
Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

author:Xiao Yang, who loves to drink Coke


Walking is one of the simplest and easiest forms of exercise.

From one place to another, from home to work, and from work to home, walking has become a part of our lives.

Walking a certain distance not only does not make the body tired, but also makes the body healthier, and it can make people live longer.

But obviously, the distance you can walk is also limited, so what exactly should be the number of steps you can walk?

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

The benefits of walking, the link between walking and longevity.

When people walk, they can not only prolong their life, but also improve their health, so some people have such a saying that as long as there is no special reason, people who do not want to exercise are not good people.

1. Reduce the risk of death.

A study has shown that if a person does not exercise enough, then, his risk of death increases significantly.

Another study showed that walking 5.6 kilometers a day reduced the risk of death by 10 percent.

If the distance he walked was increased to 12 kilometers, his risk of death would be reduced by 23 percent.

2. Improve heart health.

Walking also improves heart health, with one study showing that walking 8,000 steps a day can improve a person's heart health.

Another study also showed that walking can make people's hearts healthier, with every 1,000 steps taken increasing the heart health index by 1 percentage point.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

3. Regulate blood sugar.

Walking also regulates a person's blood sugar levels, and one study showed that if a person does not exercise too much, then his blood sugar levels will be high.

Especially for those middle-aged and elderly people, after their blood sugar levels become too high, they are prone to type 2 diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases, but as long as they walk more, then they can effectively regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of disease.

4. Prevent cancer.

Walking also protects against cancer, and one study showed that if a person is too physically active, then his risk of cancer increases dramatically.

But another study showed that if a person walked for 2 hours a day, then his risk of cancer was reduced by 40%.

Therefore, there are still many benefits of walking, but obviously, the more people exercise, the better, so what is the appropriate amount of exercise?

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

Is the more the merrier?

The relationship between the number of steps you walk and your health is not simply "the more the merrier", so how many steps is the most appropriate?

1. Is the more merrier?

According to the World Health Organization, every adult should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day, of which walking is one of the easiest forms of physical activity.

WHO's recommendation is to walk 8,000-10,000 steps a day.

However, this standard is not applicable to all people, especially the elderly, if they take too many steps, then, it will cause some harm to the body.

If they take too many steps, it will put a certain amount of pressure on the joints, and for a long time, it will also cause them to suffer from diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Therefore, for the elderly, the appropriate number of steps is 6000-8000 steps.

However, this standard does not apply to all people, because everyone's physical condition is different, so how can you know if your step count is appropriate?

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

2. How to judge whether the number of steps is appropriate?

There are many kinds of smart bracelets on the market now, as long as you wear them, you can help people count their exercise steps.

With this kind of bracelet, people can easily know whether their exercise steps meet the health standards.

However, there are also some people who believe that it is enough to "do what you can".

For example, when taking the bus or subway, you can choose a place farther away from the place where you get off, so that you can also increase the amount of exercise.

In addition, many people like to take the elevator when shopping, but we can choose to climb the stairs so that we can walk more.

Of course, there are also those who choose to buy a treadmill at home, so that they can walk at home and keep track of their exercise at any time.

3. The speed of walking is related to the life span.

The number of steps you take is important, but the speed of walking is also very important, and studies have shown that people who walk fast may live up to 15-20 years longer than those who walk slowly.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

And there is a study that shows that for every kilometer he walks, which is equivalent to every minute of time, his risk of death is reduced by 12%.

Therefore, the speed of walking is also very important, so how can you increase the speed of walking?

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

Correct walking posture.

Only when you walk at the right number of steps and at the right speed can you maximize the health benefits of walking.

But in order to walk with the right number of steps and at the right speed, you need to have the right walking posture.

1. Heel to the ground.

Some people like to land on their toes when walking, which not only stiffens the muscles in the feet, but also increases the pressure on the legs.

Therefore, when walking, be sure to let your heels hit the ground, so that the muscles of the feet can be exercised without increasing the pressure on the legs.

2. Keep your body straight.

Some people like to keep their heads down when walking, and even bend their backs, which will make the cervical and lumbar spine bad.

Therefore, when walking, you must keep your body straight, so that you can protect the cervical and lumbar spine.

