
Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

author:Shu Jun 谈


Destroyers are the backbone of the Navy. The tonnage, firepower, electronic equipment, and information level of a destroyer often become an important indicator of a country's naval strength. Destroyers are well-known "all-round fighters" who are proficient in air defense, anti-submarine, sea attack, reconnaissance, and support, so it is natural for destroyers to become the "guards with knives" of the fleet and assume the escort security of the fleet. Because of its powerful electronic equipment and information system, destroyers usually play the role of flagships in ship formations or aircraft carrier formations, undertaking the command and coordination tasks of the entire formation.

The world's most famous destroyers include the beautiful Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and the Zumwal-class destroyers, the Panda's Type 052D and Type 055 destroyers, the Kongo-class destroyers and Maya-class destroyers of the small book, the Horizon-class destroyers jointly developed by the Gallic Rooster and the Noodle Country, and the King Sejong-class destroyers of the Kimchi Country. These destroyers all represent the highest level of technology in their respective navies, and all of them are famous.

Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

Who leads the way with the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

Today, we are going to talk about the big and beautiful special destroyer "Zumwal" and the Panda's 055 big drive, because these two destroyers are recognized as the strongest destroyers in the world, so who is stronger? Let's compare them one by one.

Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

Size and stamina: "Zumwal" has a slight edge

The "Zumwal" special class destroyer has a full displacement of about 14,000 tons, and its endurance is unknown; The 055 large drive has a full load displacement of 12,500 tons and a cruising capacity of about 13,000 kilometers. In terms of displacement, "Zumwall" is slightly better than the 055 drive.

Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

Stealth performance: "Zumwal" beats the 055 drive

The "Zumwal" special class destroyer has excellent stealth performance, and it is reported that the probability of "Zumwal" being detected by radar is even lower than that of a small fishing boat. The 055 drive adopts the stealth design of the whole ship, and also has a certain stealth performance, showing only a 3,000-ton small ship on the enemy's radar screen. Obviously, in terms of stealth performance, "Zumwall" is completely superior to the 055 drive.

Firepower and weapons: The two sides are evenly matched

"Zumwal" special class destroyer: equipped with two 155 mm naval guns, with 80 launchers, can launch "Sea Sparrow" missiles, "Tomahawk" cruise missiles, "Standard 2" missiles and anti-submarine rockets; There are 2 helicopter hangars that can be equipped with two modified SH-60R anti-submarine helicopters, or a combination of one MH-60R special operations helicopter and 3 RQ-8A "Fire Scout" UAVs.

Type 055 destroyer: The firepower and weapons system are very powerful. It is equipped with 1 new 45-ton 130-mm naval gun (H/PJ-45A) and an 11-barreled 30-mm naval gun anti-missile system (also known as 1130 close-in defense gun) of about 45 tons. It has 112 850 mm universal vertical silos, which can launch a variety of missiles including HHQ-9B long-range ship-to-air missiles, HQ-16 medium-range anti-aircraft missiles, HHQ-10 short-range ship-to-air missiles, YJ-18A, YJ21 ship-to-ship missiles and land-attack cruise missiles. It has a double hangar and can carry 2 Z-20 helicopters.

Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?

Production speed and quantity: 055 large drive crushing "Zumwal"

The "Zumwal" special class destroyer uses a lot of fantasy technology, costing up to $4.4 billion a ship, the first ship was officially commissioned on October 15, 2016, and only three ships are currently in service.

The lead ship of the Type 055 destroyer, the Nanchang (ship number 101), was commissioned on January 12, 2020, and so far, the Type 055 destroyer has been commissioned a total of 8 ships: Nanchang, Lhasa, Anshan, Wuxi, Dalian, Yan'an, Zunyi and Xianyang. In a short period of three years, Panda has successfully built and commissioned 8 Type 055 large drives, which is unprecedented in construction and service. The technology behind this is Panda's powerful shipbuilding industry capabilities.

Destroyer top competition: Who leads the way between the "Zumwal" super-class destroyer and the 055 big drive?


The sea is the territory of the great beauty, which has always been dominant, relying on its powerful and omnipresent navy. If the destroyer is strong, the navy is strong, and if the navy is strong, the country is strong. It is said that recently there are 2 more 055 big drives to enter the ranks, "the green mountains can't cover it, after all, it flows eastward." The Panda Navy's counterattack is just around the corner!