayed. Thanks to his remarkable achievements in Nanniwan, in May 1956, he was appointed head of the Ministry of Reclamation. This appointment further enhances his contribution and influence in the field of agronomy.

[Touching comradeship]

On March 12, 1993, Wang Zhen passed away peacefully in his hospital bed. He walked so peacefully, as if he had returned to the beginning of his life. Since then, we have lost his existence, but his spirit remains in our hearts forever.

His life is wonderful, and if there is any regret, it is that he feels that he has not fully realized his dream of paying for the country. Simplified version: He lived his life very full, but if there is any regret, it is that he feels that he has not contributed more to the country.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

Bo Yibo was deeply saddened when he learned the news of Wang Zhen's death, and he once sighed: "It's a pity that Wang Lao shouldn't have left us. If he were still alive, there would certainly be a lot of work to be done. This sentence revealed his deep regret for Wang Zhen. He was very sad about Wang Zhen's death and said, "Hey, it's a pity, Wang Lao shouldn't have left us so early. If he's still around, there's a lot more for the two of us to do. The grief is palpable. In short, Bo Yibo was very sad about Wang Zhen's death and expressed regret many times. He believes that if Wang Zhen is still alive, they will definitely be able to accomplish many important things together.

However, there is always a time limit in life, and when Wang Zhen passed away, Bo Yibo's life was less joyful. He often recalls the brief time of comfort in their later years. Life is too short to enjoy your time. Now that he has lost his partner who spent happy years together, Bo Yibo's life has become much duller.

During that period, Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo, two elderly people, spent their time in a nursing home in Beidaihe. They care about each other, so they often meet in the nursing home to enjoy the brief quiet time of the afternoon.

Considering the relative fragility of the elderly, they can pose a serious threat to us young people with even minor injuries that may even be fatal.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

One day in August 1990, Wang Zhen went to visit Bo Yibo with joy, but unfortunately, he accidentally fell on the road. After being rushed to the hospital, he was diagnosed and found to have a broken bone.

Bo Bo was very anxious when he heard the news, and immediately quickened his pace and rushed to the hospital.

Fortunately, Wang's injuries are not serious, but he still needs to be treated at a hospital in Beijing to facilitate his recovery. This also meant that the two old men had to be separated temporarily.

Wang Zhen's fracture was not particularly serious, but it took nearly three months of rehabilitation to fully recover. After three months of active recuperation, he gradually improved. To put it simply, his fracture was not a particularly serious injury and needed time to recuperate, and he eventually recovered after more than three months of rehabilitation.

Time is indeed merciless, and heroes cannot resist aging.

Mr. Wang originally thought that recovery and discharge from the hospital would mean that everything was back to normal, but he did not expect to fall ill again soon after. After this hospitalization, he never came out of the hospital again. The condition seems to be much more serious than expected.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

After September 1992, Wang Zhen's physical condition was positively evaluated by doctors and his condition improved. So, the doctor agreed to visit his family. After hearing the news, Bo Yibo quickly rushed to the hospital and met Wang Zhen for the last time. This meeting became a cherished memory for a lifetime.

Before his death, Wang Lao specially instructed everyone to do something important, he hoped that after his death, his cornea could be donated to those in need. He felt that this would help others, and it was also part of his heart.

Wang Lao hopes that after his death, his ashes will be scattered on the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. He has a deep sustenance and expectation for this.

Until the end of his life, Wang Zhen still worked tirelessly to sacrifice everything for the country and the people, and his persistence and dedication deeply touched us.

In 85, the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee was co-opted, Wang Zhen opposed the first ranking, Bo Yibo: I am the standing officer, and it is decided

No matter how many times he has been repeated, he has always been the first choice for the deputy director of the Central Advisory Committee, and his qualifications and status are indisputable.

Despite feeling sad, Bo Yibo understands that he needs to value his life, take active action, and do something meaningful. In this way, he will not live up to Chairman Mao's importance to him back then. Short and direct, it retains the original meaning while also reducing repetition with the original text.

On January 15, 2007, the 98-year-old Bo Yibo predecessor passed away. We deeply mourn his passing.

These two very affectionate good friends have always adhered to their beliefs and ideals for a long time, and this persistence is deeply admired. Their friendship is deep, they support each other, and they pursue their dreams and beliefs together, which is very admirable. They have worked hard all their lives to realize their ideals, which is worthy of our learning and respect. Their loyalty and perseverance are admirable, and this unwavering belief and courage to pursue ideals are spiritual qualities worthy of our learning. Their experiences inspire us to keep moving forward and pursue our ideals and beliefs.

References: For some information: Please refer to the relevant materials for more information.

Xinhua News Agency report: "Wang Zhen" biography.

"People's Daily's website: Wang Zhen recalls that his life's achievements are like "revolutionary heroes and construction pioneers" who shoulder heavy burdens

"The Friendship and Interaction between Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo (with photos)" - The Chinese Communist Party News Network reported that Wang Zhen and Bo Yibo, two important figures in history, have deep exchanges and friendship between them. According to a report by the Chinese Communist Party's news network, their stories were documented in detail with relevant pictures. The friendship and interaction between the two revolutionaries of the older generation not only witnessed the historical changes in China, but also reflected their firm faith and selfless dedication. Through these pictures and reports, we can understand their deeds and stories more intuitively.

This article mainly introduces the content of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee.

China News Report: The life and deeds of Comrade Bo Yibo, he has experienced countless battles, lived a wonderful life, and is full of glory. His life was full of struggle and dedication, and he was a hero worthy of our admiration and learning.