3. Swing your arms.

When walking, you must let your arms swing naturally, not to hold your mobile phone, and not to swing too much, which will not only make your arms sore, but also increase the energy consumption of your body.

4. Moderate acceleration pace.

Some people walk with too small steps, which not only wastes physical strength, but also fails to raise their heart rate.

Increasing your heart rate is the most important part of getting your body workout, so be sure to accelerate your pace appropriately to increase your heart rate.

5. Choose shoes reasonably.

A good pair of shoes can not only make people walk more comfortably, but also reduce the probability of injury.

However, when choosing shoes, some people focus too much on style and ignore comfort.

Therefore, when choosing shoes, you must choose those shoes with good breathability, so that the sweat of the feet can be discharged in time.

Moreover, when choosing shoes, be sure to choose shoes that fit well, and never choose shoes that are too tight or too wide.

6. Reasonable warm-up.

Before doing walking exercises, it is important to warm up so that your muscles can be fully stretched and the probability of injury can be reduced.

Generally speaking, the warm-up time takes about 5-10 minutes.

Therefore, only the correct walking posture can make our walking steps and speed reach the best state, so as to become healthier for the body.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

The number of steps is reduced, otherwise it will become "hurtful".

Those who love to walk are likely to become "hurt" by walking too much.

But this does not mean that as long as you don't walk, you won't become "hurt", in fact, there are many such examples around.

1. 22,000 steps, so that the body becomes "injured".

There is a female guest who once participated in "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", she once showed off her beautiful legs in the show, and she also practiced a pair of beautiful legs by walking.

In an interview, she said that she walked about 22,000 steps a day, but gradually, she found that she felt tired every day, and she also felt dizzy.

Feeling that her risk of death was increasing, she went to the hospital for a check-up, but the results showed that she did not suffer from the disease, but was exhausted by walking too much every day.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

2. Walking a lot every day, constipation is no longer there.

Another girl, who had been troubled by constipation for a long time, but by walking, she solved the problem.

Because she walks a lot every day, she has found an easy way to deal with constipation, which is to walk more.

Walking every day is not only to reduce the chance of constipation, but also to improve the amount of exercise she has, however, her exercise is a bit large.

She had vowed to walk at least 17,000 steps a day, and although her body was getting better, she found herself feeling tired every day and experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar.

Later, she went to the hospital for an examination and found that her body had a certain burden, but fortunately, she adjusted her step count in time and stopped walking so much, so that her body was effectively protected.

3. Excessive exercise can make people "vulnerable".

There is another person, when he was in college, he liked fitness, although his body is getting better and better, but he is becoming more and more "fragile".

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

Because he had to exercise twice a day, going to the gym in the morning and going to the playground in the evening, and the exercise time was very long, which caused his body to have the problem of overfatigue.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

Later, his health became bad, not only did he lose his muscle lines, but he also became more and more "fragile", and even small fights would hurt him.

However, instead of realizing the problem, he asked his body to do more exercise.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

4. Too fat, too thin, all hurt.

In the pursuit of health, some people would rather walk more than go to the exercise room for exercise.

However, blindly pursuing more walking still has a certain amount of harm to the body.

Some people pursue speed when walking, but this will make their heart rate too fast and increase the burden on their heart.

Some people only value the number of steps, as long as they can meet the standard, they can rest assured, but this will cause some damage to the joints.

There are also some people, as long as they don't walk for a day, they will feel uncomfortable all over, and even feel that their heart is not good.

They will only feel at ease if they maintain a certain amount of exercise every day.

And these people often make their bodies "fragile" because of the pursuit of too much exercise.

Therefore, whether it is too fat or too thin, it will bring some damage to the body.

Appropriate amount of exercise.

So, what kind of exercise is the most appropriate?

According to previous research, walking 8,000-10,000 steps a day is the most suitable for most people, but this does not mean that everyone has to meet this standard.

Because everyone's physical condition is different, the appropriate amount of exercise will also be different.

Therefore, only according to your physical condition and doing what you can can make your body healthier.

Healthier to walk? The relationship between walking and life expectancy, after the age of 60, the number of steps should be just right

In addition to walking, what other exercises are appropriate?

Walking can make one's body healthier, but