
Poetry can make people flow through the ages, and it can also make people die in the sea!

author:Lack of desire for good
Poetry can make people flow through the ages, and it can also make people die in the sea!

Wang Bo

When it comes to the poets of the Tang Dynasty, I have to mention Wang Bo, the first of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" in the Tang Dynasty poetry circle. His poems are magnificent and very picturesque. Such as "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou"

The city is supplemented by three Qin, and the wind and smoke look at Wujin.

Parting with the king, the same is a eunuch.

There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor.

Inaction is on the wrong path, and the children are stained with scarves.

Wang Bo became famous as a young man, he could write poetry at the age of seven, and he wrote books and speeches at the age of 14, he can be called a genius boy, a child of the family next door. was also born as the son of an official eunuch, so he could have had a smooth ride and a bright future.

The emperor saw that he was talented, so he sent him to the British palace to assist the emperor's favorite British king, if everything goes well, when the British king succeeds to the throne, he will have a bright future as the prince's teacher. It's a pity because of a chicken!

Poetry can make people flow through the ages, and it can also make people die in the sea!


The King of England likes cockfighting, and once, Wang Bo was excited for a while, so he wrote an essay "The Chicken of the King of England", which was originally a game, but unfortunately after the emperor knew, the Yellow Emperor was furious, thinking that he had instigated the King of England to lose his mind, so he demoted him out of the palace.

It's a pity that Wang Bo didn't learn a lesson, he still went his own way in the officialdom, and offended people, not only was he dismissed, but also his father was demoted to the distant Jiaozhi (now Vietnam), and he was appointed to Jiaozhi, which was the incident that determined the fate of Wang Bo's life.

Poetry can make people flow through the ages, and it can also make people die in the sea!

Tengwang Pavilion

One year, Wang Bo missed his father and decided to visit him in Jiaozhi, passing through what is now Nanchang. At that time, the officials in Nanchang were rebuilding the Tengwang Pavilion, and when they heard that the talented Wang Bo was coming, they invited him to participate in the celebration and invited him to write an article for the event. This is the famous "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng".

The preface of King Teng's Pavilion is a strange text that has been passed down through the ages, and it is naturally full of pearls and jade. Many of these sentences have been quoted by literati and writers throughout the ages. "Wuhua Tianbao, the ruins of the dragon light shooting bullfight. Outstanding people, Xu Ru under Chen Fan's couch", "Luoxia and lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky." "Whoever is sad and lost, when they meet in Pingshui, they are all guests from other places". Reading it, it makes people feel as if they are on top of King Teng's Pavilion, and they have the mind to swallow mountains and rivers.

After Wang Bo participated in the event, he left to visit his father in Jiaozhi. I didn't expect this trip to become a desperate trip. Because the ship capsized in the wind and waves, Wang Bo, who was only 27 years old, died in the South China Sea, which is really the tragedy of the Tang Dynasty poetry and the Chinese literary world, and a superstar suddenly fell.