
"Happy Friends 2": Thick rice flying house tour, happy birthday Land Rover

author:Yu Feiyang

The theme of the fourth issue of "Happy Friends 2" is, Houmi Feiya Travelogue.

Qiao Xiaodao came as a guest, and helped the thick rice group turn waste into treasure in the last issue, and made Chen Chusheng's windmill, the revived chariot, and Zhang Yuan's tree hole.

The group went to the town to make powder, and Chen Chusheng suddenly wanted to build a flying house.

"Happy Friends 2": Thick rice flying house tour, happy birthday Land Rover

Qiao Xiaodao said that yes, what he can do is to turn his ideal into reality.

Just do it, Qiao Xiaodao and Chen Chusheng went back to Houmi's house to make a house, and Wang Zhengliang, Su Xing, Zhang Yuan, and Land Rover went to Changsha to buy balloons.

It coincided with Land Rover's birthday, and the atmosphere of the thick rice group together was too good.

The six bicycles that Yu Fan rode were paid for by Wang Lixin at the time, and he did something for his brothers.

Breakfast was paid by Zhang Yuan, he said, you all have to support your family, I am alone, it seems that the reason is good.

Land Rover said he wanted to buy himself a birthday cake, and he picked a bear-infested one because the cake featured six animals from Bear Ridge.

Huzi said that they are also six, so poking at the heart. How can Wang Zhengliang let Land Rover buy it himself? And he bore it.

The group went to buy balloons, and when they woke up, they said that usually at this time, it was time for him to appear, so he scanned the code wave after wave.

When you meet a shopping mall on the road, you can send blessings on the big screen, and Wang Zhengliang started to operate without hesitation.

"Happy Friends 2": Thick rice flying house tour, happy birthday Land Rover

They are different, they are like brothers, what kind of fairy friendship is this? It's so enviable.

The person who bought the balloon came back, Qiao Xiaodao got the structure of the house, and Chen Chusheng finished coloring the house.

Clumps of balloons were tied up, and the house slowly floated.

It's so good at playing, when everyone is flying kites, the thick rice ball actually puts the house into the sky.

What they put is a house, which is also innocence and dreams. They are a group of brave people who pursue their dreams.

When the busy work of the day is over, the thick rice balls gather around to eat dinner, cut cakes, and be with each other is the greatest joy.

"Happy Friends 2": Thick rice flying house tour, happy birthday Land Rover

On moonless nights, the brothers went to the rooftop to see the moon.

Su Xing said that he had a software, scanning the sky, and the corresponding constellations would appear, sweeping the moon for the Land Rover, which was too, but the imagination was very rich.

Wang Zhengliang gave full play to his expertise as a rotten terrier king, he said that he could let Land Rover see the moon up close immediately, which was the appearance of him and Wang Lixin, an oak, a bright, isn't it the moon? Sure enough, three years old.

The most wonderful thing was Zhang Yuan, who asked Land Rover to close his eyes, he quietly left, went to the room to carry a moon, and climbed onto the roof.

When Land Rover opened his eyes and looked over, he shouted excitedly, I like it, I like this, I'm going to use one for the concert.

Although this moon is really like a big baked cake, it can be seen with good intentions, and the sun and the moon can be seen.

Su Xing said that on the day Huzi was born, the same moon was the 19th birthday of the past, and today's 38th birthday. Next up is the 95th birthday.

The brothers counted, by that time, the youngest muslim was 91 years old, and the eldest brother Liang was 105 years old.

I hope that the thick rice balls will always be together, and I hope they will always be happy!

"Happy Friends 2": Thick rice flying house tour, happy birthday Land Rover

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